How to come up with an original username

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Come Up With An Original Username! (SpinXO)
Video: How To Come Up With An Original Username! (SpinXO)


When you need to come up with a striking and unique username, you have two challenges. On the one hand, you need a name that allows you to stand out and reflects your personality. On the other hand, you should not disclose too much personal information so that hackers do not take advantage of it.So keep safety in mind when you come up with a username or use a name generator for yourself, but otherwise, let your imagination run wild!


Method 1 of 3: Use your imagination

  1. 1 Find out what the site rules regarding usernames. Before you come up with a stunning name, make sure you can use it! For example, on many sites, you cannot use foul words or part of a password as a username.
    • Even if the site does not prohibit the use of personal information, such as full date of birth or home address, from a security point of view, it is a very bad idea to include it in the username.
  2. 2 Play with your name. Consider using rhyme (for example, "sasharasteryasha" or "Marinka Mandarinka") or alliteration ("ironic" or "VityazVitya"). By themselves, these techniques are not unique, but the result can be a wonderful original name.
    • You can use your full name, any of the diminutives, or even a middle name as a basis.
  3. 3 Combine two or more things that you like. Just write a list of what you like and then combine two or three items into a username. In this way, you can create strange, absurd names that are very likely to be one of a kind.
    • For example, if you like pandas and killer whales, you can call yourself "Whale Panda", or if you want a more aggressive name, "Killer Panda."
    • Try using your favorite objects from completely different categories. For example, if you like football and quantum physics, you can call yourself "Quantum Goalkeeper."
  4. 4 Combine your favorite activity with a number that is meaningful to you. A username based on your favorite activity will not only be easy to remember, but it will also be truly unique and personal to you. You will most likely need to add a number, as many users adopt names this way and you need to be different from other "jugglers" or "photographers".
    • You can combine the activity with your year of birth - for example, "climber86" or "gardener91".
    • If you do not want to use the year of birth for security reasons, choose a different set of numbers that are meaningful to you. For example, if you remember forever how you first participated in a dance competition in 2014, you can call yourself "rumba14".
  5. 5 Think about your special habit or unusual interest. Like most people, you probably have a couple of interests, qualities, feelings, or habits that your friends and family only associate with you. They are the ones that make you stand out from the crowd and therefore can serve as an excellent basis for a username.
    • For example, if you like to stomp to the beat of your thoughts, you can take the name "ToptyzhkaTanya".
    • It is not necessary to be the only carrier of such qualities. For example, if all your friends love oranges, but you just adore them, then your exceptional love for these fruits may be a reason to call yourself "orange".
  6. 6 Combine the thing you like or your interest with an adjective. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. In the left column, write a list of adjectives (funny, lazy, courageous, sarcastic, and so on) that you can describe yourself with. In the right column, write down the things you enjoy, such as your favorite activities, favorite animals, or desserts that you have a fondness for. Then pair words from the first and second columns until you get the perfect match!
    • Usernames are often created according to the adjective + noun pattern - say, "Sly Fox" or "Angry Chocolate." So the idea itself is not unique, but it can give a unique result.
  7. 7 Make sure your name sounds in line with the impression you want to make. Perhaps you want your username to be perceived as stupid and funny, or, conversely, evoke dark associations.Consider this when coming up with name variations, and especially when making the final choice.
    • For example, a writer can choose the username "CaffeinePisaka" or "fire_and_feather" - and they will be two completely different writers!

Method 2 of 3: Remember Safety

  1. 1 Get yourself as many different names as you can remember. For added security, use a separate username for each site, application, or platform. If one of your accounts is hacked by hackers, they won't be able to use your data to gain access to the rest.
    • For maximum security, use a password manager that generates usernames and passwords completely randomly and stores them securely. One of the well-known services of this type is LastPass.
    • Hackers can use information from a compromised account to guess username and password for accounts on other sites or social networks.
  2. 2 Use different usernames for different categories of accounts If you want to use fewer usernames, at least use different usernames for different categories of sites or applications. For example, use one name for social media, another for gaming sites, one for educational sites, and so on.
    • However, never use the same username and password combination.
    • Having a different username for each category of accounts will make them easier to remember and at the same time reduce the potential damage from a hacker attack.
  3. 3 Use your full name for professional purposes only. It may seem to you that the username "Andrey Kuznetsov" contains little personal information, but if the hacker needs it, he can learn more about you based on the name alone. However, for professional purposes, it is still better to call yourself by your full name, so do so, but only use it for this category.
    • A good idea for a username is a combination of name and profession. For example, "NinaMarchenkoStomatologist", "Confectioner_Maria_Rozanova" or "EduardSemenovSantechnik".
    • Do not use the full name for other categories of accounts.
  4. 4 Do not mix numbers from your address, phone number, or documents. Adding numbers is an easy way to make your username unique, but don't give the hacker a single bit of your personal information. With only a few digits of your phone number, TIN or SNILS in hand, an experienced hacker can find important information about you.
    • Ideally, you shouldn't use the day or year you were born either. And you certainly should not indicate the full date, for example, "IvanBelyaev241183".
    • Instead, use numbers that are meaningful to you but don't tell the outsider, such as the age when you first kissed, your best time in a marathon, or your grandmother's house number.
  5. 5 Don't use your email address as your username. For example, if your address is [email protected], do not use "DimDimych429" as your username in gaming, finance, and other accounts. Let your email address always be different from your username.
    • This is another easy way to complicate things for potential hackers.

Method 3 of 3: Use a Name Generator

  1. 1 Try different custom name generators to find the one that works best for you. Many sites offer username generators. Popular ones include Jimpix, BestRandoms, Screen Name Creator. Try a few different generators and see if you like the result!
    • Below you will learn how to use the popular Spin XO generator. It allows you to specify various words and characteristics, based on which it composes a new username, and then checks it for uniqueness.
    • This does not mean that Spin XO is the best generator or that you should definitely use it.We just took it as an example; the process will be approximately the same for all services of this type.
  2. 2 Answer questions about yourself so the service can generate custom name variations. At the top of the SpinXO page, fill in a few fields:
    • Name or Nickname (name or nickname) - your name or what you are usually called.
    • What are you like? (your qualities) - enter any word or phrase.
    • Hobbies? (hobbies) - list one or two favorite hobbies.
    • Things you Like (things you like) - name one or more things that you like, from any area.
    • Important Words? (important words) - add one or two favorite words.
    • Numbers? (numbers) - add one or two favorite numbers.
  3. 3 Click on SPIN! (create). It's an orange button to the right of the text boxes. You will be presented with a list of 30 possible options based on the data you provided.
  4. 4 Review the list of results. In the results section below the text boxes, select the appropriate username.
    • If you don't like anything, click the button SPIN! (create) again to see other options.
  5. 5 Choose a username. Click on the option you like. This will open a page to check the availability of that username on various popular platforms.
    • The service currently checks platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, PSN, Reddit, as well as .com domains.
    • Other username generators may test other platforms, so try a few different ones.
  6. 6 See if your chosen name is available. Take a look at the line "Username availability". If “Available” appears to the right of all the listed social networks, then your name is unique!
    • If you would like to change your username and check again, then make any necessary changes in the text box at the top of the page and click again Check (check) under the text box.


  • From a technical point of view, the numbers after the username will make it unique, but it is best not to use this method if you want your name to be memorable for others.
  • Try to come up with a unique but simple name that is easy to remember.