How to make a grilled London roast

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: London Broil on Grill | London Broil Recipe on Big Green Egg


What is a London Roast? In fact, the answer to this question is a mystery to many. London Roast is a way of cooking meat. Many culinary experts believe this dish did not come from London at all! What we know for sure is this: London Roast is a wonderful meat dish that, if cooked properly, will be mouth-watering, flavorful and nutritious. While there are many ways to cook London Roast, we chose the marinating and slow grilling method to give the dish a great look and flavor.


What you need for a London grill

  • About 1 kg of steak (for 6 servings)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive or canola oil

Balsamic marinade

  • 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 4 garlic cloves (chopped)
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons mustard
  • Red pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

Asian marinade

  • 3/4 cup soy sauce
  • 5 garlic cloves (chopped)
  • 3/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoon sesame oil

Marinade with tequila and jalapeno

  • 1 cup tequila
  • 1 jalapeno pepper (chopped)
  • 1 cup teriyaki sauce
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/4 sesame oil
  • 1/4 Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare Meat

  1. 1 Buy quality meat. This is a prerequisite! If you use quality meat for cooking, the result should please you. Of course, good chefs and professionals in their field can make an excellent tasty London roast even from meat of dubious quality, but still do not risk it and choose a good piece of meat.
    • Of the imported brands, the most common brands are "Prime" and "Select". "Prime" - good quality beef, but the price is appropriate.
    • Please note that some butchers are cunning and pass off one piece of beef for another. You need a flank steak - meat obtained from the breast of a bull (flank).
  2. 2 Now you need to soften the meat. Because so many skip this step, the flap has acquired an unfair reputation for tough, tasteless meat, but if the meat is poorly cooked, it will. But there are several ways you can prepare meat for cooking. The easiest way is to place the meat on a clean cutting board and beat it with a special hammer, breaking down the tough muscle fibers of the meat and giving it a softer structure.
    • Do not use powdered hammers to beat meat or soften foods containing papaya or pineapple extracts. With such a hammer, you cannot evenly soften the meat, as a result, it will be soft on the outside, but will remain hard on the inside.
  3. 3 Marinate the meat. Hammering is not the only way to make meat more tender. For example, you can “soak” meat in a marinade before cooking. This not only adds an incredible mouth-watering flavor to the marinade, but also softens the meat fibers.
    • The recipes for the marinade are listed above. To make the marinade, mix the ingredients according to one of the recipes, place the meat in a plastic bag, fill it with the marinade and seal the bag tightly. Then put the meat in this form in the refrigerator for several hours. Typically, the meat should be marinated for about half a day for the marinade to be absorbed properly.
    • To marinate the meat as quickly and better as possible, before putting it in a bag and pouring it with the marinade, take a sharp knife and make several X-shaped cuts on the surface of the meat, the cuts should be about 1 cm deep.
  4. 4 Heat up your grill. Remove the meat from the refrigerator and wait a little. Let the meat come to room temperature. While you wait, turn on the grill, select the medium setting. If you set it too hot, the meat will be very dry.
    • To make the meat tender, you need a medium setting. It's pretty easy to do this on a gas grill. It is more difficult to find the right mode if you have a barbecue. Then make a large pile of coals on one side of the grill and a small pile on the other.
    • If you have a charcoal grill, remember that the charcoal is not ready to use if it is already burnt.

Part 2 of 3: Cooking Meat

  1. 1 At room temperature, remove the meat from the marinade using a paper towel. Blot it so that the meat is more or less dry. Brush the wire rack with a little olive or canola oil, then gently lay the meat down. You should hear a hissing sound. If no sound is heard, the grill may not have warmed up yet. Do not cover the grill.
  2. 2 Turn the meat once while cooking. Resist the urge to flip it constantly! Otherwise, you will dry it out. The exact amount of time to cook each side of the meat depends on the grill setting as well as the thickness of the meat. Thicker pieces will need to be fried for a few minutes longer. Below are some general guidelines for how long to cook the meat on each side ':
    • For more or less cooked meat: 2 minutes for a 1.5 cm (0.5 inch) piece, 2-3 minutes for a 2 cm (3/4 inch) piece, 3-4 minutes for a 2.5 cm piece (1 inch).
    • For medium cooked: 3-4 minutes for a 1.5 cm bite, 4-5 minutes for a 2 cm piece, and 5-6 minutes for a 2.5 cm piece.
    • Best option: 5-6 minutes for 1.5 cm thick meat, 6-7 minutes for a 2 cm thick piece, 8-9 minutes for a 2.5 cm thick piece.
  3. 3 Can be brought to low heat. If you have a grate split into a hot section and a cooler section, as soon as the meat starts to look cooked, you can transfer it to the cooler section. Leave it there for a few minutes, cover the grill with a lid. Cooking meat for a longer period of time over low heat gives excellent results. That is why sometimes some cuts of beef (the toughest) are cooked over low heat almost all day!
  4. 4 If you haven't marinated the meat, you can sprinkle it with your favorite sauce. So if you haven't had time to marinate the meat, you still have a chance to give it that special flavor and aroma. Take a special grill brush, pour the sauce into a saucer and soak the brush in the sauce. Then apply the sauce well to the top of the meat, wait about 30 seconds for the sauce to absorb, then turn the meat over. Of course, if you haven't marinated the meat, you are unlikely to get a bouquet of aromas and flavors, but you can try it with barbecue sauce.
  5. 5 Once the meat is ready, it can be removed. You can tell by the brown color. Try to insert a fork into the thickest part of the meat - it should fit without difficulty. If you are still not sure if the meat is cooked, feel free to make a cut and see if there are any red raw parts inside.
    • Another way to check if the meat is done is to use a thermometer. The temperature in the thickest part of the meat should be around 57 degrees Celsius (about 135 degrees Fahrenheit) if the meat is more or less cooked. For the meat to be perfectly fried, the temperature must be 10 degrees higher. Too high temperatures can dry out the meat!

Part 3 of 3: Serve the meat to the table

  1. 1 Let the meat sit at room temperature for a while. Like most other cuts of meat, the flap does not become tender and flavorful immediately after it is removed from the grill, but after it has stood a little and cooled down. If you cut the meat right away, you will notice that all of its internal juices flow down to the plate. Thanks to these juices, the meat becomes tender and tasty, so wait for a while for them to be absorbed.
    • To allow the meat to absorb all the juices, place it on a clean plate under aluminum foil and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. The foil keeps the meat warm.
  2. 2 Chop the meat. The flap is made up of long, thin muscle fibers. They can be seen if you look closely at the small, faint lines that run the length of the meat. Serving meat immediately after grilling will make it difficult to chew. For the meat to be soft and tender, some of these fibers must break. For this reason, it is customary to cut meat with narrow diagonal cuts "against the grain", that is, against these strips.
  3. 3 Arrange the slices on a platter as desired. Divide the roast into several small portions each. On top, you can add salt and ground pepper to taste, you can use other seasonings:
    • Ready-made seasoning mixes
    • Rosemary, thyme, fried garlic
    • Chili powder
    • Paprika
    • Fried onion
  4. 4 Congratulations, the dish is ready! Now your London roast can be safely eaten. This dish is best served with grilled vegetables or served as a sandwich.


  • You can add oregano or other spices after the meat is cooked.
  • If you are not sure if the meat is ready, it is better to play it safe and keep it on the fire a little longer. After all, you can't spoil a good piece of meat!


  • Do not turn meat with a fork. Use tongs or a spatula to do this. Through a puncture in the meat, internal juices come out, and the meat is dry.