How to survive an electromagnetic pulse

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Preparing for an EMP Attack
Video: Preparing for an EMP Attack


An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is a sudden burst of electromagnetic radiation. A drastic change in energy levels can, and will, literally burn electrical circuits of computers, cars and other electrical appliances.


  1. 1 Understand what EMP can do. Due to the fact that computer screens will stop working, and that nowadays life is led by computers, you must understand that the supply of water and food will stop, and that hospitals will stop working. Aircraft will fall in the air as they are controlled by computers and electronic circuits.
  2. 2 Motorized vehicles will stop in their tracks. You are left with a useless can of metal full of molten circuits. You have to walk, or maybe ride your bike. Maybe even a horse, but you hardly have one.

Method 1 of 2: Preparation

  1. 1 Buy a bike and learn to ride it. Vehicles will be one of your main concerns in the event of EMP, if you do not want to be stranded and forced to walk.
  2. 2 Buy non-perishable food and bottled water. Dehydrated food is preferable as it is light and canned food is warped. Don't buy a 5 liter bottle, but buy a few half liter bottles, they are lighter, after all, you may have some with drinking water and others with water to clean. Just make sure you can tell them apart.
  3. 3 Make an emergency bag. This "72 Hour Survival Kit" will serve up significantly when you need it. An emergency bag can provide you with the option for a long stay in the wilderness. Make sure you can run with him.
  4. 4 Assemble a survival group. Just make sure you have a good mix of required skills. Remember, a broken computer is not good for any purpose after EMP.

Method 2 of 2: Survival

  1. 1 Monitor news feeds. If there is a threat of nuclear war near your home, leave the hazardous area immediately.
  2. 2 Don't use main roads. They may be overcrowded, causing a major congestion. Instead, use the smaller unknown routes used only by farmers or for cattle.
  3. 3 Hide yourself. Make as little movement as possible, close the curtains after sunset, and avoid noise.
  4. 4 Place safety guards. You will know if the crowd is rushing towards your hideout.
  5. 5 Be prepared to eliminate any potential threats. Anyone can be your enemy. Don't let anyone harm your hideout ... Never, never.
  6. 6 Do not give up. Music, games, and activities can help keep you morale.


  • If you have a firearm, keep it with you, as many desperate people will potentially become stronger.
  • Do whatever you have to in order to survive.
  • Always prepare an emergency exit.
  • If you have a bike, make sure you have spare parts. (i.e. brakes, tire tubes, chain transfer switch, brake discs, etc.) because it is obvious that your car is unusable.
  • Collect an emergency bag. You can buy it fully equipped or fill it yourself.
  • If necessary, you will either stick to your principles and die or survive, so be prepared to do whatever it takes to protect yourself and your family.
  • Do your investigation. It is possible to find cars that are not subject to EMP. If they are made before a certain year. (Believed to be before 1975)
  • Remember that EMP does not always come from a detonating warhead, coronal mass ejections can do this too.


  • Avoid big cities, as many places will be looted and / or set on fire due to the inoperative law enforcement system.
  • Don't expect the government to save you, they will worry about other things.
  • Do not attempt to ride a horse without proper training as this can result in serious injury or even death.

What do you need

  • Survival kit
  • Water
  • Food
  • Parachute lines
  • Medication