How to bless water at home

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make Holy water!
Video: How to make Holy water!


Many religions use holy water for purification, protection, and blessing. It is usually consecrated by a priest or someone of a similar office in the church, and only water can be lit. Holy means sanctified, and for self-illumination it is not necessary to be saints... If you would like to make your own holy water that will be holy For you, here are some things you need to do.


Method 1 of 2: Catholic Holy Water

  1. 1 Take and sanctify your salt. It is necessary to consecrate salt before proceeding with the consecration of water. It should be noted that salt is used primarily as a preservative. The fact that she is a saint does not mean that she can be kept forever! Here is a speech for the blessing of salt:
    • "I ask the Blessing of the Almighty Father for this salt, and may all anger and obstacles go away, and may all good things remain here, for without You a person cannot live, and therefore I ask for blessings and appeal to You to help me." - The Key to the Book of King Solomon, Book II, Chapter 5.
  2. 2 Read Psalm 103 aloud. If you don't have a Bible on hand, wikiHow !!
    • Blessed Lord, my soul, and all my essence, bless his holy name. Bless, my soul, the Lord, and do not forget all his blessings: He forgives all your mistakes; heals all your ailments; Who protects your life from destruction; who cultivates loving-kindness and mercy in you; Who saturates your mouth with good things; so you rejuvenate like the Eagle. For He knows our framework; He remembers that we are dust. As for a man, his days are like grass: like the flower of the field, so it flourishes. The wind rushes over him, and he disappeared, and no one will recognize his new place. But the mercy of the Lord is shown forever and ever to those who fear Him, and He is just to the children; to those who keep their covenant, and those who remember Him and His commandments in order to keep them. The Lord has prepared a throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all. Bless the Lord, all His angels who find strength, keep His commandments, listen to the voice of His word. Honor the Lord, all righteous rulers; you servants of His, doing His will. Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion: bless, my soul, the Lord.
  3. 3 Use natural water. If you can, draw water from a nearby lake, stream, or river.Try to stay away from tap water as it may contain chlorine and fluoride. However, if your water is natural, filter it first, you don't want the holy water to be dirty!
  4. 4 Take sacred salt and pour it into water. While doing this, repeat the following words from the key to the book of King Solomon, Book II, Chapter 5:
    • “I bless you, O Being of Water, Him Who, who created you and gathered you together in one place, so that dry land appeared, that you revealed all the deceptions of the Enemy, and that you expelled from yourself all the impurities and bad Spirits of the Phantasm World, so that they can harm me not through the power of Almighty God, who lives and reigns for the ages of ages. Amen".
  5. 5 Repeat the prayers used by Catholic priests. You have two options to choose from:
    • Prayer # 1: Our salvation is the name of the Lord. Who created heaven and earth. God's creation, salt, I drive the demons out of you by God in existence, God, the true holy God, God who ordered you to be thrown into the water - as Elisha did to heal him from sterility. I allow you, purified salt, to be a remedy for the health of those who believe, a medicine for the soul and body for all who use you. Let all evil dreams go away, malice and cunning be driven away from the place where you are sprinkled. And let every unclean spirit turn away from Him, who comes to judge the living and the dead and the world with fire. Amen.
    • Prayer # 2: Almighty Eternal God, we humbly ask that your mercy and goodness graciously bless this being, the salt that you have given humanity to use. May all who use it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And may everything that it touches or sprinkles be freed from impurity and any influence of an evil spirit; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
  6. 6 Blessing of water. Speak more words! Now, in order to clear the water of demons and impurities (yes, this is a form of a spell):
    • God's creation, water, I cast out the demon from you in the name of the almighty God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, his son, our Lord, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. You can be purified water that removes all the forces of the enemy from afar, in order to eradicate and drive out the enemy himself, along with your fallen angels. We ask this through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world with fire.
  7. 7 Complete the ritual. When you finish adding salt to the water, say, "Let these salts and water mix; in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Once you completely dissolve a few teaspoons of holy salt in water, the ritual ends with another prayer. Again, you have three options:
    • Prayer # 1: O God, who for the good of man created the most amazing secrets of the properties of water, hear our prayer and pour out your blessing on this liquid, which is currently being prepared by various cleansing rites. Maybe it is your being when it is used in your secret and endowed with your lordship and serves to drive out demons and drive away diseases. Let everything that this water sprinkles in the homes and meetings of the faithful be freed from everything that is unclean and offensive; let there be no impurities in the breath; let all the intrigues that the enemy is hiding, he will not succeed. By sprinkling this water, let everything find peace and security, the demons from these houses will be driven out, so that by calling to your holy name they can receive the desired well-being and be protected from any danger; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
    • Prayer # 2: God, source of irresistible power and master of an invincible kingdom, constantly glorious conqueror, who, holding back the forces of the enemy, drowns out the noise of his rage, and valiantly conquers wickedness; in awe and humility, we implore you, Lord, bless this substance, salt and water, so that the light of your kindness shines on him and sanctifies him from the dew, Your Grace, so that, wherever it is splashed and your holy name is invoked, an unclean spirit was driven into a dead end, and all fears, like snake venom, were driven out. For those who pray, grant Your mercy so that the Holy Spirit can be with us, in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.
    • Prayer # 3: God, who for the salvation of the human race created his greatest riddle, this substance, it is in your power to hear our prayers and pour out your blessing on this substance, prepared by many purifications.Let this creation of yours be a vessel of Divine grace to dispel demons and diseases from everything that is watered in houses and buildings, delivering believers from all unclean and harmful things. Do not allow either the evil spirit or the corrupting atmosphere to remain in those places: let all the intrigues of the hidden enemy be dispelled. May anything that might disturb the peace and safety of those who live here be expelled by this water, so that the health gained in Your holy name can be protected from all attacks. In the name of the Lord, Amen.
  8. 8 Use your holy water. However, if your holy water is for specific purposes, try adding a few touches. Epiphany holy water is filled with the touch of Christ (holy oil), while Gregorian water contains small amounts of ash, wine and salt (used to consecrate the church).
    • If you want more explicit sacred water, remember that most churches sanctify water at Easter.

Method 2 of 2: Pagan Holy Water

  1. 1 Select the type of water. Different types of water are associated with different rituals. Morning dew is used for healing and beauty, spring water - for sanctification and purification, rainwater - for fertility and abundance, and sea water - to drive out evil spirits. Which one do you want to use?
    • Collect and store water in a non-metallic container. If you want, you can position it so that it absorbs sunlight, moonlight, or starlight.
  2. 2 Place a piece of silver in a bowl. As long as the silver lasts, you get better. These can be coins, rings, beads, or any silver object. The metal must be silver, not colored! Leave in bowl until ritual is complete.
  3. 3 Start casting your sacred spells. They should be spoken out in a monotone and measured manner, like singing. Choose the one that best suits your intentions:
    • Water and earth / From your exile / From spells or unfavorable intentions in the past / From inconsistency with me / May everything be as my word is connected!
      • This spell is used to cleanse.
    • Fairly washing you / Washing with Fiana / Health to you, health to him / But not for your female enemies
      • This spell is used on newborns (Gaelic).
    • God bless your eyes / A drop of wine in your heart / Mouse in a goblet / And a goblet on fire
      • This spell is used to prevent negativity (also of Gaelic origin).
  4. 4 Add herbs. You can either stop there or continue, depending on how you intend to use the holy water. Add herbs such as St. John's wort to bless a home or a sick person, verbena leaves before the ceremony, mix water with the branches of a sacred tree, or add rose petals to combine the object with the ground. Proceed at your discretion!
    • Holy water has many uses. People drink it to protect themselves from evil or disease, or it can become a gift (a household item, even a part of the interior) for cleansing.


  • Kosher salt is generally preferred over other natural varieties (sea salt, rock salt)
  • You need to focus carefully during the procedure. This is why it will be best if you have already reached an above average spiritual level before embarking on such rituals.
  • Church ministers ordained cannot consecrate water and food.

What do you need

Catholic holy water

  • Natural water
  • Salt
  • Salt and water tanks
  • Bible

Pagan holy water

  • Natural water
  • Salt
  • Non-metallic water tank
  • Small, silver item
  • Herbs (optional)