How to grow hair in a week

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you regret having your hair cut short and want to grow your hair out quickly, then this article is for you. After reading it, you will learn how to grow hair in just one week. In order to grow your hair, you will need to take some time and make a little effort! For example, you will need to do some treatments to promote hair growth and make small changes to your hair regimen. In addition, you will need to change your diet to include foods that promote hair growth. Follow the tips in this article and your hair will get longer in a week.


Method 1 of 3: Hair Treatments

  1. 1 Massage your scalp using warm oil. To do this, use natural oils. Massaging the scalp with warmed oil improves skin health and stimulates hair growth. You can use coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil, or jojoba oil. Keep in mind, however, that there is no scientific evidence that a warm scalp massage can accelerate hair growth.
    • Heat oil on the stove or in the microwave. Before using the oil, make sure it is not too hot; the oil should be at a comfortable temperature for the scalp. It should not harm your hair or scalp.
    • Use your fingertips (not your nails) to massage gently into your skin using warm oil. Massage in slow, circular motions. Ask your loved one to help you with a scalp massage. Ask him to massage his scalp with his fingertips for 3 minutes.
    • Then apply the oil to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then shampoo your hair - more than once if necessary.
    • Do oil massage on days when you are going to wash your hair anyway, so as not to wash more often.
  2. 2 Apply a hair mask. Apply a mask once or twice a week to stimulate hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. You can make a mask from natural oils yourself or purchase a ready-made one at a cosmetic store or pharmacy.
    • Mix 1 cup (240 ml) coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of almond oil, macadamia oil, and jojoba oil. Apply the mask to damp hair and leave on for 10 minutes.Then, using shampoo and conditioner, wash your hair as you normally would.
  3. 3 Try castor oil. Castor oil is known for its beneficial effects on skin and hair. Castor oil masks keep hair healthy and also accelerate hair growth.
    • Massage your scalp using castor oil. The hair should be completely saturated with it. After applying the oil to your hair and scalp, put on a plastic shower cap. You can also spread a towel over your pillow to prevent the oil from staining your pillowcase.
    • Leave the oil on your hair overnight. Rinse your hair thoroughly the next morning using your regular shampoo and conditioner.
  4. 4 Use apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair. Apple cider vinegar is a very effective remedy for removing dirt, oil, and products you've used to style your hair. You can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative to shampoo. Alternatively, you can rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar after shampooing with conditioner.
    • Use two tablespoons of vinegar for two glasses of water. Rinse your hair with this mixture. Although you can smell a strong vinegar smell, it will fade over time.

Method 2 of 3: Taking Care of Your Hair

  1. 1 Shampoo your hair two to three times a week, not more often. Thanks to this, the natural oils of the skin will saturate the hair roots. The hair will be hydrated enough to help repair it.
    • If you notice that your scalp becomes very oily or you experience unpleasant itching, you may want to wash your hair more often.
    • When washing, apply shampoo to the scalp, massaging it with your fingers. Then let the shampoo run down the strands as you rinse it off.
  2. 2 Use conditioner every time you shower. Unlike shampoo, hair conditioner is needed every time you wet your hair. It is an excellent source of lipids and proteins that hair needs to grow healthy and beautiful.
  3. 3 Rinse your hair with cool water. After you shower, rinse your hair with cool water to close the cuticles, give your hair extra shine and less damage during styling.
    • It is especially important to rinse your hair with cold water after using the conditioner. By closing the cuticles, cold water "seals" the moisturizers from the conditioner.
  4. 4 Do not wrap wet hair in a towel. While you may be accustomed to wrapping your hair in a towel when you get out of the shower, this does not reflect well on the condition. They are exposed to unnecessary stress and break. Wet hair is very fragile, so instead of curling it up after you shower, simply pat it dry with a dry towel.
    • If you do want to wrap your hair in a towel, use a thin towel or soft microfiber towel. The material from which these towels are made absorbs moisture well without damaging the hair.
  5. 5 Comb your hair before bed. However, don't overdo it. Frequent brushing can lead to hair loss. In this case, it is very difficult to grow long beautiful hair. Use a natural bristle comb before bed. This will help distribute the sebum over the entire scalp and hair, keeping it hydrated.
    • Start combing your hair from the scalp and work your way down, combing through each section. Do this once a day before bed. This improves blood circulation, which is very important if you want to have healthy and long hair. Although this fact has not yet been proven, in fact, regular brushing of hair has a positive effect on hair growth and also improves hair health in general.
  6. 6 Do not use hot styling tools. Hot styling tools such as a hairdryer, hair straightener or curling iron do a lot of damage to hair and inhibit hair growth.Avoid using these tools if possible, or at least use them as little as possible. If you want healthy hair, choose hairstyles that do not require hot styling.
    • If you do use hot styling tools, turn them on to a low temperature setting. Alternatively, you can use a protective gel or cream to avoid damaging your hair.
  7. 7 Trim the ends of your hair regularly. While it may seem counterintuitive, cutting your hair regularly will help it grow faster. Therefore, if you want your hair to be healthy and beautiful, visit a hairdresser regularly. Cutting your hair regularly can help prevent split ends. This makes you less likely to visit the hairdresser. Split ends can cause your hair to become very brittle. They may get shorter and you will need to visit your hairdresser more often.
    • Visit your hairdresser every 6-8 weeks and ask him to cut his hair just 3 mm. Thanks to this, you will not have split ends. Schedule regular visits to your hairdresser to keep your hair healthy.
    • The frequency of your visits to the hairdresser will depend on how fast your hair is growing and how badly it splits.

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Diet and Habits

  1. 1 Take supplements to strengthen your hair. Choose a hair growth vitamin complex if you are not getting enough vitamins from your diet. When choosing a multivitamin, pay attention to the "hair" mark. This suggests that vitamins are specifically designed to strengthen hair. The main vitamins for strengthening hair are biotin, vitamins C and B. These supplements can accelerate hair growth and make it healthy and beautiful.
    • Before taking any supplements, consult a doctor who will give you the right dose of the drug. In addition, tell your doctor about the medications you are taking so that the doctor can select a vitamin complex for you that will be compatible with them.
    • Biotin and other vitamins that promote hair growth can affect different people in different ways, as well as cause different side effects.
    • Look for supplements that say they have been tested by a third party (independent laboratory).
  2. 2 Include high protein foods in your diet. Increasing your protein intake will promote hair growth and help prevent hair loss. Make sure your diet is balanced. Include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, and whole grains in your diet. If you are a vegetarian, include soy, beans, nuts, and cereals in your diet.
    • Choose the right protein sources. Avoid high-fat processed meats or dairy products from your diet, as these foods can lead to other health problems.
    • Make sure you have enough healthy carbs, fiber, and other beneficial nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, and grains in your diet.
  3. 3 Try to grow your hair using the inversion method. Following this method, you will need to lower your head so that it is below the level of your heart, which provides a powerful flow of blood to the scalp. By this action, you stimulate hair growth. Lie on the bed so that your head hangs off it and the edge of the bed supports your neck. Stay in this position for 4-5 minutes a day. There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of this method, but it certainly won't hurt you, so there is nothing stopping you from trying and evaluating the result.
    • You can also use yoga poses (such as the head-down dog pose), shoulderstand, or headstand.The idea is to keep your head below the level of your heart, which will increase blood flow to your head.
    • Before lowering your head down, you can massage it using coconut oil.
    • You can measure hair length at the beginning of the week and at the end to see the result.
    • Get up from a position upside down gradually so that your head does not spin and you do not fall.


  • Hair grows an average of 1.3 cm per month. Even using the proposed methods, hair growth in a week will not be more than a few millimeters.