How to publish a research study

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to publish your first research paper? Step-by-Step Start to End Instructions
Video: How to publish your first research paper? Step-by-Step Start to End Instructions


The publication of a research paper in a journal or a scientific conference is an important event within the academic community. This allows you to exchange experience and knowledge with other scientists, improve your ideas, research, etc. The most common place for publication of research results is most likely scientific journals. Find a scientific journal that is suitable for your specialization and topic, adapt your article in style and you will get a high probability that your work will be published.


  1. 1 Check out the already published works. It is very important to keep abreast of all research in your field of science. Pay special attention to the format, structure, writing style, vocabulary of these works.
    • Read scientific journals related to your research topic.
    • Search the Internet for relevant materials. These can be reports from scientific conferences, articles in scientific Internet publications, etc.
    • Ask your older and more experienced colleagues for a list of references that might be useful in your research.
  2. 2 Choose the edition that best suits your article. Each of them have their own style and their own audience. Decide where you would like to place the results of your discovery.It can be a purely scientific journal intended for a narrow circle of scientists, or a popular science publication for a wider audience.
  3. 3 Prepare your manuscript. Make sure that the format of your article follows the format of the publication. Many magazines provide a document called "Instruction for Authors" or "Author's Guide" that offers specific instructions on layout, font type, line length, and so on. This guide will guide you through the guidelines for manuscript formatting, as well as provide information on the article review process.
  4. 4 Ask a colleague or academic advisor to read your article. They should revise your work, checking it for grammatical and stylistic errors, brevity, consistency, etc. In addition, you must make sure that the topic of your work is relevant, and the article itself has a certain scientific value. If possible, offer your job for review to at least 3 people. This minimizes the number of possible errors.
  5. 5 Review your papers. Most likely, you will have 3 or 4 drafts before you finally decide on the final version of the article. Make special efforts to make the work interesting and understandable. This will greatly increase your chances of publishing.
  6. 6 Submit your article. Let's go back to the requirements regarding the author. Once you are convinced that your article meets all the established requirements - submit it. Some journals accept online applications for publication, others prefer hard copy.
  7. 7 Keep trying. It happens that journals return articles for revision. If this happens, do not give up. Study any criticisms carefully and make the necessary changes. Don't dwell on the primary option. Make a compromise, use all your research and writing skills to perfect the article. And even if you are refused publication, do not stop. Look for new publishers, refine your work, and try again.


  • Send the text of your work to the e-mail of your department at the university. The connection with the educational institution will greatly increase the level of credibility of your article.
  • To increase your readership, keep your post publicly available.
  • You can submit your research paper in the form of a journal article template. This will make the job more presentable and increase the chances of being accepted.


  • You should not immediately revise and edit an article if the journal returned it for revision. Put your work aside and do not touch it for a few days, then return to it with a “fresh look”. The feedback you received anyway, one way or another, will find a place in your research. Remember that scientific work is a large time-consuming project and it will take a long time to finalize it.