How to get what you want (through intent)

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways To Show "Intent" Without Being Needy! (What Women Want)
Video: 5 Ways To Show "Intent" Without Being Needy! (What Women Want)


Getting everything you want out of life is as easy as telling yourself that you already have it.It sounds a little strange, but all your thoughts or consciously repeated desires can come true! By thinking positively and imagining your success, you can influence your life with the power of thought. Please note that this article is based on belief in the power of the universe.


Part 1 of 3: Concentrate on Desire

  1. 1 Clear your mind. Try not to think about anything. This will have a calming effect on your body and mind. You need peace of mind to properly focus on your desire.
    • Listen to music or use music for meditation. Play your favorite calm song, sit in a comfortable position and try to clear your mind. Try not to fall asleep!
    • Take a walk. Physical activity also calms the mind. While walking, you should focus on your breath and the present moment, or immerse yourself in your surroundings. Don't let your mind wander during your walk.
  2. 2 Focus on the subject in your imagination and “ask” the universe for it. Sometimes your request can be formulated in writing.
    • For example, if you want to get a promotion, you might write, "I would like to get a promotion at work." Then read the text silently or aloud as many times as you need to focus on it.
  3. 3 Determine how your desire makes you feel. If you are going to spend a lot of mental energy trying to get something, then you need to make sure that your desire is appropriate and useful.
    • If the object of your desire brings joy, then this is a good desire! Focus on the positive feelings associated with the subject.
    • If the object of your desire does not evoke special emotions, then this is not necessarily a bad desire. Many people find that neutral feelings from the object of desire will help focus their attention.
    • If the object of your desire causes more negative emotions than positive ones, then it may turn out that your desire will not bring happiness. If this is the case, then you need to come up with new goals in life. But if you are sure that you need an item that causes negative feelings, then try to channel your thoughts in a positive direction. For example, with every negative thought, make a conscious effort to turn it into a positive attitude.

Part 2 of 3: Focus your attention

  1. 1 Feel the joy of having an item as if you already have it. Sit in a quiet place and create a mental image of how you are holding such an object in your hands. If your desire is not an object, but a state (for example, health and fit), then imagine yourself in this state. Draw as complete a picture as possible. What does it look like? What exactly do you feel? How do you feel? What will you do about it? This process is called rendering. It is also used in other activities.
    • For example, if you want to get a promotion, then you should imagine your life after that promotion. Imagine how you drive to work every morning, which office you go to. What will you do? Who will you lead and what tasks will you set for subordinates?
  2. 2 Think about what you desire. Come up with creative ways to remind yourself of your goals so you can visualize success throughout the day. Just don't turn this process into a routine job! Your thoughts should be free of negative emotions. If necessary, you can take a break and clear your mind.
    • Create a wish board. Cut images from magazines or create your own drawings and documents to glue onto a cardboard stand. Put the board in a place where you will see it every day, so that you can represent the object of your desire as often as possible. For example, you can write an “acceptance letter” for your desired promotion and attach it to your wish board.
    • Write a short letter in which you thank the universe for fulfilling your wish. For example: "I am extremely grateful that I was able to get a promotion at work." This way you can feel like you've already got what you want.
  3. 3 Don't feed negative emotions. If at any point your desire upsets you, then stop visualizing it. Instead, imagine all the positive emotions that are associated with your desire. For example, if you didn't get a promotion at the last real opportunity, then think of it not as a failure, but as a prospect of getting a better position for you in the future.

Part 3 of 3: Seize the Opportunities

  1. 1 Trust that the universe will provide you with new opportunities, and your visualization will have a positive impact on your life. Look out for new opportunities, especially in places where you would not normally expect them. Start conversations with people you usually avoid, or accept offers that you usually refuse. It is possible that the universe wants to show the way to your goal!
    • For example, if you are trying to get a promotion, and you are offered a job that you usually refuse, then try to accept the offer. It is possible that an unfamiliar project will help you earn a long-awaited promotion!
    • Be patient. Major changes don't happen overnight. It sometimes takes years of speculative intent to see the desired change. Trust that the universe will take care of the details and lead you to your goal.
  2. 2 Trust your intuition. If you feel the need to do something unusual, then feel free to act. It is possible that the universe is pushing you in the right direction in this way. So, if you go to the same cafe every day during lunch, but then suddenly feel the urge to go to another place, then follow this impulse. It is possible that you will meet someone who will help you achieve your goals!
  3. 3 Be grateful for what you already have. This will protect you from negative emotions that are completely unnecessary if you are trying to get what you want by visualizing your goal. Emotions like these can have a negative impact on the outcome of your efforts or even prevent you from getting what you want!


  • The more you think, the more powerful your intention is. Put in as much effort as possible when imagining what you want to get the most out of it.
  • Contemplative effort is not an excuse for laziness. You need to not only imagine your goals, but also work to achieve them. If you're not trying, then why is the universe?
  • If you represent the negative aspects, then you will let the negative into your life. If you wish harm to others, it means that you are not looking for your own happiness. Instead, start imagining positive changes in your own life!


  • Mental effort can attract more than just your positive desires. If you think about something bad, then it can also happen.
  • Understand that big targets like homes, soul mates, or vehicles don't appear overnight. Be patient and don't miss opportunities to get closer to your goal.

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