How to cook potatoes in the microwave

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Baked Potato in the Microwave (Super Easy)
Video: How to Make a Baked Potato in the Microwave (Super Easy)


Do you want to cook potatoes in the microwave? It couldn't be easier! You can bake whole potatoes, cubes, or even mashed potatoes in about 10 minutes. To get a truly delicious dish, choose varieties of potatoes with a high starch content (usually on the packaging of such a product it says "For cooking"). If you like unusual dishes, take the so-called sweet potato - yam for cooking. Stay in the microwave while the potatoes are in there, and check your food periodically to prevent overcooking.


Method 1 of 3: Bake whole potatoes

  1. 1 Select a potato tuber and wash it. High starch varieties such as Riviera or Bellarosa are best for microwave baking. If it is not possible to recognize the variety of potatoes, take the one where the package says "For cooking". Select a tuber weighing about 150 grams and wash thoroughly with a brush to remove dirt from the surface. You will bake the potatoes in their skins, so the tuber should be clean. Rinse the potatoes and pat dry.
    • If there are spots or bumps on the skin, cut them out with a kitchen knife.
  2. 2 Chop the potatoes. Take a fork and poke 4-5 holes on each side of the tuber. These holes are necessary to allow steam to escape freely from the tuber during cooking. If the tuber is not punctured, it can explode in the microwave. Place the potatoes in a microwave-safe dish or dish.
  3. 3 Cook the potatoes in the microwave for three minutes. Cook the potatoes for three minutes at maximum power. Turn off the microwave and remove the potatoes to check if they are cooked. It usually takes about five minutes to cook one medium-sized tuber, but be sure not to get baked potatoes.
    • The cooking time for potatoes depends on the size of the tuber. If you have a large potato, lengthen the baking time. Accordingly, a small potato will be cooked faster.
  4. 4 Check the potatoes for doneness. Put on an oven mitt or take a tea towel and squeeze both sides of the tuber. If the potatoes are ready, they will be soft enough that you can easily squeeze them and the skins will burst. If you feel that the tuber is still hard, return the potatoes to the microwave, turn it on for another minute, then check the potatoes again for readiness.
  5. 5 Garnish potatoes. When the potatoes are done, make a cut with a sharp knife at the top of the tuber. Fold a paper towel several times and place over the cut. With your other hand, press down on the top to open the potato skins. Mash the pulp lightly with a fork and add additives of your choice, for example:
    • sour cream;
    • green onions;
    • chopped and fried bacon;
    • grated cheese;
    • chilli;
    • fried minced beef.

Method 2 of 3: Cook the potatoes in chunks

  1. 1 Choose potatoes. To cook potatoes in chunks, you need a medium to large potato. Look for high to medium starch potatoes, such as Bellarosa or Karatop. If it is not possible to recognize the variety of potatoes, take the one where the package says "For cooking". Wash the tuber thoroughly with a brush, rinse and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. 2 Cut the potatoes. Cut the tuber into cubes about 2.5 centimeters in size. Place the cubes in a microwave safe dish.Spread the potato pieces so they evenly cover the bottom of the pan.
  3. 3 Add seasoning. Sprinkle the potato slices with olive oil (this will require about a tablespoon of oil). Sprinkle the potatoes with the seasoning of your choice, such as salt and black pepper, prepared potato seasoning, oregano, or garlic powder. Stir the potatoes so that the oil and seasonings cover all the cubes evenly.
  4. 4 Close the dishes and place in the microwave. Cover the potatoes with a lid or cling film tightly. It is necessary that the steam remains inside the dishes: this will cook the potato cubes and brown them. Turn the oven on to the maximum setting and cook the potatoes for 5-10 minutes.
  5. 5 Check the potatoes for doneness. Five minutes after starting cooking, remove the potatoes from the oven and check if they are cooked. Pierce the cube with a fork - if the potatoes are soft and the prongs of the fork easily enter the flesh, the potatoes are ready. If the pieces are still firm, then they are not ready yet. Continue cooking the potatoes for another minute, then repeat the check and so on until the potatoes are tender.

Method 3 of 3: How to Make Mashed Potatoes

  1. 1 Wash and dry the large potato tuber thoroughly. Brush the potatoes thoroughly and pat dry. Place the tuber in the microwave. The skin of the potato must be intact, so you do not need to punch or peel the potato.
    • You need a potato with a thick skin and high starch content. Riviera potatoes work best for your purposes, but you can also use other potatoes, such as the popular Red Scarlet variety. If you want, you can even take sweet potatoes - yams for these purposes.
  2. 2 Cover and cook. Cover the crockery with cling film, leaving one edge ajar. Place in the microwave and cook on maximum setting for 5 minutes. Take the crockery out of the oven, open the plastic wrap and check if your potatoes are ready. If the tuber is still hard, put it back in, turn on the microwave for another minute, then check the potatoes again.
  3. 3 Peel the potatoes. Put on an oven mitt or use tongs and remove the potato from the pot in which it was cooked. Chill the tuber under cold running water for 15 seconds. Make an incision on one side of the tuber and gently peel off the entire skin.
  4. 4 Mash the mashed potatoes. Place the peeled potatoes in a bowl and add 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk, 1/2 cup (120 ml) cream (can be substituted with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt) and 1 tablespoon butter. Use a potato grinder or large fork to mash the potatoes until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. 5 Bon Appetit!

What do you need

  • Potatoes (varieties "For cooking")
  • Microwave-safe utensils
  • Paper towels
  • Cling film
  • Condiments
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Potato additives
  • Potato maker