How to get good tips as a waiter

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make More Money | 8 Tips For Struggling Servers
Video: How To Make More Money | 8 Tips For Struggling Servers


The best thing about being a waiter is going home every day with cash in your pocket. Tipping is always good, but not easy to earn. Here's what you should do to get a great tip while working as a waiter.


  1. 1 Remember, you have to serve your customers. To get a great tip, the first thing to remember is that you have to look after your customers. The requirements and needs of the clients should be the basis for your work. Do what the client asks for and you will be well rewarded.
  2. 2 Be quick. Speed ​​is essential for a good tip. The faster you fulfill the guest's wish, the happier he will be. That's your job, isn't it? Delight guests. Surely! If the client asks for something, immediately comply with the request. Give up whatever you do and respond to the client's request. Forget about the urge to use the bathroom because you haven't had time for it in the past six hours. If table # 7 requires extra bread, bring them extra bread immediately! Your wallet will thank you at the end of the evening.
  3. 3 Always smile. Customers should think you enjoy looking after them. It is important to hide any rejection you have towards them, because it will definitely reflect on your tip. Put on your face a big, if insincere smile, and don't take it off until you've removed your apron. Try applying some petroleum jelly to your teeth so you don't forget to smile. After all, if a trick like this once worked for Miss America, it will work for you too, just smile, damn it, smile!
  4. 4 Write down all orders. Customers usually think that waiters are uneducated people who are not capable of anything worthwhile in their lives, despite the fact that many waiters have at least one or more university degrees. By keeping a record of all orders, your customers will be sure they will receive exactly what they ordered. Even if the guest only ordered a vegetable salad with olive oil, at least pretend you wrote it down in your notebook.Just jot down a note or draw something or write something like, "Oh my God, this man thinks I'm dumb." The customer will notice that you are diligently writing down their order in your notebook, and will take this into account when calculating the tip.
  5. 5 Never argue with a client. The client is always right in all possible situations known to mankind, and under no circumstances can he be wrong. This is simply not possible. If a client says that he waited 45 minutes for his order, although you know that only 18 minutes have passed, because your system indicates what time you started serving his table, just nod, smile and agree with him. Apologize for your absolute incompetence and offer the client a dessert at the house's expense.
  6. 6 Don't touch the guests. You should never touch clients. Even though some of the latest research has shown that lightly touching a customer's shoulder as you hand change or thank them can increase your tip, it shouldn't be. Nowadays, any person can regard such a gesture as something extremely indecent.
    • On the other hand, if a client touches you, do not react negatively if his gesture does not make you uncomfortable. Just smile and ask, "Are you ready to order?" If you show that you are not happy when a stranger touched you, your client may tip you less. However, depending on the nature of the touch, it may not be worth the extra tip. It's up to you to choose.
  7. 7 Remember that tipping is subjective. If you follow the advice in this article, there is no reason why you shouldn't be tip 20% of your bill. However, since tip is a subjective decision, do not be surprised if instead of a tip, you are told: "You were the best waiter who ever served us!" or "I want to let your manager know how well you did your job today." This can also be considered a kind of tip.


  • If you were left with a single coin as a tip, it means that the client wanted to show you that you were not worthy of a tip at all. Take a coin and save it for good luck!
  • Tipping is said to exist to motivate waiters to provide quick service to customers. It is not clear if this is actually the case, but you really should always work very quickly when serving guests in your restaurant.
  • If you are serving foreigners, remember that in some countries it is not customary to leave a tip (and in Russia it is not yet common everywhere). Get ready for this.


  • Never complain to a customer about a bad tip. You can get fired from most restaurants for this. Be sure that karma will definitely pay off this cheap client sooner or later.