How to lose weight with water

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!
Video: Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!


If you're on a weight loss diet, consuming plenty of water can help. Water promotes metabolism, suppresses appetite and helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body. Consuming the recommended 8-10 glasses a day can be challenging, but with determination, you will soon be on the right track for using water for weight loss.


Method 1 of 4: Increase your water intake

  1. 1 Drink water throughout the day. This will keep you feeling full and you won't have to consume high-calorie drinks like milk, milk tea, juices and snacks that will only put you on weight. In addition, water will help you eat less if you do decide to snack, as you will already feel full. Eating fewer calories on a daily basis will help speed up the weight loss process.
    • If you don't like drinking water, try flavored water (apple, lemon, orange). Buy a bottle of water with the additive to make it taste better.
    • For more tips on how to love the taste of water, see our article
    • Set an alarm to remind you of your water intake throughout the day. So you will definitely not forget to have a glass. It will also help develop the habit of drinking water regularly.
    • Keep water close at hand. Keeping a bottle of water close at hand will make it easier to drink more water. Buy a reusable bottle and keep it close at hand when you are at home, at work, or on the run.
  2. 2 Drink a glass of water before every meal. Feeling full will keep you from eating much, so you will consume fewer calories for better weight loss results.
    • If you are using water before meals to lose more weight, be sure to keep track of the amount and calories you eat as well. You shouldn't drink water, but still eat junk food full of calories.
    • Drink a full glass of water before, during, and after meals. This will aid digestion and speed up weight loss from water. Water will help the body break down food and absorb its nutrients.
  3. 3 Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic drinks, cocktails, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water. Changing high-calorie drinks to zero-calorie alternatives will save you hundreds of extra calories per day, which will further help with weight loss.
  4. 4 Combine your alcohol intake with an equal amount of water. This mixed fluid intake does not count towards your daily water intake.Any amount of water you consume in this way should be in addition to your daily water goal.
  5. 5 Drink water and cut back on salt to help you lose water weight in your body. Reducing the amount of dietary salt you eat will help you lose water weight quickly, especially when combined with an increase in your daily water intake.
    • Check labels for sodium. Some foods that don't seem to have a lot of salt may be high in sodium.
    • Try other flavors and spices to flavor your food. Fresh herbs and garlic have no negative health effects and can be added to enhance the flavor of many foods.
    • Canned and frozen vegetables can contain a lot of salt, which is used as a preservative. Buy fresh vegetables as often as possible.
    • If the brand offers a lower sodium option, opt for it. This is an easy way to enjoy the foods you love while ridding yourself of unnecessary salt.
    • Check the nutrient facts before eating out. Food and drink in restaurants contains a huge amount of salt, even dishes that you might not expect. Many restaurants nowadays publish information about the products and substances they use online.

Method 2 of 4: Try a water-based detoxifying diet

  1. 1 Try a short detox diet. Its essence is to drink water infused with vegetables and fruits. Buy vegetables and fruits to infuse them with water, you can use cucumbers, melons, strawberries, mint leaves and other herbs, various citrus fruits, apples and pineapples.
    • You can buy a glass with a lid and a straw. You can infuse water in different glasses with different fruits and store them in the refrigerator.
    • Vegetables and fruits should be as fresh as possible, as is the water. If fruits and vegetables start to spoil, throw them away and restock.
  2. 2 Decide how long you will be on the detox diet. Such a diet for a long time can have negative consequences because your body does not get all the nutrients it normally gets, such as fiber and protein. It is better to sit on such a diet for a week or less.
    • Be sure to check with your doctor before going on this diet. If you have certain dietary restrictions, a detox diet may not be the right way to lose weight.
    • If you find that you have become too tired or dizzy, stop the detox diet and return to your normal diet. Your overall health is more important than losing weight quickly.
  3. 3 Put chopped fruits and vegetables in water and refrigerate for several hours. You can make a whole pitcher of water with the flavor you like best, or separate servings of different combinations. Experiment and find the flavor combinations that appeal to you the most.
    • Don't add sugar or other sweeteners, although this can be a very tempting idea. If you want to add other spices, such as cinnamon or nutmeg, feel free to add. Avoid anything that contains calories and anything that will help you retain water in your body.
    • Peel the rind off the citrus to prevent it from imparting a bitter taste to the drink.
    • Do not use water that has been in the refrigerator for more than three days, as vegetables and fruits can spoil and ferment in the water. It is best to store the drink in the refrigerator, but it can be kept at room temperature for one day.
  4. 4 Drink at least the recommended 2 liters of water a day. Do not drink all 2 liters at a time, but drink a glass 9-10 times during the day. This will refuel the water you lose during the day. Drink more water if you can, 2 liters is the minimum.
    • It is best to do this during a period of time when you are free from work and other responsibilities so that you can focus on drinking as much of the fresh water as possible. If you can't do this, try this diet only on weekends when you spend most of your time at home.
    • There will be many toilet breaks during this time. Stay close to the toilet so you don't have to run around looking for it when nature calls.
  5. 5 Eat food rich in water during this diet. If you do eat anything, look for foods that are high in water. Fruits and vegetables are great. You can eat watermelon, strawberries, zucchini, peaches, tomatoes, cauliflower, pineapple, eggplant, or broccoli. If you need to eat meat, eat lean meats like chicken or turkey instead of red meat or pork.
    • Combine a restricted calorie diet with a water diet. 500 grams of water before each meal and limiting your daily calorie intake (1200 for women and 1500 for men) will give a significant boost to weight loss and help you successfully maintain your weight loss throughout the year.
  6. 6 Remember, this is not a long term solution. While such a diet will help you lose weight quickly, if your usual lifestyle is not conducive to a healthy life, you are more likely to gain that weight back.

Method 3 of 4: Keep Water Fasting

  1. 1 Decide how long you want to fast. This is usually best done for only a few days. If you are not sure if you can handle it that long, try to hold out for 24 hours first. If at the end of those 24 hours you feel like you can continue, do so.
    • Remember, this is a temporary way to lose weight quickly. If you can't stand the whole fast, you can simply stop it and resume your normal eating habits.
    • Stick to fasting intermittently. Fast for a short while, and then repeat it again after a few weeks or a month.
  2. 2 Consult your doctor. Do not fast if you have any dietary or health restrictions that could jeopardize your well-being (such as diabetes), or if you are a breastfeeding mom. It's not worth it. Choose another way to lose weight if you can't fast.
    • If you can't keep fasting completely, try replacing one or two meals with water and eating a low-calorie meal for lunch to kickstart your weight loss.
    • Be aware that this diet may have some long-term consequences due to its lack of protein and fiber. This can lead to low energy levels and poor gut health. Consider this before starting your post.
  3. 3 Eat small amounts of light food for several days to prepare your body for fasting. Increase your water intake, fruits and vegetables, eat only lean meats and only brown rice.
    • Do not add salt to food, as it retains water, and does not pass it through the body, and this is the last you need.
  4. 4 Don't exercise. Although your goal is to lose weight, and exercise is very helpful in this regard, it is still worth avoiding during the fast. It will be very difficult for your body to make such an effort and lose fluid through perspiration.
  5. 5 Start fasting. Drink only water for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and throughout the day when you feel hungry. Watch your body closely during this time. Pay attention to the factors that trigger hunger. If you feel dizzy, drink some tea or seltzer water to help calm the body and get back on track.
    • You can also use 15 minute meditations during this fast. Focus on your emotional well-being and clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts and feelings. Follow this link for more tips on meditation - meditate.
    • You can take herbal supplements or find a safe water supplement that balances electrolyte levels. Although water fasting eliminates sweeteners and solids, supplements of prunes or natural salts are recommended to prevent water intoxication.
  6. 6 Slowly introduce light foods back into your diet. Try to eat the same way you did before fasting to gradually return to your normal diet. Eat raw fruits and vegetables, lean meats, brown rice, and stick to the same amount of water you drink.
    • Most of the weight lost will be muscle mass. Therefore, if after a water fast you gain a couple of kilograms again, this is normal. Do not be discouraged and do not think that your post was unsuccessful. Maintain other healthy habits, improve your diet, and exercise regularly to maintain your water fasting results.

Method 4 of 4: Other Ways to Lose Weight

  1. 1 Try a green tea diet. Its essence is to drink a 250-gram glass of cold or hot green tea four times a day: when you first wake up and before each meal. Tea will raise the level of antioxidants in your body and help you feel full before you eat, so you will eat less.
    • Have more tea instead of a snack. Increasing your fluid intake will help you lose weight and consume fewer calories per day.
    • Continue drinking water throughout the day. Green tea can actually dehydrate your body. To avoid this, drink the usual amount of water in addition to tea.
  2. 2 Try a juice diet. This is a great and easy way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Find a good juicer or blender that can bring your food to a smoothie consistency. You can only consume juice during this period of time, or simply replace one or two meals with a healthy smoothie, usually for breakfast and lunch. Try to stay on this diet for a week.
    • Eat not only fruit juices and smoothies, but vegetable juices as well. Leafy vegetables like kale and spinach work well. If you don't want a pure vegetable smoothie and want to sweeten it up a bit, add an apple.
    • Eat raw vegetables and lean meats for dinner. Consuming unhealthy foods during this time will backfire.
    • If you feel hungry, drink more juice, water, or have a snack, such as almonds or dried fruit, to soothe your hunger.
  3. 3 Introduce more clean foods into your diet. Just eat mostly unprocessed foods that are free from preservatives and additives. Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, and organic foods in your diet, and stay away from artificial additives such as sweeteners and colors. This will ensure that you eat your food in its most natural state, which is the healthiest option for you.
    • Always look at the label to check the ingredients. If you see something unfamiliar, search the Internet. It could be a technical term for something known and not harmful at all. If there are too many items in the list of ingredients that you do not know, it is better not to buy this product.
    • Shop at health food stores or markets. These are the places where it is easiest to find foods that are closest to their natural state.
    • Grow your own vegetables and fruits. There is nothing more natural than what is grown in your own garden. Try planting a small fruit and vegetable garden to control what is entering your body.
    • Try to cook more yourself. Finding recipes such as salad dressings, ice cream or even baby food will help you know exactly what your family is eating.
  4. 4 Make lifestyle changes that make him healthier. Exercise and a healthy diet are the most effective ways to lose and maintain weight. Talk to your doctor or dietitian to help you recognize the mistakes you may be making and make a health plan you can stick to.
    • Avoid rigid diets as they only provide temporary results. For long-term results, it is better to develop healthier habits.
    • Be patient with weight loss. Losing weight quickly does not mean that you have achieved long-term results. It is worth focusing more on a healthy lifestyle rather than quick weight loss.


  • Increasing your water intake or a water diet will have the greatest weight loss benefits when combined with an exercise plan and a healthy, balanced diet.
  • But you can follow the water diet described in this article, which focuses on significantly increasing your daily water intake and does not require exercise or dietary changes to lose weight. While these diets carry some risks due to the lack of minerals and electrolytes, on the other hand, they are very easy to follow. In some people, they can lead to significant weight loss.
  • Research has shown that a relative and absolute increase in the amount of water you drink each day improves weight loss results. Try increasing your daily water intake to match or slightly exceed the recommended daily intake. Typical recommended daily allowances are 3.7 liters per day for an adult male and 2.7 liters per day for an adult female from all sources (drinking water, other drinks and food).
  • If you are an athlete, consult your doctor about the appropriate amount of water during exercise. He may recommend alternating water with sports drinks that contain electrolytes.


  • Increasing your fluid intake can also increase the frequency of using the toilet, so make sure you have regular access to it.
  • If a person drinks too much water, they put themselves at risk of electrolyte imbalances, kidney damage, and even death. Do not drink too much water or substitute for meals without thoroughly replenishing electrolytes.