How to remove warts

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Home treatment for warts
Video: Home treatment for warts


Warts on the feet are caused by the highly contagious HPV virus. They are most often located on the pads of the feet, they can be painful when walking, or they may not interfere. If you look closely, you can see several small black dots in the center of the wart, which are caused by bleeding from the pressure when walking and standing.Warts can be quite difficult to get rid of, but there are several ways you can try. See step 1 below to find out more.


Method 1 of 3: Removing warts at home

  1. 1 Use salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps burn off warts. It is available in the pharmacy as a cream, ointment, gel, or as a special medicated patch. It is usually the main ingredient in OTC medications.
    • Before applying salicylic acid, use a nail file or pumice stone to scrape off any dead skin on the outside of the wart. Do not share this file or pumice stone with anyone else, as warts are contagious.
    • Soak the leg with the wart in warm water for five minutes. This will soften the skin and enhance the effect of the salicylic acid.
    • Dry your skin and apply salicylic acid directly to the wart. Since acid burns off good and bad skin cells, it is worth taking a little petroleum jelly to protect the surrounding skin.
    • Repeat this process once a day - gradually the wart will be completely burned or worn away. This usually takes about three months.
  2. 2 Try an adhesive plaster. Some people talk about the successful removal of warts with an adhesive plaster. A piece of adhesive tape is glued tightly over the wart and left on for six days.
    • If the adhesive falls off during this time, a fresh piece of the adhesive must be glued on immediately. After six days, the adhesive should be removed and the wart should be soaked in warm water for 5 minutes.
    • Use a clean towel to dry your foot, then use a pumice stone or nail file to scrape off dead skin from the surface of the wart. Leave the wart uncovered overnight, then stick a fresh piece of adhesive tape in the morning.
    • Repeat this process every six days. If this method works, you should be able to remove the wart within 28 days.
  3. 3 Give the wart time. Most warts go away on their own after a year or two, so if the wart isn't causing any pain, you can wait for it to clear up naturally.
    • However, warts rarely clear up on their own in people with weakened immune systems (such as people with HIV), so it is recommended that they seek medical attention.

Method 2 of 3: Removing a wart at a doctor's appointment

  1. 1 The wart can be removed by freezing it. You can remove warts in your doctor's office using a procedure known as cryotherapy - using liquid nitrogen.
    • Liquid nitrogen is applied to the wart, destroying skin cells by freezing it. After the procedure, a blister forms, which then turns into a scab, and after a few days it will fall off, removing the wart.
    • For very large warts, the procedure may need to be repeated several times before the wart is completely removed.
    • Cryotherapy can be very painful and is therefore not recommended for young children.
  2. 2 Get a recipe for chemical treatment. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a chemical treatment in which corrosive substances are injected directly into the wart to destroy all cells.
    • Such substances include formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and podophyllin. These procedures should be performed once a day for three months.
    • Between injections, the wart also needs to be cleaned off with a file or pumice stone.
  3. 3 Cut off the wart. In some cases, the warts can be cut or removed by a podiatrist or pedicurist.
    • Even if you cannot completely remove the warts, it will help reduce them and make them less painful.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing the spread of warts

  1. 1 Cover pool warts. Warts are most commonly spread from person to person in the pool, so when you go swimming it's important to cover the wart with a waterproof adhesive tape.You can also buy special swimming socks from the pharmacy.
  2. 2 Don't share towels, socks, or shoes. Warts can be spread by exchanging towels, socks and shoes, so if you have warts, please do not share these items with other people.
  3. 3 Wear flip-flops in the public shower. Likewise in the pool, as warts can easily spread from person to person in the public mind. So it's a good idea to wear flip-flops when using a public shower.


  • Apply nail polish to the wart. There are some chemicals that can help remove warts. Surprisingly, banana gruel can help.
  • Tea tree oil will help remove it. Rub the area with the wart with a nail file and then apply tea tree oil with a cotton swab. Repeat every night before going to bed for several weeks - the wart should disappear. Look in stores for any new gels or other wart removal products.
  • If you freeze the warts, then there is a chance that they will disappear forever.
  • When you go swimming, put on flip-flops and wear special socks in the pool.