How to design your own superhero

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Design Your Own Superhero (My Process)
Video: How To Design Your Own Superhero (My Process)


Comic book superheroes like Aquaman and Wolverine are some of the most recognizable creations of the 20th century. If you want to come up with your own superhero with mythology and plot, then find out the necessary features and character traits that you need to endow the character with in order to make him interesting for others, as well as come up with exciting stories.


Part 1 of 3: Choose your superpowers

  1. 1 Come up with random and "atomic" superpowers. Some characters have "atomic" super powers, which they acquired as a result of contact with a certain substance. Such versions were especially popular in the 1940s during the "Golden Age" of comics, when nuclear technology began to develop actively.
    • Daredevil, Spider-Man, Hulk, The Flash, and Doctor Manhattan are good examples of characters with these superpowers.
  2. 2 Forces from another world. Some characters have "extraterrestrial" abilities, having received items or powers from other worlds. Such plots and abilities have a wide intergalactic scale, allowing the character to move between worlds and perform actions, violating all the laws of physics. Sometimes such characters can look like aliens or take on different guises.
    • Examples include Superman, Silver Surfer, and Green Lantern.
  3. 3 Abilities resulting from mutations. Some characters have superpowers that have arisen as a result of other "natural" phenomena and are not inherent in ordinary people. The driving forces behind all such changes are genetic manipulation, evolution and other factors. Magic can be an important part of such abilities.
    • All X-Men, Captain America, John Constantine (Messenger of Hell) and Aquaman are such characters, because their powers and abilities are biologically determined.
  4. 4 Leave the hero without superpowers. In some comics, certain superheroes may not have super powers at all. Iron Man, Hawkeye and Batman do not have real superpowers, having only a developed intellect and man-made devices. Typically, such characters are wealthy enough to afford the best armor and gadgets, but this feature makes them more human.
  5. 5 Try to think outside the box. Almost all the traditional super powers are already distributed, so try to come up with an unusual world in which other possibilities become super powers. Create a superhero who will live in a world that is a corridor with closed doors, and one of his hands will be the key.In most cases, the new superheroes are no longer people who can fly and wear a cloak, and their names do not end with "-men."

Part 2 of 3: Shape the Superhero Personality

  1. 1 Come up with the origin of the hero. Superheroes don't come from nothing. The character's origin story contains valuable information about the character. Who would Superman be if Krypton was not destroyed? What would become of Batman if his wealthy parents had not died?
    • Where does your superhero come from?
    • Who were his parents?
    • How did his superpowers come about?
    • How does he make a living?
    • What was your character afraid of as a child?
    • Who are his friends?
    • What is your superhero aiming for?
  2. 2 Come up with the look of your character. The fun begins. The appearance and costume of the hero will distinguish him from other characters. All superheroes have a cool and memorable look and are always ready to fight evil. Think of a few colors and pieces of clothing for him to make him look special.
    • The suit can be related to abilities. If he has such powers as Superman, then he is unlikely to need protective armor or technological gadgets.
    • Many superheroes wear a mask to hide their identity. Typically, the cloak was an iconic element for a hero in the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, but such an article of clothing can still be used today.
    • Come up with a symbol. What sign or symbol will allow people to immediately identify your superhero? You need something like Superman's S or Green Lantern's ring.
    • Some comic book characters do without a one-piece suit, they can be recognized by their individual small elements (Wolverine's hair and sideburns).
  3. 3 Come up with a secret identity for the character. The second self or secret identity of the hero is as important to the plot as the superpowers. A superhero is good, but it is in ordinary life that the character takes on real features. What does he do when he does not save the universe from destruction? Who is he in real life? These are the aspects that are important for an interesting character.
    • There must be struggle and suffering in the life of a superhero. Clark Kent is a great alter ego for Superman because he can't get anything right. The cryptonian Kal-El will certainly make an effort to succeed on Earth.
    • In some cases, the hero's secret identity may stem from the origin story. If your character is a garbage collector who got superpowers when he accidentally found strange radioactive waste in the garbage, then his secret identity may be associated with his main job - garbage collection.
  4. 4 Give your superhero flaws. Superheroes aren't perfect. An interesting character and plots must contain tension, which is impossible without complexity. Flaws are an important part of any good character, and superheroes are no exception.
    • What goals does your character set for himself?
    • What prevents him from getting what he wants?
    • What is a superhero afraid of?
    • What could make him angry?
    • What kind of weakness does your character have?
  5. 5 Come up with a suitable name. Now that the character has distinctive traits, super powers, and flaws, it's time to find the right name. The hero's name must be memorable in order to look good on the cover of comics. Choose a name that matches the powers and origins of the superhero.
    • The superhero name does not have to include the "-men" particle. Examples include John Constantine, Swamp Thing, and Wolverine.

Part 3 of 3: Create stories

  1. 1 Create a world for the hero. Superman needs Metropolis. Tanker needs Australia after the apocalypse, which can be driven by a tank. What kind of world will your hero live in? What dangers and threats will lie in wait for the character? What about ordinary people? A good story starts with where your character lives.
    • What problems are there in this world? A radioactive garbage collector can live in any city on the planet, but wouldn't the story become more exciting if you put it on Mars, where people suffer from a lack of water and food, gangs control the streets, and the entire neighborhood is littered with garbage and waste. Turn on your imagination.
  2. 2 Create a nemesis for your superhero. Who will your character fight with? With a group of villains? With one enemy who embodies absolute evil and does terrible things in the superhero's hometown? Strong antagonists like the Joker, Doctor Octopus and Magneto are just as important to the story as the superhero.
    • Use opposites. If the superhero is a radioactive garbage collector, then his opponent can be an evil surgeon who lives in a sterile laboratory and never goes outside. He plans all his crimes inside a secret laboratory.
    • Enemies don't always have to be human. You don't have to come up with Batman to fight the Joker.
  3. 3 Come up with minor characters. Superhero stories aren't just about heroes and villains. It is necessary to introduce ordinary people into the plot so that the rates increase. Commissioner Gordon, Jonathan Kent, April O'Neill and Uncle Ben are great examples of characters who motivate and influence the decisions of superheroes in famous comics.
    • Who is your superhero in love with? Will he tell his beloved about his secret? Will this love be at the center of the conflict? This choice allows the plot to develop in any direction.
  4. 4 Come up with an interesting conflict. What event brought the hero and the villain together? What caused the tragedy and tension in this world? Your answers to these questions will form the basis of the conflict that will become the foundation of the story.
    • What exactly must a superhero do to keep evil from triumphing? How will your garbage collector stop a wicked surgeon from taking over the Mars settlement?
    • Consider your villain's goals. Why did he choose the side of evil? Lex Luthor, one of Superman's main enemies, was an avaricious businessman who sought financial gain in any business. If the Joker sees humor in crime and violence, then Batman is trying with all his might to protect the victims of injustice.
  5. 5 Don't rush to kill the main characters. One of the benefits of creating a new superhero for comics is that you don't have to complete the story. Develop the plot. Today comics are turning into long-running serials that never end. Batman stories date back to the 40s of the last century.
    • Strive to ensure that your story is overgrown with new layers and layers like onions or cabbage, and not start and end in a short time.
  6. 6 Breathe life into your character. The superhero makes a great character for comics, movies and fan stories. If you're not trying to limit the hero to the frames of your imagination, then write your own stories so people can see him in action. Check out these articles to find a use for your hero:
    • How to make a comic
    • How to write a comic book
    • How to write movie scripts
    • How to write a story about a hero


  • Don't plagiarize! Come up with an original character. People are not interested in heroes and events that they already know, so strive for uniqueness.