How to get excellent in SAT

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get a perfect score on the SAT reading section: tips from a 1600 scorer
Video: How to get a perfect score on the SAT reading section: tips from a 1600 scorer


The Screening Test (SAT) is one of the most important tests you will ever take as a student. A good SAT score will be a powerful weapon in your arsenal when you want to go to a good college. Therefore, the SAT can start to seem like an overwhelming and daunting task. The problem for many students is that they don't have a definite plan for how to get a high test score and therefore try to do too much or cram at the last minute. But you shouldn't think that getting the highest score is so difficult. By following our advice, you can come up with a realistic plan that will help you take this test easily and confidently.


Part 1 of 6: Assessing your knowledge and skills

  1. 1 Make a list of things to work on. Are you bothered by quadratic equations? Is grammar difficult for you? Think about what you need to work on and spend more time on these issues. This will not only help you pass a specific subject, but it will also relieve stress.
  2. 2 Don't forget your strengths. This is difficult to understand, but it is worth remembering what you already know as you work on the shortcomings. Putting all your energy into getting a good writing grade can make you forget the simple addition rules that you already had in your arsenal. It's also important to remind yourself that you are an intelligent person with many virtues, rather than gnawing at yourself for mistakes. Otherwise, you will feel insecure during the test.
  3. 3 Determine what type of student you are. Some people grasp the meaning of the task better after reading the text, others need to hear it. Some people need to imagine it in their heads. Think about how you perceive the information and apply this method in your curriculum. If it is more convenient for you to learn by ear, listen to CDs in the car. If you remember better by looking at words, make flashcards with text and pictures.

Part 2 of 6: Planning Your Lessons

  1. 1 Spend 30 minutes to an hour a day on activities. Allocate time for deep and thorough preparation one month (or months) before the exam, not on the last night. Research has shown that long-term training is more effective than cramming.
  2. 2 Set goals before each session. When we want to do something that will take a long time, no matter if it is studying, training or writing a novel, it is easy for us to say: "There is a lot, we can postpone it for tomorrow." The problem with procrastination is that it becomes very difficult to find motivation and start doing something. Set a specific, achievable goal for yourself before each session. For example, "I can get 75% on this survey" or "I'll write this essay tonight."
  3. 3 Reward yourself. When you've achieved your goals, be sure to indulge yourself. Buy yourself some ice cream. Play your favorite game for a couple of hours. Go shopping. This will boost your SAT motivation.

Part 3 of 6: Finding and Using Learning Resources

  1. 1 Use tutorials. The College Council that developed the SAT Assessment has published SAT Preparation Guide which will be your starting point. But besides him, there are a huge number of textbooks for students, so there is plenty to choose from.There are probably good choices in local and school libraries, so go through them and you will find what you need.
  2. 2 Use the official SAT website. The College Board website ( contains helpful tips, practice tests, new SAT questions of the day, and test programs. There is also a function that will help you organize and adapt your learning process according to your needs.
  3. 3 Find a good tutor. Private tutoring is one of the good options, especially for those students who are unable to study on their own. There are many companies offering private tutoring for SAT preparation, such as Princeton Review, Kaplan and TestMasters. You can also ask a school counselor and he will advise you on local tutors.
  4. 4 Use practice tests. There is a reason why you are asked to solve verification tests in books and websites. This is a chance to find out how you will roughly write your test. When you solve a practice test, imagine it is real. Sit in a quiet place where no one will disturb you and time the time. Don't think about the answers at the end of the book. At the end, count the number of correct and incorrect answers.
  5. 5 Read magazines and newspaper articles. Read long, voluminous passages on a topic - this practice will test your reading comprehension. Strain yourself by reading those topics that you are not interested in or are unfamiliar with. Then have someone review you or write a little analysis. This will increase your attentiveness, help you do your analysis, and improve your attentive reading skills.
  6. 6 Play educational games. Learning doesn't always have to be routine. At the end of a difficult session, you can let off some steam and play a math or lexical game on the computer. This will help not only keep fit, but also relax.

Part 4 of 6: The night before the test

  1. 1 Do not exercise the night before the test.. Relax tonight. Don't drive yourself to exhaustion. If you harass yourself, you may become depressed and think you will get a low grade. Read a book, watch a movie. Take a walk outside.
  2. 2 Get a good night's sleep before the test. You need to get eight or nine hours of sleep in order to feel refreshed and healthy the next day.

Part 5 of 6: The morning before the test

  1. 1 Eat a nutritious breakfast with lots of fiber and protein. Oatmeal, yogurt, granola, and eggs work well. Freshly squeezed juice containing natural sugar is a good addition. Avoid processed sugars and refined hydrocarbons found in donuts, muffins, and other baked goods. they will provide you with a surge of strength and energy, but in the evening you will feel unwell.
  2. 2 Find out exactly where the test center is located and how long it will take to get there. The last thing you need to do is worry if you will be late for your test. Therefore, you should take care of this in advance and then you can calmly repeat the material covered.
  3. 3 Don't drink too much water or coffee. Unwanted trips to the bathroom will take up your time during the test, so don't overdo it on your drinks.

Part 6 of 6: During the test

  1. 1 Answer easy questions first. Try to finish quickly with the questions you know the answers to - this will help you concentrate on more difficult tasks.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to skip questions. Sometimes you may be faced with a difficult question over which you have to puzzle for fifteen minutes. If this question is beyond your ability, just move on and skip it.
  3. 3 Don't forget about time . Even if you are consumed with dough, sometimes glance at your watch. Always know how much time you have and how many questions still need to be answered. This will help you avoid wasting all your time on one task.


  • Don't think it will take one week. This will take several months.Test preparation will also improve your school performance.
  • Learn to disconnect from distractions. During the test, you may be distracted by someone humming, the ticking of a clock, or a noisy air conditioner. Take a deep breath, look at your work, and concentrate.
  • Don't reconsider your opinion. Your first answer is likely to be correct.
  • Set yourself a good pace while taking practice tests at home or anywhere. This will help you a lot while solving this test.
  • Reassure your family and friends that you need a quiet place to study, be it your room, library, or backyard bench.
  • Have a supply of sharpened pencils just in case.
  • Be positive. The wrong solution to the task is not the end of the world.