How to stay beautiful

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


There is a lot of talk about how to become beautiful, it has come to the point that people sometimes simply forget about how to look beautiful in reality.Unfortunately, our beauty fades over the years. But this must be fought. People who are beautiful throughout their lives are able to resist the blows of fate, adjusting to each stage of their lives with dignity, and do not pretend to be who they really are not.


Method 1 of 3: Take Care of Your Body

  1. 1 Eat right. Most people see dieting as a way to save money on food, or at least as an opportunity to eat less. Fortunately, this is not the case. A healthy, balanced diet replaces empty calories (such as cheeseburgers and soda) with a healthy alternative. Depending on what your diet consists of at the moment, you can safely highlight at least a few foods that you are currently eating, but without which your body will theoretically be better off.
    • Whole foods like green vegetables are a staple in many diets. A healthy diet is very beneficial for the body. If you're used to eating junk food, following a good diet for at least a month will help you end up feeling more energized than even a decade ago.
    • Don't trust the so-called food pyramid. Instead, create a meal plan that suits the specific needs of your body. There is a lot of controversy about which foods are best for your health, so it is worth observing your body in order to choose the right ones.
  2. 2 Set aside at least 8 hours of sleep. There is often not enough time for proper sleep in our modern life. This is bad, because its deficiency accelerates the aging process and deprives the body of its natural strength. It plays a very important role, getting enough rest can improve your appearance far more effectively than a bunch of makeup.
    • Remove makeup before bed. Otherwise, it can irritate your skin.
    • Skin conditions like acne go away much faster if you get enough rest.
    • If you suffer from dark circles under the eyes, they may be the result of lack of sleep. The body repairs itself during sleep, and dark circles can be a sign that you are not giving it enough time to complete this process.
  3. 3 Moisturize your skin. Moisturizing the skin keeps it looking young and healthy. Incorporate this into your daily routine if you haven't already. Before settling on any particular remedy, experiment and find what works for you. The most effective moisturizers aren't necessarily the most expensive ones.
    • While there is controversy as to whether or not to buy any eye cream, there are certain sensitive skin products that are best for treating puffiness and wrinkles.
    • Moisturizing your skin before bed will help promote the natural regeneration that occurs during rest.
  4. 4 Whiten your teeth. Unhealthy teeth can ruin a person's appearance, even if everything else is in top shape. Yellowed teeth are very common and even great looking teeth can be whitened and made to shine. Use a whitening toothpaste for this. Whitening gel strips, which cleanse tooth enamel, also work well with this. A beautiful smile is an important part of an attractive appearance, it is so important that it is difficult to overestimate it.
    • Teeth can be whitened more effectively in a dental clinic.
    • If your dental health is in satisfactory or very poor condition (for example, if you have missing or broken teeth), it is recommended that you visit your dentist and resolve these problems. Damaged teeth can be repaired or treated, so if your insurance doesn't cover these costs, be prepared to spend a lot of money.
  5. 5 Apply an anti-aging moisturizer. Over time, your skin will change and this is inevitable.This is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing wrong with it, although many women are not at all worried about the faded complexion and wrinkles that appear as a result of this process. Anti-aging creams and moisturizers are specially formulated to combat these problems. If age-related skin changes bother you, purchase and use this kind of products in accordance with the instructions.
    • Some of the aging processes can be slowed down with proper nutrition and good sleep.

Method 2 of 3: Use makeup

  1. 1 Make sure your daily makeup is age appropriate. And without that it is clear that for each of the age categories its own cosmetic methods are suitable. And while you shouldn't strive to look the way you looked ten years ago, you should still strive to hide age-related imperfections.
    • Over time, wrinkles appear: this is absolutely normal, they can in no way prevent you from staying beautiful. Small wrinkles make the face look more aristocratic, but if you feel more confident without them, use a foundation that visually smoothes them.
    • As the years go by, the eyelids tend to sag. Therefore, there is a need for eyeliner, eyeshadow is less effective in this case.
  2. 2 Emphasize your eyebrows. Eyebrows frame the face. In addition to all of the above, do not forget to also look after your eyebrows, as they can thin out. This problem can be easily solved with an eyebrow pencil.
    • Some women prefer permanent eyebrow tattooing, but the safety of such a procedure is still a topic of discussion in medical circles.
  3. 3 Treat dark circles under your eyes. Dark circles under the eyes are a common condition that usually occurs due to lack of sleep or stress. They spoil the appearance, as they give a person a more unhealthy look. Use concealer - Apply it to the under eye area to freshen up your look.
  4. 4 Make your lips plump. Lips are the main sign of a healthy face. Focusing on this part is a great idea if you want to look prettier. This can be achieved with lip plumping lipstick. But try not to overdo it. As with any product, lipstick too much will have a comic effect; you want to look natural no matter what.
    • With age, wrinkles appear on the lips, in which lipstick accumulates. Try to avoid this - don't put too much lipstick on your lips.
    • Moisturizing your lips is an important part of caring for them to make them look more attractive. Shea butter will be a very effective moisturizer.

Method 3 of 3: Present Yourself Beautifully

  1. 1 Try to understand what other factors can make you attractive. If you want to stay beautiful, you have to admit that impeccable clothing and makeup is not enough to impress a woman. Real beauty should make you want to know you better. This is why we are sometimes attracted to people who may not look so perfect; this is because they compensate for the flaws in their appearance in other ways.
    • Behavior and charm also contribute. Someone who exudes confidence will be more attractive than someone who has self-loathing, regardless of their appearance.
  2. 2 Develop self-confidence. Is there anything more beautiful than self-confidence? Believing in yourself is a wonderful thing, it never wears out, no matter what age or country you live in. If you are unsure of yourself, this manifests itself in many things. It affects how you deal with people, and even your body language. Of course, self-confidence is not easy to develop, but it has a greater impact on how others perceive you than good makeup or clothes.
    • If you think you are beautiful, other people will think so too.Just try it and see how others react to it.
  3. 3 Give off a cheerful mood. Shame on those people who perceive beauty as a purely physical thing. Beauty is also how a person makes other people feel. Being in a cheerful mood when interacting with people will make them look at you differently. Someone who has a good time with will appear more attractive than someone who creates the opposite effect. Emphasize showing hospitality through body language and be aware of what you say in front of other people.
  4. 4 Smile. While some people have smiles that shine brighter than others, a genuine smile will never seem unfriendly. A sad and unhappy person is unlikely to be considered beautiful by anyone, unlike someone who sincerely smiles at everyone in his path. Smiling should be your natural reaction to the people around you. It helps build self-confidence, and while it's a habit, it's a common process to learn. Smile at yourself in the mirror every day until you notice that you have begun to smile involuntarily.
    • Not only the mouth should smile, but also the eyes. If you force yourself to smile, then the mouth and eyes will give out different emotional reactions, because it is much more difficult to make the eyes "smile".
  5. 5 Dress nicely. Following a fashion can be costly. Fortunately, you don't have to have a fat wallet to look pretty. You don’t have to wear everything that’s fashionable, just as you don’t have to stick to one style of clothing. Tastes differ, so you should focus on creating the style that's right for you. Don't worry about fashion trends. Long-term beauty is created by yourself, and fashion trends, as you know, are short-lived.
    • Don't let yourself get hung up on looking young. Often older women try to imitate youth fashion. Don't reject an image just because you think it makes you older. The one who adequately accepts his age is perceived as a more attractive person.
    • If you're having trouble creating your own style, you can check out what the celebrities you admire look like. While they probably look more glamorous than you need to look every day, you can start with their look to come up with and create your own style.
  6. 6 Get into the habit of maintaining your posture. There are many benefits to this. Good posture inevitably affects self-esteem. If the ideal of a wonderful person is in your mind, then this ideal definitely cannot "slouch". Good posture is a high level of trust, and trust is one of the most beautiful things in the world.


  • Remember that beauty is, after all, a subjective thing. Moreover, we are often prone to harsh self-criticism. Many supermodels are known to have big problems with self-esteem, and in general, there is often nothing in common between self-esteem and how others perceive you.


  • The importance of beauty is often exaggerated in society. Our opinion is influenced by TV shows about beauty and the media. The desire to look good is a perfectly healthy pursuit, but don't let it become the most important thing in your life and forget about the really important things.
  • Remember that a person completely absorbed in their beauty is the ugliest in the world. Even if you look amazing physically, but make an unpleasant impression of yourself, most people will not consider you attractive.