Pass a test without studying

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Passing Exams Without Studying - Sadhguru
Video: Passing Exams Without Studying - Sadhguru


If you have a test that you haven't studied for, you may be very concerned about passing it. While studying for a test well in advance is the best strategy to pass, you may still be able to pass it even if you haven't studied. You can use a combination of good test techniques, such as reading the questions carefully, answering simple questions first, and tricks to get through multiple choice and true / false parts of the test. It is also important to start the test well rested, fed and relaxed!

To step

Method 1 of 5: Read and understand the test

  1. Listen carefully to the teacher's instructions. Before you start reading the test, look at your teacher and listen to his or her instructions. Pay close attention to the instructions on the test that your teacher emphasizes. Your teacher can emphasize something by repeating it or writing it down on the board. You should also make a note of anything your teacher says will help you take the test successfully.
    • For example, if your teacher says there is no penalty for guessing if you don't know the answer, then you know you have to answer every question on the test.
    • Make sure to ask questions if there is anything unclear about what your teacher is saying. You will likely have the opportunity to ask questions, but if not, raise your hand!
  2. Read the test once before answering questions. Going through the test completely once is essential because it allows you to review the information in the test, think about how you will answer certain questions, and notice questions you don't understand. Read the entire test once and write down everything that is important to you.
    • For example, if you come across a question formulated in a way that you don't understand, make a note of it and ask your teacher for additional clarification.
  3. Decide how much time to spend on each question. Depending on how much time you have to complete the test and how many questions there are, you may have a tight schedule to stick to. Don't spend too much time determining how long to spend on each question. Just make a quick estimate.
    • For example, if the test has 50 multiple-choice questions and you have 75 minutes for the test, you have about 1.5 minutes per question.
    • Make sure you make extra time for issues. For example, if you have 60 minutes to answer 30 multiple choice questions and 2 questions, you should probably spend one minute on each multiple choice question and allow yourself 15 minutes per question.
  4. Write down everything you think you might forget. Before you start filling out answers, it can be helpful to write down all the information you need to answer certain questions that you fear you might forget by the time you get to the question.
    • For example, you could write down math formulas you need, facts to include in a question answer, or the dates of some important events you noted in the multiple choice section.

Method 2 of 5: Answer difficult questions on the test

  1. Answer the easiest questions first and skip the rest. Start by answering questions to which you know the answers and skip the other questions. You can come back to it later. This will help you gain some momentum and build the confidence to tackle the more difficult parts of the test. It will also help increase your chances of success by making sure you get as many points as possible.
    • For example, if you know the answers to some multiple choice questions, answer those questions first and skip the questions you don't know.
    • Return to the questions you skipped after you finish answering the questions you know.
  2. Guess difficult questions if there is no penalty for incorrect answers. If you get stuck on a question that you don't know the answer to, you may just have to guess. Make sure you are not penalized for an incorrect answer. If it does, then you may want to leave these questions blank.
    • Penalty points means that you get an extra point deduction for incorrect answers. For example, if you get an extra deduction for incorrect answers, but you only get zero points if you leave an answer blank, leave it blank too.
  3. Circle keywords in difficult questions. If you come across a question to which you don't know the answer, you may be able to improve your chances by circling the keywords. Circle any words you notice as important terms and see if this helps you understand and answer the question.
    • For example, if the question is, "What is the main difference between mitosis and meiosis?" Then the keywords are "difference", "mitosis" and "meiosis". You could focus on these terms to determine how to answer the question.
  4. Rewrite difficult questions in your own words. If you come across a question formulated in a way that is difficult for you to understand, try rewriting the question in your own words. This can help clarify what the question is and how best to answer it.
    • For example, if the question is, "What was Louis Pasteur's most remarkable achievement who also shares his name," you could rewrite the question as, "What important thing did Louis Pasteur do that is named after him?"
  5. Review your answers and add more details if there is time left. Once you have finished answering all the questions on the test, you may still have some time left. If you do, review the test and review your answers. Concentrate on the questions you were unsure about or only minimally answered. Add details and clarify your answers as much as possible.
    • Depending on how much time you have left, you have to set it up again. For example, if you have 10 minutes left, you may have time to quickly go through your entire test. If you have two minutes left, just look at a few more questions you're unsure about.

Method 3 of 5: Address multiple choice questions

  1. Choose the most detailed answer option. If the question is multiple choice, choose the answer to the question that is longest and most specific. This is often the correct answer.
    • For example, if the question gives a short, vague answer for some of the options and then a longer, more detailed option answer for one of the options, the longer answer is probably correct.
    • Sometimes long and very detailed answers are given to make you believe that this is the best answer. Use your own insight to determine whether the answer best fits the question.
  2. Look for linguistic similarities between the questions and the answers. The correct answer is often grammatically correct if it is read in conjunction with the question and / or is similar in language to the question. Read the question and then each of the answers to see which answer sounds correct.
    • For example, if the question was asked in the past tense and only one of the answers was written in the past tense, then this may be the correct answer.
    • If the question contains certain terms that also appear in an answer, this may be the correct answer.
  3. Select the average numeric choice from the options. If you are trying to find the correct numeric answer, choose a number in the middle of the given set of numbers.
    • For example, if the possible answers are 1, 3, 12, and 26, then 12 is a good bet, because it's about halfway between 1 and 26.
  4. Select C or B if you just don't know. When in doubt, choose C or B for multiple choice questions. C is the most common answer to multiple choice questions and B is the second most common answer. Choose C if you are not sure which answer to choose and choose B if C does not seem correct.
    • For example, if you come across a question where you don't know what the correct answer might be, choose C. However, if you think C is incorrect, but can't decide which of the other answers might be correct, choose B .
  5. Select "all of the above" if given, but avoid "none of the above". None of the above "is rarely the correct answer, but" all of the above "is often correct. Using this rule can help you narrow down your choices if you are unsure of how to answer a question.
    • For example, if you are unsure of the answer to a question and "all of the above" is an option, choose this one.If "none of the above" is offered, then you can eliminate that as a possible correct answer and focus on your other options.

Method 4 of 5: Choosing the best answer for true / false questions

  1. Choose false if the statement contains absolute qualifications. Statements that contain absolute statements are rarely true, so opt for it false when you come across these kinds of statements. Absolute pronunciations include words like:
    • No
    • Never
    • No one
    • All
    • All of them
    • Always
    • Fully
    • Only
  2. Choose true for statements with less extreme qualifications. If a statement contains a qualification that is not absolute and that seems more reasonable, then it probably is true. Less extreme qualifications include:
    • Rarely
    • Sometimes
    • Often
    • Most
    • A lot of
    • Mostly
    • Some
    • Little
    • General
    • Normally
  3. Choose false if any part of the statement is false. It does not matter if the whole statement is false or if only one word or phrase in the statement is false. If any part of a statement is false, choose false if you answer.
    • For example, if a statement is mostly true, except for one word, then that statement is false.
  4. Look for words that can change the meaning of the statement. Certain words can change the meaning of a statement, so it's important to pay attention to these and consider how they affect the statement. A single word can make the pronunciation true or false to make. Some words to watch out for are:
    • So
    • Therefore
    • Because
    • It follows from this
    • Hence
    • So
    • Not / cannot
    • Will not
    • Not

Method 5 of 5: Improve your mental state for the test

  1. Get a good night's sleep. Being well rested improves your chances of performing well on an exam, even if you haven't studied for it! You will think more clearly and be less likely to make simple mistakes because you are tired. Go to bed on time the evening for a test.
    • For example, if you normally go to bed at 10 p.m., make sure you are in bed by 10 p.m. now.
  2. Eat a good breakfast on the day of the test. Taking a test on an empty stomach is a bad idea as it will probably make you more difficult to concentrate. Eat a good breakfast the morning of the test to nourish your brain and keep you focused. Some good breakfast ideas include:
    • A bowl of oatmeal with fresh berries, walnuts and honey
    • A hard-boiled egg, two slices of buttered whole wheat toast, and a banana
    • Cottage cheese, fruit salad and a bran muffin
  3. Use relaxation techniques to calm down. If you feel stressed, you may stiffen or panic during the test, and this may affect your performance. Use a relaxation technique to get into a calm frame of mind before taking the test, and you will likely perform better. Some techniques to try are:
    • Meditate
    • Yoga
    • Abdominal breathing
    • Progressive muscle relaxation
  4. Visualize that you pass the test well. Positive visualization can help improve your chances of passing a test, and it can also help alleviate some of your testing anxiety. Before entering the test, close your eyes and imagine getting the test back with an ample pass. Spend at least a few minutes on this imagination.
    • The more detailed you can make your visualization, the better! Concentrate on the way the grade is written on the paper, your teacher's response, and how you will feel after passing the pass.
  5. Avoid blocks for the test. Ideally, you've studied for weeks or even months leading up to a test, but it doesn't always work that way. If you intended to study, but you didn't and are now facing an important test for which you are not well prepared, blocks probably won't help. You better take the test with what you know now.
    • If you don't do well on this test, focus on the next test!


  • Make a study plan for the next time you have to take a test. This will help you to spread your studies over a long period of time and to retain as much information as possible.
  • Cover the answers given and try to answer questions yourself. This will help you narrow down your options and keep you from getting confused by the choices given.
  • Use the previous tests in your class to see how they are typically set up and what kind of questions your teacher is asking. If you have not yet taken a test from this teacher, ask for a sample test from the previous year.