How to kiss a girl on a first date

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Touch & Kiss A Girl On A First Date
Video: How To Touch & Kiss A Girl On A First Date


After reading this article, you will be ready for your first kiss.


  1. 1 Don't insist. During the first kiss, the girl will not appreciate your assertive disposition. Let it all go naturally.
  2. 2 Look into her eyes.
  3. 3 Play with her hair and look at her lips so that she notices it. Now you can either kiss her or compliment her clothes or one of the details of her appearance.
  4. 4 Do one of these actions, depending on your courage:
    • Speak calmly and ask her permission if you are unsure. Better to wait for the moment when she is ready. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation.
    • Tilt your head and get 90% closer to it and let it go the rest of the way.
  5. 5 Do not kiss her until she starts to move away, kiss until you move away yourself. Thus, you tease her - it attracts.
  6. 6 Place your hand on her hair as you kiss. You can put your arms around her and put your hands behind her back (ONLY NOT VERY LOW! You know what I mean!). Make her feel comfortable - you want her to want to kiss you again!
  7. 7 Smile and say something after the kiss. It depends on what you are doing; for example, "Do you want to go back to the others?" or "When will we meet again?" “I love you” is a wonderful phrase, but only if you are sincere! Also, if you feel like it, you can bite your lower lip while smiling to make her think “this was a great moment,” or even tell her about it.
  8. 8 If you are in a movie theater or any other similar situation, you can find a simple solution. When you are sitting next to, turn to her.Touch her hand so that she looks at you. Look into her eyes, then get closer to her and then act according to the situation.


  • Try to take care of your breathing. Bad breath is a recipe for failure.
  • Be nice if she likes it. If not, give her freedom, and perhaps it will work to your advantage.
  • Always listen to her and remember, confidence is key.
  • Girls like good eau de toilette. But don't overdo it! It might alienate her. Eau de Toilette tip: spray once and wait 1-3 seconds, depending on how strong you want to smell. Then walk through the spray area.
  • Be adorable. Thus, she will want to kiss you even more.
  • Hold her hand, be light. Don't squeeze!
  • Most likely, she also wants to kiss you badly, so don't give up hope.
  • Relax, relax and move on.
  • Look into her eyes, maybe you can understand what she is thinking.
  • If you're on the bus, kissing may not be easy, and most girls don't like kissing in public.
  • If you walk her home and she stops at the door, this is a sign that she wants to kiss you. If she immediately says goodbye and moves to the door, don't try to kiss her. This means that she does not want it.
  • Remember, if you feel like she's relaxing with a kiss, more often than not, it means it's time to stop. So, stop and ask "is everything okay?"
  • Tell her how you feel and see her reaction.
  • Use eau de toilette that doesn't remind her of her father - it can be weird and repulsive.


  • If during the excitement, you are talking nonsense - do not do it! You can ruin everything. Don't expect the girl to be the type who thinks it's cute.
  • Be careful what you say. If you say, “I can see everything under your shirt” or “Your makeup looks terrible,” then it is likely to go away or be embarrassed. Maintain a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Some girls are allergic to strong eau de toilette, be careful with that.
  • DON'T BE CREEPY. If you are alone, in a place that she did not volunteer to go, and she looks down or to the side, then she feels awkward. Other signs of discomfort - she writes a message to someone or asks “Where do you think the other guys are”, or “Oh look! This is my friend! I'll go and say hello! " - let her go and apologize later for embarrassing her.
  • Most girls are good at smelling Ax. But, if recently she often met a similar smell, then it may seem unpleasant to her. Either way, if you forget to shower, use deodorant.
  • Be careful with kissing at school! Many schools prohibit outdoor courtesies on school grounds. If you really feel like it, do it quickly. Don't kiss for minutes.
  • If you are worried, tell her about it, most likely, she is in the same situation. This can relax the environment. both of you are worried.
  • Do not handle it improperly. This applies to all girls! There are, of course, exceptions. But know - this is not the best thing you can do during the first kiss.
  • If she is asthmatic, then perhaps she may develop a reaction to eau de toilette, which contains alcohol. Find out about this in advance. Note if she is using an inhaler. Find out about this by asking about her childhood.
  • Some girls don't like the smell of eau de toilette. Maybe you shouldn't use eau de toilette on your first date.