How to prevent nail fungus

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prevent and treat nail fungus
Video: How to prevent and treat nail fungus


There are many strategies for preventing nail fungus, from simple hygiene measures to reducing other possible risk factors. If you adhere to these rules, then you will be able to completely avoid the development of a fungal infection of the nails of the hands and feet. But if an infection does occur, there are special medications to treat it and prevent similar cases in the future.


Method 1 of 3: Maintain Basic Hygiene Practices

  1. 1 Wash your hands and feet regularly. Washing your hands and feet regularly with warm water and soap (your feet at least once a day when you shower) helps keep them clean. This, in turn, minimizes the risk of developing a fungal nail infection. Wash your nails thoroughly, and between your fingers and toes. One of the best ways to prevent infection is to wash it regularly and thoroughly.
  2. 2 Trim your nails regularly. It is very important to trim your nails regularly to keep them short.This reduces the surface area on which infection can develop and also reduces the amount of moisture and dirt that can get stuck under long nails. Therefore, regular haircuts improve the hygiene of the nail environment, which reduces the likelihood of developing a fungal infection.
  3. 3 Keep your nails natural. As aesthetically pleasing as nail polish and fake nails may appear, they retain extra moisture in the nails and actually increase the risk of developing fungus. Avoid artificial nails and frequent use of nail polish if possible. Also, if you visit a salon for a regular nail polish, make sure it is a reliable establishment and that the tools are completely sterile so as not to increase the chances of contracting an infection.
    • If you are worried about nail fungus, but still want to do a pedicure and manicure, then do not deny yourself these procedures. Cleaning and trimming your nails can be really helpful.
    • However, it is still recommended to ditch the nail polish. Even without it, your nails can look beautiful after a manicure or pedicure.
    • Also, don't use false nails or any nail decorations.
  4. 4 Remember that fungal infections can spread from one nail to the next. Therefore, if you develop fungus on one of your nails, it is very important to wash your hands after each contact with it to reduce the chances of the infection spreading to other nails.

Method 2 of 3: Try Other Prevention Measures

  1. 1 Choose socks that wick sweat. Since the likelihood of developing a fungal infection is related to the degree of moisture (fungus thrives in a humid environment), choosing socks made from a material that absorbs moisture can be a very helpful preventive step.
    • Socks made from nylon, polypropylene, or wool are great for this.
    • Change your socks often, especially if your feet are sweating.
    • It is advisable to avoid cotton socks.
  2. 2 Choose your shoes carefully. In addition to humid environments, fungus thrives in confined spaces. Therefore, wearing tight shoes throughout the day - especially old shoes - can increase your risk of developing a fungal infection.
    • Try to wear open shoes for at least some part of the day (if possible).
    • Replace your old shoes with new ones. Alternatively, you can use a disinfectant or antifungal agent on old shoes to get rid of any possible fungal contamination.
    • Wear one shoe when training, and a different shoe at work or in everyday life. Sports shoes absorb a lot of sweat and moisture and may expose you to more fungal infections.
  3. 3 Don't go barefoot in public. Long-term wearing of tight shoes can be a risk factor for developing a fungal infection; Walking barefoot in public places where fungus may be present can be just as risky. Be sure to wear sandals or flip-flops when visiting public pools, showers and changing rooms. This will greatly reduce the chances of contracting a fungal infection.
  4. 4 Wear rubber gloves to keep your hands dry. For tasks such as cleaning and washing dishes, where your nails are exposed to dirt and moisture, rubber gloves are the best option. However, it is very important to dry your gloves thoroughly after each use. Turn the gloves inside out to make sure they are as dry on the inside as they are on the outside.
  5. 5 Understand why toenail fungus is more common than toenail fungus. Although a fungal infection can easily develop on both toenails and fingernails, toenail infections are more common. This is all because your feet are bOMost of the time they are in an enclosed space (socks and shoes), and may also be exposed to more moisture (like sweat and dampness in this environment).
    • In addition, the toes are located farther from the heart, and therefore less blood flow to them than to the fingers.
    • Poor circulation, in turn, is associated with a reduced ability of your immune system to fight off potential fungal infections.

Method 3 of 3: Medication Options

  1. 1 Find out about available medications if you develop a fungal infection. As soon as you develop an infection on your nails or toenails, talk to your doctor about oral antifungal medications. Topical, oral, or a combination of both can be used to treat nail fungus. Your doctor will most likely prescribe treatment for you for six to twelve weeks; although it is possible that it will take about four months to completely resolve your fungus problem.
  2. 2 Try topical treatments. Most topical drugs cannot penetrate the nail plate and therefore cure rates are less than 10%. The antifungal agent that penetrates the nail best is Mycosan varnish, which should be used every day for a whole year. The disadvantage of this tool is that it is expensive and there are frequent relapses; however, it is much safer than oral therapy.
  3. 3 Learn about oral treatments. In cases where local therapy is insufficient, oral agents should be considered. Check with your doctor about the pros and cons of oral therapy. Even with successful therapy, relapse is not excluded. The two most common active ingredients for oral therapy are itraconazole (Sporanox) and terbinafine (Lamisil).
    • These medicines interact with many other medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter, so be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any other medicines or supplements.
    • These drugs can also have serious side effects such as arrhythmias, liver damage, decreased urine output, joint pain, hearing loss, vomiting, depression, and others. Tell your doctor right away if you experience any serious side effects.
    • Oral antifungals also require regular check-ups and laboratory tests to check for side effects.
  4. 4 Try combination therapy. Very often, a combination of oral and topical treatments leads to more successful results when it is necessary to get rid of a fungal infection. Your doctor may suggest a combination of these two treatments and, if necessary, prescribe them for you.
  5. 5 Consider having your nail surgically removed. In cases where the fungal infection is extremely serious and painful, and cannot be eliminated with drugs alone, it is worth considering surgery. The infected part of the nail is cut off and removed, and it will take some time for a new healthy nail to grow in this place. Surgery is used only as a last resort when the fungus can no longer be cured in any other way.
  6. 6 Consider an alternative approach to treating a fungal infection. You can try natural remedies for fungus. If you are also taking oral medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about drug interactions. Thistle extract can be applied to the affected nail every third day in the first month, then twice a week in the second month, and once a week in the third month. Tea tree oil can also be beneficial when applied directly to your nail twice a day.
  7. 7 Remember that relapses are very common. Even after successful removal and cure of the fungus, it is very important to continue preventive measures to reduce the risk of re-infection. It all depends on you, and it is in your best interest to do daily procedures to avoid relapse.


  • Many patients choose to live with a fungal infection, especially if it is only on the toenails, as an oral antifungal medicine can cause serious side effects. Many women help themselves in this situation by sawing down hardened nails and covering them with nail polish.