How to understand Machiavellianism

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Understanding Machiavellianism - The Dark Triad of Personality
Video: Understanding Machiavellianism - The Dark Triad of Personality


Machiavellianism is a political theory and a set of negative personality characteristics in psychology, based on the teachings of Niccolò Machiavelli.


  1. 1 Definition of Machiavellianism: "the use of treachery and deceit in public affairs or in general behavior." Remember this, a follower of the principles of Machiavelli must live by these principles, make them the credo of his life.
  2. 2 It is best to start with The Sovereign, Machiavelli's fundamental work, where the idea of ​​Machiavellianism comes from.
  3. 3 Read information about Machiavelli and those times. Understand the context in which Machiavellianism was born. Hint - Machiavelli lived during the reign of the Medici family in Florence, and was expelled by them.
  4. 4 Some believe that Machiavelli was a bad advisor who encouraged rulers to use torture and similar methods to stay in power. Reread The Sovereign twice, once from the point of view of the advisor and the other from the point of view of the king.
  5. 5 Others think that "The Emperor" is a subtle satire, because the work was written in Italian and Latin. Read "The Emperor" a second time, considering it as a satirical work, think for yourself, which is more - advice or satire.
  6. 6 Machiavellianism was perceived as a foreign virus infecting English politics, which had appeared in Italy and had already spread to France. In this context, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572 in Paris began to be seen as the result of Machiavellianism, a point of view that was largely influenced by the Huguenots. Read about the Huguenots and France, how the French monarchy used Machiavellian tactics to massacre the Huguenots.
  7. 7 In psychology, Machiavellianism is a term that some psychologists who study society and personality use to describe a person's tendency to deceive and manipulate others for their own benefit. Remember that it can have this meaning, although it is very close to the original.
  8. 8 In the 1960s, Richard Christie and Florence Haze developed the Machiavellian Scale. This test measures a person's level of Machiavellianism and consists of twenty questions used to assess. Take a look here: http: //
  9. 9 Those who score above 60 out of 100 boast a high score, and they approve of suggestions like: you only need to tell the truth when it is in your best interest to do so.
  10. 10 Machiavellianism is considered one of the three personality traits that are called the dark triad, along with narcissism and psychopathy. Some go even further and say that this is a form of psychopathy. Read about the psychology of Machiavellianism to understand what the consciousness of a follower of this theory is like.
  11. 11 Read about contemporary work on Machiavellianism and what it is about. Generalissimo of Burma Tan Shwe, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, British politician Lord Mandelson. Note that all three had power independent of the people. Tang Shwe is the general who held power by force, Wen Jiabao is the leader of a one-party country, and Mandelson in the House of Lords held power in government in an unelected position.
  12. 12 Read about old Machiavellianists like Pol Pot the Cambodian dictator, Stalin the Russian dictator, General Secretary Mao the communist leader of China.


  • If you consider yourself a Machiavellian, be prepared for the fact that many will not take it seriously. We do not strongly advise making your choice in the public domain, for your own safety.


  • Even if you're good at lying, someone else is just as likely to be an excellent observer. Given the nature of some of Machiavelli's schemes, they won't always provide you with the courtesy of the same clue in return. Assuming such things are usually learned in extreme situations, who knows the boundaries of a person?
  • If you are not very good at lying, you will be caught.