How to publish a collection of poems yourself

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
i self-published a poetry book that sold 20,000 copies (a self-pub how-to)
Video: i self-published a poetry book that sold 20,000 copies (a self-pub how-to)


It is quite difficult to make your poetry popular among readers. Independent publication of collections allows you to control the publication process and build a target audience. If you want to publish or publish your poetry yourself, follow the guidelines below.


Method 1 of 4: Preparing for Poetry Publishing

  1. 1 Finish your collection of poetry. Before attempting to publish your book, select the best poems and create a collection. If you start worrying about the various details involved in publishing a book before it finishes, you won't be able to fully concentrate on anything else. How to create a collection of poems:
    • Write and edit several times all the poems that you plan to include in the collection.
    • Determine the best way to arrange poetry in the collection. The most successful layout is by theme or mood. It is not at all necessary to lay out the poems in the order in which they were written.
    • Get feedback on your work from several trusted sources. Make sure the work is done well and that you are not the only one who thinks so.
    • Reread what you have written. Check punctuation, line spacing, and grammar.
  2. 2 Seek professional help. If you want to publish the book yourself, but are worried about working out the details, then contact a specialist before carrying the collection to the seller. Here's someone who can help you:
    • Consider hiring an editor. A professional editor with a good reputation will be able to provide valuable feedback on the quality of the work.
    • Consider hiring an illustrator or designer to create the cover for a collection. If you are worried about not being able to create it yourself, hire a professional to make your book look more presentable.
  3. 3 Explore different ways to self-publish books. After the collection and cover are complete, consider the different ways to publish it in order to choose the one that works best for you. Your choice will depend on how much money you are willing to invest in the publication, how many readers you expect, as well as how much time and effort you are willing to spend on it. Here are the three most popular ways to publish books:
    • In e-book format. In order to publish a collection in the form of an e-book, you do not need to spend a lot of money and effort. By choosing this method, you will receive a digital copy of your book, available for download on the Internet to various devices.
    • Print-on-demand (POD) service. With its help, you can create a presentable physical copy of the book and sell it in online stores.
    • Posting to a website or blog. By creating a website or blog to host your poetry on it, you can quickly and easily attract your readership to your work without resorting to the services of a seller or intermediary.
  4. 4 Make your expectations realistic. Self-publishing is a good way to control the publishing process and make your work more accessible to a wider readership. But at the same time, it is not a very reliable source of get-rich-quick, as poetry is much less popular than prose. You have certainly heard a few successful stories about self-published collections, but frankly, such success is rare.
    • You can enthusiastically distribute your compilations to a large number of people, but don't be discouraged if the number of readers does not meet your expectations.

Method 2 of 4: Method One: Publishing the collection in e-book format

  1. 1 Find out for yourself what is the value of e-books, and what are their weaknesses. There are quite a few advantages to this form of publication, but it is also not without its disadvantages. Before opting for such a format, carefully study and weigh all its advantages and disadvantages: / ref>
    • Advantages:
      • Publishing costs are not much higher than the costs of creating a collection and writing poetry.
      • The opportunity to make a good profit. If your collection becomes a bestseller among e-books, you can make a lot of money in the future. Many publishers, who are also sellers, allow authors to keep from 60 to 70% of the proceeds, which is quite a significant amount of money. But such a large profit is rarely obtained, regardless of what information you have in this regard.
    • Flaws:
      • Lack of advertising. You will have to do all the work related to the promotion and advertising of your product yourself. Although, if you have enough followers on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, this shouldn't be a big problem for you.
      • Competitive pricing policy. Many e-books sell for less than a dollar per copy, so you will have to sell a lot of eBooks to make a decent profit.
      • Intangible form of the book. You will not be able to hold your creation in your hands and feel a sense of satisfaction from the work done. You won't have a couple of copies in stock to show people. Therefore, you can definitely get a few hard copies for demonstration.
  2. 2 Work through even the smallest details. Before giving the book to the implementers, think over and work out a few nuances associated with the book. Here are a few things you should know about before you start the next part of the post.
    • Create a cover. You can create a cover for a collection of poems yourself, or you can hire someone to do this, or contact one of your friends who are obsessed with design and photoshop.
    • Set a price. The cost of one copy can range from 30 to 100 rubles. If your books are cheaper, more people will be able and willing to buy them, but if the cost rises, the number of buyers may decrease and profits increase.
    • Decide if you will include technical copyright protection (DRM). When you upload your book to online stores, you have to choose whether to activate DRM or not. In case you decide to enable this protection mechanism, it will be much more difficult to create a pirated copy, but it will also become more difficult to read such an e-book on various devices.
    • Write a description for the book. Write a few sentences as an annotation for the collection and choose keywords and categories by which people can find it. If you have any problems with this, contact a professional.
  3. 3 Format your book to meet the requirements of your Kindle, iPad, Nook, and other eBook readers. You can do it yourself or contact the person who is professionally formatting such books.
    • Decide if your collection will be available in PDF format (the most common), or if you prefer HTML or EXE.
    • After deciding on the format, convert your Word document to a suitable e-book format. Adobe is used to create PDF files, Dreamweaver will help you create your own work in HTML format, the e-book compiler will convert your document to an EXE file.
  4. 4 Choose an online distributor. Do some research to decide which distributor can meet your needs. Think about how the seller formats their books and how much of the profits they give to the author.
    • Browse the ebooks of several distributors to get a better idea of ​​which one is right for you.
  5. 5 Upload your book. Create an account with an online distributor store and download all the information you need about the book, including the cover, description, and the text itself.
  6. 6 Each distributor may request different information, although the general points in the procedure are the same.
    • Publish your book. After you upload your book and all the information you need, publish it. You will be in control of your account, will be able to publish the book and manage its distribution.

Method 3 of 4: Method Two: Publish Poems Using Print-on-Demand

  1. 1 Explore what a POD is. These are services that allow you to publish both electronic and paper versions of the book. You can place the book on their online store and buy as many copies as you see fit. Some distributors may even distribute your books to other sellers, which will certainly help expand your readership. Here are the pros and cons of the POD service:
    • ' Pros:
      • Availability of a material copy of the book. Having a book that you can hold in your hands and show off to friends and stakeholders is a pleasure, you know.
      • The formatting and printing work is handled by the suppliers, and you do not need to spend your time and effort on it. If you leave this job to professionals, your book has a high chance of being great.
    • ' Flaws
      • You still need to do the marketing, advertising and promotion of your books.
      • Costs. This publication option is much more expensive than creating and publishing a collection in the form of an e-book.
      • Less room for creativity. While distributors provide a myriad of documents and formatting options to choose from, you still need to meet the requirements.
  2. 2 Select a distributor. Before making a choice, do research on as many vendors as possible to determine where, how, and with whom to publish the book. If money plays a big role for you, concentrate on price, if you care about quality, concentrate on formatting and appearance of the book.
    • If you can't choose between two distributors, create an account with one of them and publish one copy of the book, then send it to yourself to see what it looks like.
      • Do this without giving the public access to the text or creating an ISBN. Accordingly, if you are unhappy with the final product, you can easily delete the book from the online store and try your hand elsewhere.
  3. 3 Format the book with a distributor. They each have different formatting requirements, but the process is almost the same. First of all, you need to create an account and then follow a series of steps before publishing:
    • Choose whether the book will have a soft cover or a hard cover.
    • Include the title and first and last name of the author.
    • Set the privacy settings you want. They will determine whether the book will be viewed in the store by readers or make it visible only to you.
    • Select the type of paper to be used.
    • Choose its size.
    • Select a binding method for the pages.
    • Decide if the book will be in color or black and white.
  4. 4 Download the book and cover. Once you've chosen your formatting preferences, upload your manuscript text and cover. If you don't have one, distributors will help you choose a theme.
    • You can also go to a professional to create the cover, or ask a designer friend.
  5. 5 Publish your book. Once you have set your preferences and uploaded your book, click on the Publish Book button. After the book is published, you can search for it through the search in the online store and order the number of copies you need.
  6. 6 Promote the book. Having published or published your collection of poetry is by no means finished. If you want to expand your target audience, you need to advertise your book through a website, blog, Facebook page dedicated to your work, by sending letters to friends and acquaintances by e-mail, or by distributing business cards.
    • Many retailers also provide book promotion services, but they need to be paid for.

Method 4 of 4: Method three; online publication

  1. 1 Submit your poems online. You can create a site to host your collection or a resource dedicated to your work, which will allow readers to quickly access your work. Make a convenient navigation through the site and equip it with a search, as well as provide readers with the opportunity to comment on works.
    • Choose a simple format. Make sure your poems look good on a web page, that the markup, indentation and line spacing are correct, and that the font is legible and beautiful in size.
    • You can place each verse on a separate page, or you can provide readers with a content with a list of verses, by clicking on which they can select the work they want to read in more detail.
    • Remember, a website is a great place to advertise. Use it not only to present your work, but also to promote it.
  2. 2 Post your poetry on a blog. This way, you can publish each verse separately and quickly get feedback on them from blog readers who can keep their finger on the pulse of your creativity only by subscribing to it. You won't get any money for this, but it is the easiest way to get reader reviews.
    • Explore various blog sites and choose the most appropriate option for yourself.
    • For blogging, customize the look of the site, choose a URL, signature, and text editor mode with all sorts of markup so that the verses are displayed beautifully and correctly.
    • Once you have an audience, advertise on your blog if you want to generate income, or sell poems published in ebook or paper format. Illustrations and an afterword from the author can be of particular value.
    • You can easily edit your blog, so you can always go back to work to make changes or add a few verses to the collection.
    • Keep in mind that works posted on the web can be read without due interest and attention, since people who read poetry on a blog do not plan to spend as much time and attention on getting to know your work as they do on an electronic or paper copy of a book. If a lack of attention can negatively affect your creativity, then you should not use this method of publishing.


  • If you buy a domain, make it confidential in WhoIs. Otherwise, every person interested in your poetry will be able to find out your name, surname, address and telephone number.
  • An ISBN is a 13-digit readable barcode that's worth getting, especially if you can get it for free or at a discount. Many booksellers and libraries require an ISBN because this makes it easier to order and place books. The code is unique for each book. Its presence allows you to add you to the list in places that, without an ISBN number, would not allow you to place it at all, for example, Books in Print. Most e-book distributors will provide you with an ISBN number, but if you publish the entire book yourself, you need to get one yourself.
  • Study the laws that govern copyright and intellectual property issues. In some countries, you will need to register your copyright to be able to stop plagiarism and theft of your work. But if your country is a party to the Berne Convention on Intellectual Property Rights, your works will be protected.
  • Let someone edit your poetry. Regardless of how many times you check your poems, you could still miss something, because you are the author, and you see the text as you intended, and not as it really is.