How to believe in God

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Trouble believing in God (Ask Dr. Stanley)
Video: Trouble believing in God (Ask Dr. Stanley)


The concept of God in every culture and every person is different. No matter how similar some of the views may be, building a relationship with God is a search that a person must do on their own. This personal search does not necessarily mean acceptance of Christianity, any of the Abrahamic religions, or any other particular religion. Believing in God simply means believing in higher powers. Here are some things to think about when looking for faith in God.


Method 1 of 3: Have Faith

  1. 1 Separate physical dimensions from faith. Get to know God not through scientifically measurable events, but through an intangible presence in everything you do. God is a Spirit that you experience somewhat intuitively, almost like love, air, gravity, or the sixth sense.
    • Knowing God has more to do with the heart (deep belief) than with strict logical reason or the head. If you approach faith with this premise, then you will understand that believing in God is not just collecting real facts, but also reflecting on the influence that He has on you and on other people.
    • If you approach the search for God from the point of view of logic or science, you will find that faith is not material means, but a personal analysis of Spirituality. Since God is usually viewed as a spirit and not a body, He cannot be measured by gross physical means. It can be described by intangible things, such as acknowledgment of His presence, our faith, plus emotions and reactions.
    • Think about everything you believe in. You may think that your favorite football club is the best in the world, for example. But what physical evidence are you relying on? Do you like this team because they have excellent stats and championship cups? Chances are, you like them because of the special influence they have on you as a football fan. Your appreciation is based on something emotional, individual, and physically immeasurable.
  2. 2 Replace evidence with faith. Belief presupposes unconditional belief. This means you have to trust firmly, without absolute certainty about where you will land.
    • Unconditional faith isn't just about God. Chances are, you take something for granted on a daily basis. If you have ever ordered food in a restaurant, then you have already taken something on unconditional faith. This restaurant may have a high customer rating and is famous for its healthy cuisine, but chances are you haven't seen the food preparation before your eyes. Therefore you must trust the cooks that they washed their hands and cooked the food properly.
    • Seeing doesn't always mean believing. There are still some things that science cannot measure, but people still believe in them. For example, astronomers cannot actually see black holes, because they, by definition, absorb the light we need to see them. But by observing the behavior of matter and the orbits of stars around black holes, we can predict that they exist. God, like black holes, is invisible, but possesses tangible qualities and influence that attract people to his incomprehensible love and grace.
    • Think of a time when a family member became seriously ill and then recovered. Have you ever prayed or hoped for something higher to heal him? Maybe this event is a star in orbit, and God is a black hole that attracts all things to itself.
  3. 3 Stop trying to control everything. In all religions where the concept of God is present, one belief is constant: God is the Creator of all things. And since God is the Creator, then only He can completely control anything.
    • Giving up control over some aspects of your life does not mean that you are completely powerless. God is not a puppeteer pulling strings, but a parent trying to keep you safe. You still choose the direction in your life, but life does not always go as you planned. In times like these, it is very important to remember that God is there to help you.
    • Knowing that you cannot control everything should empower you, not discourage you. Recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous were based on the premise that humans cannot fully control everything, and on the belief that higher powers restore balance by sacrificing the person's ego. When we accept the fact that we cannot control everything, we learn to accept what we cannot control.
    • Remember the Prayer for Serenity: "Lord, give me the patience to accept what I am unable to change, Give me the strength to change what is possible, And give me the wisdom to learn to distinguish the first from the second." There are certain things that you can change and there are some that you cannot. While you may not believe in God, believe in higher powers that shape the outcome of your life. This is a good starting point for gaining faith in God.

Method 2 of 3: Learn about God

  1. 1 Go to the temple. Try attending a Jewish or Christian church service. Listen to the words of the rabbi or priest and try to tie them to your life.
    • Priests often give speeches, called sermons, that connect daily life with faith in God. See if what the priest says affects you on a personal level. You may not be familiar with the Bible, but perhaps the priest’s feeling or opinion will resonate with you (for example, treating your neighbor the way you treat yourself).
    • Don't worry if you are not Christian or Jewish. Although you may be prohibited from participating in certain practices, such as communion (plates of bread that symbolize the body of Jesus), there are no restrictions on hearing services. In fact, priests usually like it when non-religious people become interested in God's teachings.
    • Church services are held on Sunday and usually last about an hour. Synagogue services are held on Saturday. Regular members usually arrive on time and listen to the entire service, although this is not always necessary for the casual member.
    • Catholic worship is usually a formal or semi-formal event. Be sure to dress properly. Shirts, pants, and long dresses are all acceptable. Also remember to be respectful. Do not use your mobile phone or chew gum during church services.
  2. 2 Talk to people who believe in God. Perhaps someone you know has a well-founded relationship with God. Talk to the person about why and how their faith is so strong.
    • Ask the following questions: “Why do you believe in God?”, “What allows you to be so sure that God exists?”, “Why should I believe in God?”. Your friend may have a special perspective on all of these issues. Remember to show respect and ask questions in a curious, not aggressive manner.
    • You can talk to a priest not only during confession. If you attend Mass on a weekday, then you will most likely be able to talk to him before or after the service. Priests are God's teachers, so they will be happy to answer all the questions about why you need to believe in God.
  3. 3 Practice prayer. Many religions believe that a good relationship with God begins with constant communication with him.God probably won't verbally answer your prayers, but there are other signs that will show that He is listening.
    • Prayer is especially important in difficult times. Many people have the misconception that prayer is a means of fulfilling desires. In fact, prayer is not asking God to solve all problems for you; it is asking to help you cope with your problems.
    • Perhaps you are faced with a difficult decision: to advance in your career or continue your studies? Try to pray to God and ask for advice. See what choice you make and watch the result. While the situation will not always end up as you planned, take this as another opportunity to pray. Do not think that bad consequences are the result of God not existing, he answers your prayers in a way that you did not consider.
    • The Bible emphasizes the idea that the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. Think of God as a teacher who helps you learn important life lessons, but not only gives you an answer, but helps you come to the answer yourself. Think back to school and ask yourself, “Teachers are just giving students answers, or are they learn to solve their problems? ”. Think of events in your life as "lessons", not "answers."

Method 3 of 3: Be an active member of society

  1. 1 Volunteer. Try to help those less fortunate than you by helping out in the homeless canteen or packing for orphanages.
    • Belief in higher powers means a shift in emphasis from oneself. Helping others is a great opportunity to see life from a different perspective.
    • Talking to people who are less fortunate can often help you appreciate the things in your life that you take for granted. Basic things like shelter, food, or simply being able to sleep in peace are a luxury not available to everyone. All of this will help you believe that God cares about you.
    • Notice how people who are deprived of certain things can still thrive. Tony Melendez, a man born without arms, recently played guitar for Pope John Paul II with his feet. Gratitude for what you have shifts the focus away from what you lack in life. Focus on the positive - optimism is a stepping stone to believing in something greater than yourself.
  2. 2 Do good deeds. Try to extend your good deeds into your daily life. Volunteering is both disinterested and generous, but do not forget about the little things.
    • If you just hold the door for the person, you can cheer them up for the whole day. Little things like smiles, making way for an older person on public transport, or a simple “thank you,” can bring you closer to God. Don't underestimate the impact that good deeds can have on your faith in higher powers.
    • Think of the times when someone, maybe even a complete stranger, did something good for you. Perhaps you dropped your mobile and the person stopped you to return it to you. Have you ever thought about the actions of this person? Perhaps he was the answer to the prayer: "Please, Lord, just help me get through this day."
    • Have you ever helped a person and heard the answer: “May the Lord bless you”? Try to really comprehend these words. What if God actually does something to tell you that he hears and sees us and fulfills your intentions and goals to express His love?


  • If the situation seems hopeless, don't despair. You have your own destiny, and God knows about it!
  • If a loved one dies and you ask “Why?”, “Why did he die?”, “Why am I left alone?”, Keep asking. Over time, the reason will appear. Until then, do not forget “… walk by faith, not by sight” - until the Lord decides that you are ready to hear the answer, just trust Him.
  • This article only refers to a traditional, personal God, and assumes that the existence of God is necessary and important. Although different faiths profess different views of God, they all surpass our ideas about any creature, be it man, woman, both, or none of them: God is more than this ...
  • Everything in life, every path that you choose, you choose for a reason, if you follow the will of God. Write it down and follow this path. Then read this book one day and trace the path you have traveled. Understand how the first road led to the old road, the straight road.
  • The beliefs that you have formed through faith and belief in a Higher Power don't just come. You cannot just wake up sutra and brush your teeth and say, "Today I will believe in God, today I will gain faith." Something has to happen for you to need to search and find that faith.
  • Have faith. Do not be discouraged and do not back down, doing good. Believe and you will never be alone. You don't have to believe in or join any particular religion to have faith in God.
  • Don't give up your faith just because there are obstacles in your way. When life brings you to your knees, look up and pray. God had a reason to give us free will and choice. We are not robots, and we are not programmed with instincts and unchanging urges like animals. If you seek Him, you will find Him. The door will open. When God closes one door, He opens another ...
  • When you have faith, hold on to it tightly, don't let it slip away, don't stop believing. One day you can understand the essence of the knowledge “I have a purpose in life”, and if you are still searching, you can find an even more important purpose, perhaps even when you least expect it.
  • Many people say that “to see is to believe,” but is that true with God? If you say “I am a Christian,” but do not believe in the real God, study the meaning of Christianity and understand that your relationship with God is based on your sincere heart search and acceptance of Him through faith. Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
  • Visit the website that will tell you more about why you need God and start a new life with God today.


  • People may disagree with you in many ways, but do not attach much importance to this. Respect other people's religions, they believe differently than you. This is a personal choice. This is fine.