How to prevent scoliosis

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Can You Prevent Scoliosis From Getting Worse?
Video: Can You Prevent Scoliosis From Getting Worse?


Scoliosis is a condition affecting the spine that results in an S-shaped or C-shaped curvature of the spine in the chest or lumbar region. Scoliosis can be mild or severe, and its manifestations range from uneven shoulders to back pain. Scoliosis occurs for a variety of reasons, including heredity and congenital abnormalities, but some forms of scoliosis can be controlled by taking precautions and preventive measures. If you are concerned about scoliosis or have a hereditary predisposition to curvature of the spine, read our tips on how to prevent it.


  1. 1 Avoid activities that require overexerting only one side of the body. One common type of scoliosis, so-called idiopathic scoliosis, is largely caused by muscle imbalances. You can prevent this type of scoliosis by conscientiously following the advice below:
    • If you only carry heavy bags on one shoulder, be sure to alternate the shoulders. Children must wear a backpack on both straps.
    • If you are involved in a sport that requires regular long-term use of the muscles of only one half of your body (for example, throwing baseball), make sure that you warm up enough and pay attention to the other half of your body so that the muscles develop harmoniously.
  2. 2 Train your back muscles. For the prevention of scoliosis, it is important to have strong and strong back muscles, since it is the back muscles that support the spine and give it its proper shape. Some recommended strength exercises for the back:
    • Stretching the back. Lie facedown on a gymnastic ball with your knees on the floor and center of gravity around your pelvis. Lower your upper body to the floor, then lift it up so that you can feel the lower back muscles flexing to support the weight. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
    • Traction. Sit on a bench, step platform, or gym ball. Lean forward so your chest touches your hips. Straighten your arms and bend toward the floor. With a light weight in each hand, bend your arms and bring your elbows towards the ceiling as if you were trying to start a lawnmower, and then return your arms to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
    • Stretching the legs and arms. Lie facedown on a gymnastic ball and distribute your center of gravity over your pelvis. Stretch your legs straight behind you with your toes on the floor and your arms straight in front of you. Alternate sides, lifting your right leg off the floor while raising your left arm, then lifting your left leg off the floor and raising your right arm. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. 3 Improving posture. Focus on sitting up straight and walking with your head raised and shoulders laid back
  4. 4 Get the vitamins and minerals you need. Calcium helps maintain healthy bones, their strength and strength, so eat foods such as oatmeal, soy (preferably boiled without salt), almonds and sardines. Of course, milk comes to mind when you think of calcium, but if you are a vegetarian or lactose intolerant, you can enjoy a variety of foods (and supplements).
    • It would also be wise to consume foods that contain vitamin D, which is essential for the absorption of calcium in the body.


  • Deep muscle massage is a good way to relieve muscle tension and fatigue caused by muscle imbalance and is therefore an effective prevention of scoliosis.
  • To quickly determine the curvature of the spine, you need to bend forward, lowering the arms hanging to the floor, and the other person should run 2 fingers along the spine, one on each side, from the base of the neck to the tailbone. Mild signs of scoliosis, which are not visible to the naked eye, can be easily identified if the line of the two fingers is curved.


  • If you think you may have scoliosis, do not try to prevent it with back exercises until you talk to your doctor.