How to prevent date rape

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Prevent Date Rape
Video: 5 Ways to Prevent Date Rape


Despite the fact that most of society pays attention to rape by strangers, in a huge number of cases the victim already knew the rapist. The rapists plan everything in advance, looking for an opportunity to realize their plans.Of course, neither the victim herself, nor any instruction can prevent violence, since everything depends only on the abuser. However, there are several general precautions that can reduce the risk of being a victim of violence.


  1. 1 Avoid using drugs and alcohol in public places and parties. Do not exceed the limit of 1-2 drinks. Alcohol lowers alertness and makes it harder for people to notice signs of aggressive behavior. Therefore, it is better to keep a sober head, especially when surrounded by strangers and strangers.
  2. 2 Always keep an eye on your drink. Take it with you even to the toilet. It is very easy to mix various drugs into the drink that cause loss of consciousness or its change. Do not drink from shared fluid reservoirs.
  3. 3 Once you've lost sight of your drink, don't drink it again. Something might have been mixed in there during your absence. Take another drink. If someone offers to buy a drink for you, watch how the bartender prepares it and only accept from the hands of the bartender.
  4. 4 Do not share personal information online (such as where you live) or your daily schedule. Don't let new acquaintances know that you will be alone at the event or that you are living alone.
  5. 5 You can stop the action at any time if you begin to notice the sexual connotation. If you are not sure if your partner wants to go further, or if you think that he is too sensitive to you, stop immediately, while it is too late. Don't take silence for agreement.
  6. 6 Highlight the boundaries. Don't let the person misinterpret your passivity. In case you are not interested, do not let them think that you are waiting for the persuasion. If you are not interested in a person, make it clear to him. If the person's actions make you nervous, you have nothing to do with them.
  7. 7 "No" does not mean "yes, if you are persistent enough." If the person refuses to date or sexual activity, do not pressure them. Everyone has the right to interrupt the sexual process, even if you have already had sexual experience with this person. Don't break personal boundaries.
  8. 8 Be vigilant if a person constantly disagrees with you or imposes their opinion: "You won't believe" or "You don't really feel that way."
  9. 9 Beware of those who demonstrate their hostility towards any gender or are prone to stereotypical thinking: "They're all bitches and whores", "They say one thing and mean another."
  10. 10 Beware of those who ignore your personal boundaries, no matter how familiar you are. You have the right to stop sexual intercourse at any time, regardless of your interest in the person or previous sexual intercourse.
  11. 11 Pay attention to how a person relates to service personnel (waiters, workers, etc.)). Does he behave rudely and aggressively with them?
  12. 12 Meet people you know in real life. Always make dates in public and don't invite the person over until you know them well. Do not give in to pressure from the outside and do not give in to innocent requests for a glass of water or to use the toilet.
  13. 13 If you feel uncomfortable with a date, call a taxi and leave.
  14. 14 Avoid solitary places until you get to know the person better. Come and go on your date separately. Or go on double dates until you feel confident alone with the person.
  15. 15 Always tell someone with whom and where you are going.
  16. 16 Never be alone with people who ignore your personal boundaries. This is especially true for those who do not accept your rejection and continue to insist on romantic / sexual interaction, as well as those in whose company you feel uncomfortable. If something like this happens, break off all communication.
  17. 17 A person should never make you feel like you have to have sex with them for the drink / lunch / entertainment they bought for you. You also don't have to have sex after a certain number of meetings. Never don't date someone who follows these rules.
  18. 18 Don't go to a visit or a hotel room if you don't know the person well enough. And also do not let him follow to your place of residence. Do not say which room you live in, and ask the hotel staff not to give your personal information to anyone. Once you find yourself with someone in a confined space of a room, it becomes more difficult for you to get out of a difficult situation.
  19. 19 If you are alone in a hotel, nightclub or restaurant, ask the establishment to accompany you to your vehicle. Notify staff if someone tries to harass you.
  20. 20 Don't be afraid to leave uncomfortable surroundings. If your instincts tell you to beware of a person or situation, leave immediately.
  21. 21 Don't be afraid to roll up the scene if you feel threatened by someone you know. Shout, kick, bang on walls, throw things - do whatever you can to get the attention of those around you.
  22. 22 Behave like a "bad" person if you feel threatened. Women are taught from virginity to be “good girls”: obedient, quiet, polite and docile. You shouldn't be like that, especially if you are being threatened. If your instinct tells you to leave, leave and do not be afraid to offend someone's feelings and offend.
  23. 23 If you go out with friends, keep an eye on each other. Come together, cross occasionally, and leave together. Don't let strangers take your friend away, not even anywhere close. If you see your friend in a deranged state, take her to safety immediately.
  24. 24 Do not have sexual intercourse under alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as with a person in a similar state or even unconscious. If the person seems to be “lost in time, or being forced into a sex act, do not be afraid to make a scene. Tell the offender that you do not approve of his actions, demand that he stop, and call the police.
  25. 25 Resist peer pressure to engage in violence or other illegal activities.
  26. 26 Offer your help to the person who is at risk or the target of sexual assault. Call a taxi, escort the person home if necessary.
  27. 27 If you witness sexual assault or attempted harassment, you must report it to the police.
  28. 28 During sexual harassment, the victim should follow her instincts and pay special attention to the abuser's actions. If you find yourself in a similar situation, obey your instincts to survive.
  29. 29 You must be well aware of rape incidents and their consequences for victims, both sexes, and also be aware of the social perceptions of the nature of sexual harassment. Sexual abuse is frowned upon by anyone.


  • If you must run, take off your heels and run. In heels, you are more likely to fall and get hurt. You can also take off your heels and poke them in the abuser's face.
  • Beware of large containers of drinks and drinks that others serve you. It is very easy to mix drugs in them.
  • Trust your instincts! If you feel uncomfortable in one way or another, don't try to convince yourself that everything is fine! Tell your partner that you are sick, feel nauseous, or come up with another excuse. Never doubt your instincts or tell yourself that you are just underestimating the person. Many, in hindsight, admit that they had bad feelings before everything happened.
  • Don't waste time and immediately tell someone about what happened to you.Recalling what happened in hot pursuit is a very painful process, but the longer you wait, the more you give the abuser a chance to put his word against yours, especially if he is a famous or respected person in society.
  • Open your drinks yourself and don't share them with anyone.
  • When you walk to the car, hold the keys in your hand like a knife so that in case of danger you can poke them into the attacker's eyes, expecting him to scream. Get as much attention as possible.
  • Go to a party with a sober friend or a responsible person who doesn't drink and can watch and take care of you.
  • If you are pushed against a wall and grabbed by the neck, move your arms counterclockwise and force the person to lower their arms.
  • Take money from home for a taxi and don't waste them... You may need them in case you are thrown out on the track or in an unfamiliar place. If you are in a foreign country, carry with you a card with the name, address and telephone number of the hotel (under no circumstances indicate the room number) written in the language of this state for the taxi driver to understand. Leave information about who, where and when you are going, the approximate time of return and the contacts where you can be contacted.
  • If the worst ever happened immediately go to the nearest hospital. Don't shower, change clothes, or wait until morning. Otherwise, you will destroy the evidence, and it will be more difficult for you to prove the fact of rape. Physical evidence is the best weapon against the person who harmed you.
  • Call your parents and friends if you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. No parental backlash compares to rape, murder, and other horrible things. Never be afraid to call a parent or close friend.
  • If others have any sexually oriented things that confuse you, just keep quiet and leave right away.
  • If you are going to a party with friends, negotiate the rules in advance. For example, ask them not to let you walk away with strangers, even if you insist that everything is fine.
  • If urgently needed, try to disarm the potential abuser and hurt him or her to distract him.
  • Aim for the nose and eyes to reduce the enemy's line of sight. If you hit a person's bridge of the nose with the edge of your hand, pieces of the broken bone can enter the brain and kill them. If you hit him on the nose, you will distract him. Most likely, he will expect a blow to the groin. But you can also hit there.
  • Assign several people who are important to you, and who are ready to help you, to a speed dial on your phone. In the future, if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, it will be enough for you to quietly press one number.
  • Always carry your car keys with you to get away quickly or use them as a weapon.
  • Don't go anywhere with strangers.
  • Do not lose your sanity, drink in moderation.
  • Do not shout "They are being raped!", Better shout "Fire!" This will make it more likely that someone will pay attention to you and try to do something.


  • If you come with a company, do not lose sight of each other and do not let anyone go somewhere with strangers.
  • Always be vigilant and watch the situation.
  • In many progressive cultures, European girls are considered to be quite affordable. This makes it difficult for young girls to travel alone, as many begin to provoke. To keep yourself safe, NEVER THINK THAT THERE IS A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN WITHOUT SEXUAL SUBTEXT. Regardless of age. In many cultures, there is no friendship between a man and a woman, so if you feel sexual overtones do your best to keep yourself safe.
  • If the abuser / assailant tries to touch or harass you, put your arms out and ask the person to stop or even kick you in the groin.Never punch with your fist, as you will only anger your opponent even more.
  • Regardless of what you have to do the utmostto protect yourself, always try to assess the situation. Remember that the punishment must match the crime. You do not need to break the nose of the person who twice asked you to dance, otherwise you may be reported to the police. Still, safety comes first. It's better to deal with a police report than to be raped.
  • If the person starts to touch you, make them stop and walk away. Best of all in a crowded place.