How to drink beer in one gulp - shot from a gun

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Chug Beer...FAST!!!- The Brew Captain
Video: How To Chug Beer...FAST!!!- The Brew Captain


1 Take the can horizontally, making sure it is aluminum. Unfortunately, a glass bottle will not work, only an aluminum can. Tilt the jar slightly so that the bottom is slightly higher than the top.
  • 2 Punch a hole in the side of the can, as close to the bottom as possible. Use a corkscrew, key, or any other metal object such as a knife - be careful when handling sharp objects (mandatory public announcement). Take the jar horizontally, slightly lifting the bottom - this way there will be a little air near the puncture site; this means that you can pierce the can, without dousing with beer.
    • Make sure the hole comes out with a sufficient size. The hole must be at least as large as a coin, otherwise your friends will start the second can while you still drink the first portion gracefully. Remember: when it comes to "shooting" - the faster, the more fun.
    • Just in case you don't get caught in the air cushion, we recommend you try it outdoors or somewhere where you can afford to spill some beer. Murphy's Laws dictate that if something can go wrong, it goes wrong - whether it's about beer or not.
    • Roll the sharp edges of the puncture site inward to avoid cutting your mouth or hands.
  • 3 Bring the opening to your mouth quickly to prevent the precious beer nectar from spilling out. After that, pull out the ring from above and let in the force of gravity.
  • 4 After returning the can to an upright position, quickly open the top ring. Once you do this, the beer will start pouring freely into your mouth through the hole in the bottom of the can.
    • Why is beer pouring down your throat when you open the top of the can? It's physics! Opening the can from above, you let in air from above. More air means more pressure, which pushes the drink into your welcoming stomach. Thus, the entire vacuum that was injected in the can is reduced.
    • Let the beer flow freely straight down your throat; the more you swallow and puff, the slower the beer will shoot, and the longer it will take.
  • 5 Drink as quickly as you can. The air from the top of the can will cause the beer to gush out at a very high speed. Be ready for this, and most importantly - enjoy the process!
  • Method 2 of 2: Method Two: Finger Shooting

    1. 1 Take an aluminum can of beer and place your thumb two centimeters above the bottom. 2.5-4 cm from the bottom - this is where you will punch a hole.
      • Use the thumb of your dominant hand for the best result; and imagine how he is pressed into the can, almost cuts the walls of the can, crushing them inside.
      • How long does the nail need to be in order for all this to work? There are nuances, but in any case, the nail should not be too long or too short. Too short - you will not be able to pierce the jar; too long - the nail will bend back when you try to punch the jar with it (and it really hurts). Try to keep your nail about a third of an inch long.
    2. 2 Place the jar at an angle, raising the bottom slightly so that the air bubbles collect just where your thumb is. Once again: horizontally, quite slightly at an angle. And even when you get to the place where the air has collected, the change in pressure inside the can will send you some beer spray. But there is no other way.
    3. 3 Start with a small dent, applying pressure gradually. Start pressing with the thumb of your dominant hand, make small dents, loosening the aluminum walls.
    4. 4 Gently push your finger back and forth, applying pressure until the can breaks. It will take a little time for you to master this skill, but you should keep in mind the following things to avoid:
      • If you are having trouble getting a puncture in a particular place, do not be afraid to move your finger a little more to the left or right, higher or lower! Follow the same procedure. Sometimes it's just a matter of choosing a location.
      • When the aluminum yields, push your finger further into the can. If you yank your finger out sharply right after the can breaks, you could cut yourself on the sharp aluminum edges. Not the best option.
      • It may take you a while to master the required Mind Power. You might get it right the first time, but more likely, it will take you days, weeks, or even months to master the art of the finger shot. Stay hungry during this period, like a lion hunting a gazelle. Your patience will be rewarded, my young shooters.
    5. 5 Press your mouth to the hole made, lift the can, open it from above. Drink as usual.
      • Take all precautions while performing this trick... Although all this is practically safe, nevertheless, in this case there is always the possibility of injury. If you feel insecure, or have already drunk a lot, remember that finger shooting can end in disaster for you.


    • Before punching the hole, see where the ring is. Place the can in such a position that it will be convenient for you to open it from above during the "shooting" process.
    • Make sure the hole is large enough. A hole the size of a medium dime works best. If the hole is too small, your friends will start with the second portions, while you will still be fiddling with the first.
    • You will be very smart if you do everything outside or over the sink. You don't want to ruin someone's carpet.
    • Do not throw aluminum cans anywhere - put them in a recycling bin.


    • The "shot" can harm the gas in the beer and cause stomach pain. Besides, some of it can be vomited, so be careful.
    • Be careful when bringing your mouth to the opening of the can. It can be sharp and cut you if you don't pay enough attention.
    • Drinking beer this way can be extremely dangerous! The beer is pushed under great pressure right down your throat, and if you don't swallow it fast enough, it can enter your lungs - you can choke or even die (this is called "dry drowning"). NEVER do this alone.
    • Because the beer is drunk faster, you will get drunk earlier than usual. Use with the consequences in mind.
    • Do not use a knife if there is something to replace it. Best of all is the key.