How to eat spaghetti properly

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Eat Spaghetti: With a Spoon or Without?
Video: How to Eat Spaghetti: With a Spoon or Without?


1 Take the fork in your dominant hand. Spaghetti can be eaten with just a fork (in fact, this is what Italians do). A regular table fork will work fine for you.
  • 2 Catch a few strands of spaghetti with a fork. Raise the fork and scoop up the spaghetti between the prongs. Aim the fork slightly obliquely to prevent the threads from falling out. Raise the fork quickly and gently to catch a piece of the spaghetti.
    • You really only need to catch a few strands of spaghetti. Two, three, or four pasta may not look very impressive, but you will end up with a decent chunk of pasta after screwing it onto a fork.
  • 3 Move the fork off the spaghetti closer to the edge of the plate. Now, lightly press the fork with the spaghetti wrapped around it against the flat part of the plate or bowl. The ribbed side of the cymbal will work best for this, although any other flat side will do just fine.
    • At this point, you need to separate the spaghetti wrapped around a fork from the rest of the pasta.
  • 4 Rotate the fork to roll up the spaghetti. Now use your fingers to twist the fork around the axis to wind the spaghetti. The spaghetti strands between the tines of the fork form a "bundle" as they rotate. Continue winding until you have a neat and tight ball of spaghetti.
    • If you notice other strands starting to weave between your spaghetti, lift the fork up and down a few times to separate them. The bulk of the spaghetti bunch should remain on the fork.
  • 5 Bring the wrapped spaghetti to your mouth. Then, gently place the fork in your mouth. Eat everything in one go. Chew, swallow and repeat!
    • If there are too many spaghetti wrapped around the fork, start with fewer strands. Having too much spaghetti is a recipe for dirty stains on your shirt.
  • Method 2 of 3: Using a fork and spoon

    1. 1 Take a fork in your dominant hand and a spoon in your other. Some people can only eat spaghetti by using a fork and spoon at the same time. If you want to use the same technique, use a regular tablespoon, which is slightly wider and flatter than you would normally use for other dishes. In the absence of such a cutlery, a standard tablespoon is also fine.
    2. 2 Catch a few strands of spaghetti with a fork. Do it in the same way as using the fork alone. Again, you don't need to pick up too much spaghetti at a time, as this will make the serving too bulky and awkward to handle.
    3. 3 Raise the spaghetti higher to separate it from the rest of the strands. When using a spoon, most of the actions you perform outside your plate... In an up and down motion, separate three to four strands of spaghetti from the rest of the pasta. Hold the fork sideways or upward to prevent the spaghetti strands from slipping off.
    4. 4 Press a fork into a spoon. Hold the spoon so that the indent is pressed against the tip of the fork. Press the tip of the fork gently against the spoon. Raise the cutlery above the rest of the spaghetti, but do not move it outside the plate to avoid stains.
    5. 5 Rotate the fork. Start rotating the fork by pressing it against the spoon. You should lift the spaghetti up and wrap it around the fork. Continue spinning until you have wrapped the spaghetti in a tight lump.
      • While doing this, use the spoon as the surface on which you wind the fork. In general, with this method, the spoon performs the same function as the plate.
    6. 6 Eat spaghetti wrapped. Remove the spoon. Bring the spaghetti to your mouth and eat in the same way as using only a fork.

    Method 3 of 3: Eat Spaghetti Like a Real Italian

    1. 1 Do not use a spoon. Above, we explained to you how you can eat spaghetti with a spoon. While there’s nothing wrong with that, Italians usually don’t do that. This is considered a "clumsy" or "childish" option, such as using chopsticks to pierce food and put it in the mouth.
      • Be that as it may, but a fork and a spoon together nevertheless use for applying pasta and mixing it with sauce.
    2. 2 Do not cut the spaghetti into smaller pieces. Traditionally, spaghetti is never chopped, either during cooking or while eating. This means that you should not break the spaghetti in half before throwing it into the boiling water, and you should not use a fork to cut them on your plate.
      • Just string fewer strands on the fork if you see that you end up with an oversized bunch of spaghetti.
    3. 3 Don't dip your fork into the middle of the spaghetti. This not only looks silly, but also makes them harder to use. If you start poking around in the middle of the plate before winding the spaghetti around the fork, you will be faced with a bulky mass from which it will be very difficult to separate a piece without getting dirty.
      • Avoiding this is easy enough. Use a fork to separate a few strands of spaghetti from the rest before winding them.
    4. 4 When eating, be neat and eat carefully. For Italians, spaghetti is not just food that you stuff into your mouth to satisfy your hunger. This worthy dish must be prepared in accordance with all the rules and savored while eating. Use our tips to learn to eat your spaghetti with dignity:
      • Do not stuff spaghetti into your mouth in large portions like in a cartoon. "Lady and the Tramp"Eat small bunches of spaghetti instead.
      • Don't put food on a plate next to pasta. Pasta is best eaten as a separate meal.
      • Eat slowly to avoid getting dirty or splashing the sauce, and don't go crazy if this happens. It happens to everyone?.


    • Italians have certain common sense rules about how to match sauces to pasta. Spaghetti is usually suitable for smoother sauces that cover long strands, rather than sauces for large pasta with lots of meat and vegetables. You can find a quick guide to the selection of sauces on the Internet.
    • When eating pasta with meatballs, you can use a fork to split them into smaller pieces if they are too large for a single bite. You can eat small balls whole.
    • Don't be afraid to use a napkin over your shirt if you're eating spaghetti. A little embarrassment is worth it to avoid stubborn stains!