How to get to the first page on Google

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easily Rank Your Local Website On The First Page of Google Search in Under 10 Minutes Free
Video: Easily Rank Your Local Website On The First Page of Google Search in Under 10 Minutes Free


It might seem like getting to the first page on Google is very difficult. Google uses a variety of tools and algorithms to determine the order in which results are displayed, which are updated frequently. With a few simple steps, you can create a site that will rank well on the search engine, and in this article, we'll show you what to do.


Method 1 of 4: Change your site content

  1. 1 Create quality content. For a website to rank well, its content must be of high quality. Hire a professional designer if you can (and if not, at least the site shouldn't look like it came from the nineties). Pay special attention to the text. Google loves a lot of text without spelling and grammatical errors. In addition, the content of the text should be consistent with the synopsis of the site. If you mislead the reader, or if he opens and immediately closes the site for some other reason, the site will lose its position in the ranking.
  2. 2 Create unique content. You will be blocked for duplicating the same text on different pages and for stealing other people's texts. And it doesn't matter at all who catches you by the hand - a human or a Google bot (bots do a great job with this). Publish content that was entirely created by you.
  3. 3 Use suitable images. Google also searches for images (and image quality matters too!). Find and create pictures that match and complement the text. Do not use other people's images! This will hurt your position in the search. Use images with an open source license or your own.
  4. 4 Use keywords. Use Google Analytics to find the right words for your business (we'll describe this process below). Then insert some keywords into the text. Don't overload your text with keywords - Google will notice and block you.

Method 2 of 4: Adjust the code

  1. 1 Choose a good domain name. If you can, use the main keyword in your site title. For example, if you have a winery, try to name the site To rank higher in the search, you can use the top-level domain of your country. So you will be found faster in the country, but your positions abroad will be lower (this does not matter if you work only within your own country). Don't substitute numbers for words (and don't use every other trick from the nineties) and ditch the subdomain.
    • This also applies to all pages of the second level. Each page on the site should have descriptive and working links. Name your pages so that both users and the search engine can understand them (that is, do not call pages by numbers: page1, page2, and so on). Better to choose names like if you offer your services to wedding planners.
    • Subdomain keywords are good for you, too. If your site has a section dedicated to wholesales, name it like this:
  2. 2 Use descriptions. The site code allows you to add invisible descriptions of images and pages. Take advantage of this and try to write at least one keyword in the text. All of this will help you get higher in the search. If you are unsure how to do this correctly, ask a web designer to help you.
  3. 3 Use headers (headers). Headers are another place on the site where you can enter text. Try to add at least one keyword to your header. It will also help you to be more visible in search results. If you don't know how to do it yourself, ask a web designer to help you.

Method 3 of 4: Become a Member of the Online Community

  1. 1 Exchange links with other sites. It will be very helpful for you to exchange links with more popular resources. Look for sites that do what you do and ask if they would be willing to do it. You can contact the authors of relevant blogs and see if they can write about you and provide a link to your site.
    • Remember: links must be of high quality. Google knows good from bad. Do not fill other people's sites with comments with links to your site, they will block you for this.
  2. 2 Get involved in social media. Likes and reposts on social networks are now even more important than search results on Google, especially when it comes to something relevant. This means that you should create social media accounts and try to find as many followers as possible who will like your pages and will be willing to share with friends. Remember: it's important not to spam!
  3. 3 Be an avid user. Update your pages regularly. Google loves sites that are frequently updated and followed. If you haven't done anything on your site since 2005, you have a serious problem. Find a way to make small changes: change prices, post news from time to time, photos from events, and so on.

Method 4 of 4: How to use Google

  1. 1 Learn to use keywords. It is the most important tool for website owners. This tool is part of Google's AdSense, and thanks to it, you can find out for free what queries people enter most often in a search engine. For example, if you have a winery, search for the word "winery" (using whatever filters you see fit). Click on keyword suggestions and you will see how often that word appears in search queries and how much the competition is. In addition, you will be offered several popular keyword variations. Pick the most common words that work for you and use them.
  2. 2 Learn to use Google Trends. In Google Trends, you can see how user interest changes over time. Search for your keyword and analyze the charts for the months you think interest will rise. Smart site owners will be able to figure out what explains this trend and find a way to use it to their advantage.
  3. 3 Add your business address to Google Maps if you can. Businesses that are listed on Google Maps are the first to search when someone searches for a business in a specific region. Adding an entry is easy: log into your account and fill out the appropriate form.


  • The content of the site should be relevant, and the site should not be crammed with keywords. A site that has only keywords and no useful information will turn off visitors. In addition, the search engine may notice this and exclude the site from the search results.