How to prevent land pollution

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Act now to stop land pollution
Video: Act now to stop land pollution


Land pollution is the direct or indirect deterioration or destruction of the earth's surface and soil as a result of human activities. We've all heard about things like waste reduction, reuse and recycling. By following simple rules, people can prevent land pollution and keep the planet clean.


Method 1 of 5: Reduce Waste

  1. 1 Reduce the use of products that are hazardous to the environment. How to reduce pollution at home:
    • Buy biodegradable foods.
    • Store all liquid chemicals and waste in sealed containers.
    • Eat organic foods that are pesticide-free. This point can be checked with the seller.
    • Stop using pesticides if possible.
    • Collect engine oil in a special pan.
    • Buy foods with little packaging material.
    • Do not pour machine oil anywhere.
  2. 2 Reduce the amount of plastic used. Researchers fear that plastic bags may never completely decompose; they only disintegrate into smaller fractions. How to reduce the amount of plastic used:
    • Don't use trash bags - just empty the bin into the bin.
    • If you don't like this idea, you can buy recycled or decaying trash bags.
    • Require that your newspapers are not wrapped in plastic wrap upon delivery (or cancel your subscription and go online to save a lot of trees).
    • Take your plastic or metal container for food leftovers with you to the restaurant. Of course, you can be laughed at, but you are setting new environmental trends!
    • Avoid plastic food bags at fast food restaurants. You already have a full box of packages! One or two things are quite possible to convey in the hands.
    • Discard plastic wrap in dry cleaning. Also, do not forget to use the services of institutions that care about the safety of the environment.
  3. 3 Reduce waste.
    • Perform maintenance on all underground storage tanks such as gas tanks, septic tanks, and sewers on time. Empty the cesspool in time, watch out for leaks, which appear in the form of dampness, odor, overgrowth of plants in certain areas. Typically, the sump needs to be emptied every 3-5 years.
    • Take care of your garbage collection and disposal. Dispose of animal waste promptly in a septic system or sewer - do not leave it on the lawn or dispose of it in a storm sewer.
    • Do not incinerate rubbish, especially plastic or rubber, as combustion products will be carried away with smoke and settle over a larger area.
  4. 4 Reduce the amount of paper you use.
    • Give preference to digital media.
    • Discard paper receipts.

Method 2 of 5: Water Management

  1. 1 Grow native plant species and plan planting to minimize runoff. This will reduce the amount of water and chemicals you need.
  2. 2 Water your lawn as little as possible. Spill to maximum depth and early in the morning while it is still cool. Thanks to this, nutrients will not be washed out from the soil as with over-watering, which will reduce the need for fertilizers and increase the depth of growth of the root system.
  3. 3 Wash your clothes in cold water. Approximately 85 percent of the electricity consumption of washing machines is used to heat the water.
  4. 4 Use filters to purify drinking water, rather than buying bottled water. It is not only expensive but also contributes to the accumulation of empty containers.
  5. 5 Use a reusable flask (preferably aluminum rather than plastic) to take water on the road.

Method 3 of 5: Reuse

  1. 1 Use recycled paper products.
    • These can be notepads, toilet paper, paper towels.
    • Give preference to reusable tableware.
    • Take your bag with you when you go to the store. Typically, reusable bags are available from any store, and more stylish shoppers may even find bags that look very sleek.
    • Use rags and rags instead of paper towels.
  2. 2 Reuse of technology.
    • Buy remanufactured printer cartridges. Each remanufactured cartridge saves about a kilogram of metal and plastic, as well as two liters of oil.
    • Buy rechargeable batteries. Batteries contain toxic materials that are hazardous to the environment, so use the rechargeable option. There are also companies that collect and safely recycle old batteries. One rechargeable battery can replace up to 1000 conventional batteries. Do not dispose of batteries with the rest of the trash.
    • Buy rewritable CDs and DVDs for reusability.

Method 4 of 5: Reusing water

  1. 1 Use household waste water for watering. Domestic waste water is the water used in the shower, bath, sink, or dishwasher. Naturally, it is not suitable for human consumption, but it is clean enough for garden watering. Bath and shower water works best, but the washout drain can also be used as long as the dishes are not too dirty and you have not added any detergent. The water can be collected either by hand by scooping it out of the tub, or by directing the drain pipes into a small reservoir.
  2. 2 Use waste water to flush the toilet. Every year, one person in a developed country uses 50,000 liters of water just to drain 600 liters of waste! For economical water consumption, it can be used twice. Since it is not necessary to flush the toilet with clean water, the pipes can be designed in such a way that the drain from the bathtub fills the toilet cistern.
  3. 3 Collect rainwater. Just place a bucket under the downpipe and collect the water after the rain. It is estimated that a house with a roof of 140 square meters in an area with an annual rainfall of about 50 cm can collect up to 70,000 liters of water per year. It can be used for watering lawns and garden plants.

Method 5 of 5: Recycling

  1. 1 Daily recycling. Recycling is best done on a daily basis. Sort newspapers and magazines, plastic containers and bottles, various types of paper, and also attract your loved ones and friends to this!
  2. 2 Recycling of obsolete equipment. According to statistics, in the United States alone, two million tons of obsolete equipment are thrown away annually. Recycle old devices to avoid contributing to this figure. Additional information on this topic can be found at
  3. 3 Waste baskets. Place waste bins for paper, plastic and metal everywhere at home and in the office. Place them in an open area and label them clearly. Convenience can work wonders.
  4. 4 Do not throw away fax and printer cartridges. In the US, nearly eight cartridges are thrown away every second. This is almost 700,000 units per day.
  5. 5 Choose processed foods when shopping. It's not just paper that is recycled.


  • For a better understanding of the environment, attend biology classes.
  • Take classes in farming.
  • Read specialized books for optimal planning of your actions.