How to jump on a Chinese rubber band

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Classical Chinese Jump Rope Tutorial (Rubber band Skipping)
Video: Classical Chinese Jump Rope Tutorial (Rubber band Skipping)


The Chinese bouncing rope is a complex variation of the rope. You need three people to play.


  1. 1 Tie the ends of a rubber band together, 3 to 6 meters (10 to 20 feet) long, to form a circle.
  2. 2 Two people should place an elastic band around the ankles. The two holding persons stand with their feet shoulder-width apart, holding the rope taut so that it does not touch the ground. There must be enough space for a third person to fit inside.
  3. 3 The third person in the middle is the jumper and should follow this example starting with both legs inside the elastic:
    • Jump out with both feet
    • Jump back into the circle
    • Jump so that one leg is on the elastic and the other is outside of it.
    • Jump so that both feet are on the elastic.
  4. 4 Lift the elastic up your legs and repeat these movements.
  5. 5 When the elastic rises too high and cannot be jumped over, the jumper swaps places with one of those holding the rope.


  • Don't stumble!
  • Do not jump when the elastic is too high as you will hurt yourself

What do you need

  • Rubber
  • Three persons
  • Practice!