How to present yourself without vanity

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Body Language Expert Explains How to Show Confidence | WIRED
Video: Body Language Expert Explains How to Show Confidence | WIRED


When you are trying to get what you really want out of life, whether it be a promotion at work, presenting a new idea, or trying to win the election campaign, then you will need to try to present your merits in such a way that people want to follow your suggestions, but sometimes, there is a risk of going too far, from simply presenting one’s talents to becoming an arrogant boast that repels people with its ugliness. So, how can you present your merits in such a way that it is both tempting and without bragging rights? Read on to find out how.


  1. 1 Start with a confident, casual approach. Vanity is the result of inferiority. Arrogant people loudly proclaim their advantages and ambitions in order to attract the attention of the people around them. Most likely, such personalities cover up in this way the realization that they are not entirely good.
    • When you are confident in yourself, then you feel secure because you know yourself and what you can provide. You never seek to demonstrate your arrogance, thereby emphasizing the worthlessness of other people. You stand out because you know that your experience and knowledge can benefit everyone else. For example: “My long experience as a director can have a positive impact on the well-being of the team.” You talk about your professional qualities, knowing that they can be of benefit to people.
    • Ask yourself why you want to show off. If you brag just because you want to present yourself in a better light compared to others, then you will definitely be perceived negatively. Self-confident people look for nothing more than achieving their lofty goals. If you are exposing your virtues just to get compliments in your direction, then stop and think that it might be better to remain silent and focus on developing inner completeness and confidence, instead of playing the role of a “beggar” of flattering words.
  2. 2 Speak about yourself correctly. We all love to talk about what we have done, experienced or achieved in life. If your interlocutor realizes that he is adopting experience from you and learning how to achieve your goals, then you are on the right track, but if he realizes that you are just bragging about your merits, then he will not see you as a real leader and will not will appreciate your qualities.
    • Try to be balanced about your accomplishments. Offer an idea guide for those who want to do the same thing. So, you get to brag a little about your accomplishments. For example: “When I was your age, I became the champion of the country in ballroom dancing, do you want me to give you some advice on this matter today at a lecture in the house of culture?”
    • Demonstrate your accomplishments with deeds instead of just shaking the air with words. If you want to take a leadership position, then you don't need to tell what a strong and wise leader you are who has achieved fabulous success with your ability to motivate others. First, if you are so successful, then why are you asking someone to employ you? Second, by arrogance about your merits, you do not motivate the person to hire you, which is contrary to your supernatural motivational qualities. If you are looking to become a director, then be that wise director who looks ahead and puts the interests of the organization, its customers and employees above all else. With this attitude, you will show without words that you know how to motivate.
    • The ability to not hide your weaknesses and fears is a sign of a very strong leader.In this way, you share your feelings and experiences with those who may have also faced the same difficulties in life, and your example will serve as a guide for them to overcome fear and achieve their goals.
    • Recognize your ability to worry and be nervous. For example, say: “I really doubted the outcome of the vote, I didn’t even sleep at night…” You may be experiencing the same thing now, but keep doing what you think is necessary now and everything will be fine. It becomes easier for everyone when they learn that even those people whom they consider to be examples of steadfastness can also sometimes feel a sense of insecurity.
    • Learn to laugh at your mistakes. Don't cover up your mistakes with excuses. People will be grateful to you that you are able to soberly assess yourself with a sense of humor.
  3. 3 Avoid the ubiquitous "I" word. When you talk about yourself, try to be more grateful to others for what you now have, instead of giving all the credit to yourself alone. You yourself would hardly want to work with such a single person.
    • Use “We” instead of “I”. For example: “We won the championship because we played as a team, which helped me to contribute to the overall success of the team.”
    • Don't forget about other people. Everything that you have achieved is the result of not only your work, but also the work of other people on your life path. “I started my successful business with the continued support of my family and friends.”
  4. 4 Avoid the sound of your own voice. Arrogant, single-handed people endlessly continue to talk about their exploits, while their listeners are in search of a way out of a tiring situation.
    • Learn to notice signs of body language, such as glancing at a watch, fiddling with a piece of clothing, or gaze walking around, which indicates that your stories and legends are boring the listener. Stop quoting excerpts from your valiant biography and let your interlocutor say at least one word.
    • Try to listen and summarize what was said to you by briefly clarifying and confirming what you heard. This approach will demonstrate your ability to listen and respect the other person's opinion.
    • Brevity is the soul of wit. If you can convey your idea with one or two sentences, then most likely it will be deposited in the minds of your listeners. But if you “play around” for 15-20 minutes about your new theorem of success, then at the next meeting with this person, he will try to quickly get rid of you as an arrogant and meticulous person.
  5. 5 You should not criticize other people in order to improve your morale. Puffy people try to underestimate the merits of others, while noble people generously value the contributions and efforts of others.
    • Set out to genuinely emphasize the merits of your comrades. For example: “I like that you know how to listen”. Or "I admire your ability to stand up for yourself, which makes you bold and interesting."
    • Communicate your opinion of others in a positive or neutral manner. For example, instead of saying “Zhanna Petrovna is a terrible teacher,” say the following: “Zhanna Petrovna has difficulty in establishing contact with the children.”
  6. 6 Give only sincere compliments. Emphasize the human qualities that this or that individual really possesses. Never flatter.
    • When someone compliments you, you don't have to immediately throw hundreds of compliments in return, but just thank your compliments.
    • There is no law that you are obliged to return a compliment, it will always be enough to say “thank you”.
  7. 7 Develop self-confidence. Instead of flaunting around the outskirts in search of praise, spare no effort in trying to find the inner resources to build self-confidence.
    • Pay attention to the frequency of compliments.If you receive a lot of kind words from your friends, colleagues and relatives, then you are moving in the right direction.
    • Provide services to other people. Help your associates, share jokes, give out true words of praise, which will help your mental well-being without the need to rush into the abyss of vanity.
    • Spend time with people like you. Most members of the human race try to conform to the ambitious, instead of giving a share of respect to those who accept them as they are.
    • Prioritize your life. Enrich your being with the qualities of dignity and truthfulness, without expecting any flattery in return. When you behave naturally and heartily, then you do not need to humiliate your humanity to the level of bragging.
  8. 8 Let your actions speak for themselves. Let other people talk about your merits if they wish, but your goal is to be true to yourself and your actions.


  • Before you start bragging, put yourself in your listener's shoes and imagine how unbearable it is to listen to you.
  • You should not stock up on material goods in order to acquire a reason to boast about it. If you don't have a heart or a valiant soul, then no sports car or Swiss watch can fix that.


  • Different cultures of Homo sapiens are blessed with their own unique approaches to vanity. Americans, for example, are brought up in an environment in which individualism is revered, so they are constantly spilling nightingales about their furores. The Slavs, at the same time, pay more attention to self-sacrifice for the benefit of not only themselves, but also others, without expecting any praise in return. So it’s best to be culturally respectful and not be offended by differences of opinion.