How to learn to push up

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: PUSH UPS FOR BEGINNERS | 5 Easy Tips to Perfect YOUR PUSH-UP!


Although considered an upper body exercise, push-ups train all muscles. To perform them correctly, you must first train the muscles of the back, abs, chest and arms. If you can't do push-ups, then follow this plank and bent-over program until you learn to do push-ups.


Method 1 of 5: Knee Dips

  1. 1 Get down on your hands and knees on the rug. Raise your ankles as you would for a knee plank.
  2. 2 Slide your torso forward and take the plank position from your knees.
  3. 3 Bend your elbows and lower your chest. Make sure your neck is straight and your head does not drop. The chest should be below the chin.
  4. 4 Get down to almost touching the floor. If you cannot sink that low, then sink as far as you can.
  5. 5 Hold for 5 seconds. Push up and straighten your arms. A pause in the down position increases the effectiveness of the push-ups.
  6. 6 Do 10 push-ups, pausing in between. To speed up your results, after push-ups, get into a full bar for 60 seconds.
  7. 7 Repeat knee push-ups every day for one week. Your chest and upper body muscles will be strengthened and you will be able to do push-ups every day for faster results.

Method 2 of 5: Knee Plank

  1. 1 Create a workout space at home or in the gym. You will need a long, rough rug to keep it from slipping.
  2. 2 Take care of your knees and wrists. If you have weak wrists, place two 2kg hexagonal dumbbells on the mat about the width of your shoulders. If you have knee problems, place a second mat underneath to soften it.
    • Dumbbells are used to relieve pressure on the wrists. As you do the exercises, you will rely on them.
  3. 3 Get into the correct position for the plank. Get on your hands and knees on the mat. Raise your ankles and cross them.
    • By lifting your ankles and moving and closer to your buttocks, you have increased the load on the arm.
    • Move your torso forward so that the line between your shoulders and buttocks is straight.
    • Don't press your shoulders. To do this, lift your chest and slightly arch your lower back.
    • The neck should be a continuation of the plane of the back, the gaze is directed slightly above the top of the mat.
  4. 4 Take a position as in the picture above. If your core (upper body) muscles are weak, the position will be slightly arched upward. That is, the back will protrude above the straight line drawn from the knees to the shoulders.
    • As you gradually develop your muscles, keep the area from knees to shoulders in one straight line. Don't drop your glutes too low, or your core muscles will relax and damage your lower back.
  5. 5 Hold the plank for 15-60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat again. Do this exercise every other day for the first week.
    • If you can already stay in the bar for 60 seconds, then proceed to the next stage of our program.

Method 3 of 5: Mastering the Full Plank

  1. 1 Place the rug on the floor. Wear athletic shoes. It is needed to support the ankles and improve grip.
    • Yoga people can do planks and push-ups with bare feet.
    • If conditions permit, place a mirror next to you so that you can monitor the correct execution of the exercise.
    • If you have problems with your wrist, then, as in the previous exercise, dumbbells will help you reduce the load on it.
  2. 2 Get down on all fours as you would for a knee plank.
  3. 3 Straighten your lower back by squeezing and pulling in your abdominal muscles.
  4. 4 Shift your weight to your upper body. Straighten one leg. Balance your weight and straighten your other leg.
    • Feet should be shoulder width apart.
    • Hands should also be shoulder-width apart.
  5. 5 Adjust the position so that there is a straight line from the ankles to the crown of the head. If you put a mirror next to it, then periodically look into it and check the correct position.
    • Keep your wrists directly under your shoulders.
  6. 6 Stay in full plank for at least 15 seconds. Try to hold out for a minute, remember to breathe evenly. Do a full bar every other day and each time increase the time by 15 seconds.
    • If you find it difficult to count the time, set a timer on your phone. Run it right before you take the plank position.
    • Once you can stand in a full plank for 60 seconds, move on to incline and knee dips.

Method 4 of 5: Bent Over Dips

  1. 1 Find a low bench or low handrail in the play area.
  2. 2 Make sure your feet won't slip. A concrete or gym floor and sports shoes with quality soles will provide excellent traction.
  3. 3 Bend down and grab the bar or place your hands on the bench. Hands should be shoulder width apart.
  4. 4 Pull in your stomach and straighten your lower back. Straighten one leg. Then the second.
  5. 5 Take a straight tilt position.
  6. 6 Bend your elbows and lower your chest to almost touch the bench or bar. Hold for 3 seconds. Squeeze out.
  7. 7 Do 10 push-ups with pauses in between. After push-ups every day, do the plank once for 60 seconds.
    • If you are experiencing muscle pain in your arms or chest, take a day off and let them recover.

Method 5 of 5: Full Push-Ups

  1. 1 Return to the rug. If you can stand in the bar for 60 seconds and do 10 incline push-ups, then that means you can also do several full push-ups.
  2. 2 Get into a full plank position.
  3. 3 Bend your elbows and lower yourself almost to the touch of your chest to the floor. Hold for 1 second and return to the starting position. If you cannot lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, then lower yourself as best you can, hold for 3 seconds and straighten up.
  4. 4 Do as many push-ups as you can every day. Try to do 2 more push-ups every day.


  • Always breathe evenly during push-ups or planks. When doing the plank, inhale and exhale on a count of 4. And when doing push-ups, inhale, lowering to the floor, and exhale, straightening your arms.
  • To add pressure to the triceps, do not push your elbows apart when doing push-ups, but press them against your sides.


  • Be careful as push-ups cause a spike in blood pressure. Check with your doctor before doing push-ups or planks.

What do you need

  • Sport shoes
  • Exercise mat
  • Hexagonal dumbbells
  • Low bar or bench