How to take care of a bird that hits a window pane

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Birds hitting windows | Birds hitting glass windows | 10 Spiritual Meanings of Birds Hitting Windows
Video: Birds hitting windows | Birds hitting glass windows | 10 Spiritual Meanings of Birds Hitting Windows


According to ornithologists, millions of birds die every year in our country because of blows against window panes. Such accidents most often occur in the spring during the breeding season. If you find a live affected bird, it is no doubt unwise to leave it at home. However, she can be watched for a couple of hours to allow her to recover from a concussion.


Method 1 of 2: Taking care of the affected bird

  1. 1 Refrain from close contact with the bird unnecessarily. Most likely, after hitting the window glass, the bird received a concussion, so it should be protected from unnecessary irritants. This can aggravate her condition. But if the bird is injured in the limbs, then it will need professional veterinary assistance.
  2. 2 Prepare yourself. If birds often batter your window panes, be sure to keep a towel, a small box (preferably from shoes), gloves and, if possible, safety glasses ready.
  3. 3 Watch the bird. It often takes a bird only a couple of minutes to recover from a blow. Stay close to her to prevent predators from attacking her before she wakes up. If the bird does not feel better within 5-6 minutes, it will be necessary to move on to more vigorous activities.
    • If you are uncomfortable catching an injured bird yourself (and if it belongs to a rare or endangered species), it is recommended that you immediately contact the nearest wild bird rehabilitation center. Information about similar organizations in your area can be found on the Internet.
    • If the bird has a shoulder injury, it will be able to fly short distances horizontally. However, she will not be able to lift her wings above her shoulders and gain lift for normal flight.
    • A shoulder or wing injury requires professional veterinary care and months of rehabilitation. If you clearly see that a bird has extensive limb injuries, call your local wild bird rehabilitation center.
    • On the other hand, if the bird is unconscious, it is most likely just a head injury, and it only needs to provide a safe place so that it can rest a little.
  4. 4 Take a paper towel and a cardboard box. Removing all irritants will greatly increase the bird's chances of recovering from a potentially fatal shock. To do this, you need a small box that blocks out any light. To make the box more comfortable for the bird, line it with a paper towel or soft cotton napkin.
    • If the affected bird is large enough, you can place a towel on the bottom of a large paper bag, then place the bird inside and seal the opening of the bag with a stapler, leaving a small gap for ventilation. However, if the bird is so large that it could potentially injure you, it is best to refrain from contact with it and call a professional immediately.
  5. 5 Pick up the bird. Wear protective gloves and goggles if possible. Keep the bird straight and firm, but do not squeeze so that it can breathe normally. Try to keep her wings pressed against her body.
  6. 6 Place the bird in a box and close the lid. Make sure there are ventilation holes in the box. Place the box in a warm, protected place (away from direct sunlight). Keep her away from possible predators, including cats.
  7. 7 Check the condition of the bird periodically. Check the box every 20 minutes for a couple of hours. When it seems to you that the bird has already completely recovered, take the box outside.
  8. 8 Release the bird. After a couple of hours, take the box outside (preferably in a forest-park area). Remove the lid from the box and see that the bird flies away.
  9. 9 Seek professional help if necessary. If after two hours the bird is not able to fly away, it is necessary to contact the specialists for the rehabilitation of wild birds. Call an expert who will be able to provide proper care for the injured bird.
    • Do not keep the bird with you for more than two hours. Keeping a wild bird at home is simply unreasonable, and in some countries (for example, in the United States) it is also illegal.

Method 2 of 2: Preventing Accidents

  1. 1 Change the position of the bird feeder. If your bird feeder is located close enough to the window, birds flying up to it will not be able to gain high speed to injure themselves against the glass. And if the feeder is far enough from the window, it will be easier for the birds to understand that it is not part of the natural environment.
    • Ideally, the trough should be located either less than 90 cm from the window or more than 9 m from it.
  2. 2 Use white curtains. The birds are deceived by the reflection of the surrounding nature, which they see in the windows. The appearance of reflections can be prevented by white curtains on the windows. This will reduce the likelihood of birds crashing into the glass.
    • You can also decorate window panes with decorative stickers. However, to significantly reduce the risk of birds hitting the glass, stickers should be spaced at least 5 cm apart horizontally and at least 10 cm vertically. And this will significantly impair the view from the window.
  3. 3 Install mosquito nets on the windows. They can be doubly effective. The nets will reduce the reflectivity of the glass, thereby reducing the likelihood of birds flying through the window. What's more, even if the bird flies through the window, the net will soften the impact, reducing the risk of injury.