How to swim while standing

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn to Swim - Treading Water
Video: Learn to Swim - Treading Water


1 Use your arms and legs. While in an upright position, engage all four limbs. If you roll over horizontally, start pushing off with your feet and paddle with your hands, you will float instead of staying in place.
  • 2 Keep your head upright and breathe evenly. Keep your head above water and try to slowly control your breathing. If you slow down your breathing, it will become easier for you to calm down, start saving energy and stay afloat longer.
  • 3 Make horizontal movements with your hands. If you move them up and down, you will constantly rise and fall because you will have to constantly push your arms out. Move your hands back and forth, so that your palms are directed in the direction of the movement, and your fingers are closed. This will keep your upper body afloat.
  • 4 Use your feet in a circular motion or a quick back and forth motion. If you are doing circular movements, do not stretch your toes or move your feet. If you are doing quick back and forth motion, point your toes down and keep moving.
  • 5 If necessary, lie on your back and gently row with your arms and legs. Lie on your back and rest from the constant movement of your arms and legs. You still need to paddle with your arms and legs, but not as hard as when you are upright.
  • 6 If you find it difficult to stay on the surface of the water, hold onto any watercraft. A log, oar or rubber boat - it doesn't matter. Use any object that doesn't sink and that you can hold onto to stay afloat. The less energy you spend in the water, the longer you hold out until help arrives.
  • Method 2 of 2: Standing Swimming Techniques

    1. 1 Paddle like a dog. Swimming like a dog means paddling with your hands in front of you and moving your legs up and down.
      • Advantage: to swim like this, you don't need a special "correct" technique.
      • Disadvantage: you waste too much energy, which means you will not be able to swim in this way for a long time.
    2. 2 Try kicking like a crawl. Kick your legs, slightly bending your knees, as in crawl swimming, and spread your arms to the sides to maintain balance. For this movement with your feet, pull your toes down and move one foot forward, and the other at the same time back. Alternately swing your legs forward and back at the same pace.
      • Advantage: Thanks to the movement of the legs, the hands remain free for other activities.
      • Disadvantage: Since you only use your legs to stay afloat, this technique is very challenging.
    3. 3 Paddle like a frog. When swimming like a frog, you first spread your legs to the sides, and then bring them together. Bring your legs together, then spread your feet to the sides, and then again sharply bring them together.
      • Advantage: This technique is not as exhausting as kicking or dog-rowing.
      • Disadvantage: You will constantly move up and down in the water instead of staying relatively still.
    4. 4 Try "oar" hands. You can float on the water by rowing with your hands like oars. To do this, spread your arms to the sides and completely immerse yourself in the water. Turn your palms towards each other and bring your hands together until they almost touch. Having brought your hands to this point, turn away from each other and spread your arms back to the starting position. Try to row back and forth in a single smooth motion.
      • Advantage: Since this technique does not involve the legs, you can combine it with other techniques, such as kicking like a crawl.
      • Disadvantage: Almost your entire body (except your head) will be under water.
    5. 5 Try a rotor stroke. This means that you move one foot clockwise and the other counterclockwise. This is a difficult stroke technique, but it saves a lot of energy.
      • Advantage: If you can master this technique, you will save a lot of energy.
      • Disadvantage: This is a difficult technique and many people need to train long and hard to master it.
    6. 6 Try to make a helicopter. Lie on your back on the water. Immediately begin making circular movements with your hands. Make simultaneous up and down movements with your feet.
      • Advantage: This technique is very easy for children to change.
      • Disadvantage: Circling your arms can get tedious.


    • The more salt in the water, the easier it is to stay afloat.
    • Use floating craft if necessary. They will help you learn to stay afloat.
    • After exercising, it will be easier for you to keep your body on the surface of the water.
    • If you are swimming and tired, try to swim without using your hands.
    • Relax and save energy. The longer you have to stay afloat, the more you get tired and the more susceptible to hypothermia.


    • Never swim alone.
    • If you have only recently learned to swim, do not try to impress anyone (for example, swim “no arms”, “no legs, etc.).


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