How to identify a red back spider

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Red Back Spider
Video: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Red Back Spider


If you live in Australia, then you probably know that the venomous red-back spider can be found there almost everywhere. And if you are planning to visit Australia, then you should take into account that the bite of the female of this spider is extremely poisonous and can sometimes be fatal. Therefore, most hospitals and ambulances in Australia always keep the redback spider bite antidote at the ready.


  1. 1 What does a red-back spider look like? Some of its main features are:
    • Physical Characteristics: The female will be about the size of a small pearl. The male will be smaller than the female. Note that not all spiders will have the characteristic red spot on their back.
    • The presence of poisonous glands: available.
    • Habitat: Australia
    • What it eats: After mating, the female eats the male, and can also catch prey much larger in size than that of most spiders, such as mice and small vertebrates.

Method 1 of 3: Identifying a Redback Spider

The bite of a female red-back spider is extremely poisonous, and since some spiders do not have a red spot on their back, you should take a picture of the spider and ask an expert to help you. Just don't get too close to him and don't try to catch him in the jar.

  1. 1 Look for the characteristic red spot on the back of the abdomen. Just do not think that if there is no spot, then this is not a red-back spider.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the coloration of the spider.
    • Adult females will be jet black with a red spot on the abdomen.
    • Immature young females will be brown with whitish dots.
    • Males will be brown with red and white markings. [one]

Method 2 of 3: Where to Find the Redback Spider

The spider is usually not aggressive and rarely leaves its web. However, you should know where it is most likely to be found.

  1. 1 Be careful when passing near building foundations, outbuildings, building materials, and furniture.
  2. 2 Wear thick gloves if you are going to lift rocks or logs. Spiders love to nest underneath them.
  3. 3 Always wear gloves and long sleeves when gardening.
  4. 4 Before opening the mailbox, check for a spider nearby.
  5. 5 Please note that if a light is on on your porch at night, it will attract insects, and, accordingly, the red-back spider that feeds on them.

Method 3 of 3: How to Treat a Spider Bite

The bite of a female red-back spider is extremely poisonous and can be fatal to children and the elderly.

  1. 1 Apply ice to the bite. If you don't have ice, then use cold water. Do not bandage the bite site. The poison spreads slowly, and a tight bandage will only increase the pain.
  2. 2 Take a pain reliever. During the first 5-10 minutes after the bite, the pain will be bearable, and then it will begin to intensify.
  3. 3 The next symptoms are profuse sweating, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, and severe pain.


  • Although there is now a fairly effective antidote for spider bite, you should still see your doctor immediately if you are bitten.
  • The red back spider can hunt other spiders.
  • Females usually live up to 3 years and males live for about 7 months.


  • The pesticides you spray on the spider's web can also kill the predators that feed on it. Therefore, you better learn to recognize its web and stay away from it!