How to support your wife after a miscarriage

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


A miscarriage is a big disaster for any person.It is especially difficult for women, since they are faced not only with emotional problems, but also with changes in their bodies. A loving partner can help you get through a difficult moment. To help your wife feel better, calm her down, find activities for her, and find out what things you cannot change.


Method 1 of 3: Helping Your Wife Calm Down

  1. 1 Invite your wife to talk to you. In conversation, your wife will be able to express the emotions that she usually holds inside. Conversations can help you understand what needs to be done to support your wife. Remember that a woman cannot be told what to do. It is only important to offer any options.
    • Ask your wife if she would like to share her feelings with you. For example, like this: "I know that you are in pain right now, but I want you to know that I want to talk to you when you are ready."
    • Don't force your wife to talk to you. Let her want conversations herself.
    • If appropriate, tell her how you feel. You can say something positive: "It's hard for me now, but we can support each other."
  2. 2 Seek help from a therapist together. It is possible that your support will not be enough. Fortunately, there are many options for professional help in these situations. Look for the right people.
    • Find a therapist. Ask your wife if she wants you to attend the psychotherapy sessions or if she would like to attend them herself.
    • Search online for support groups for women who have miscarried.
    • Find information on the internet to help your wife. Useful information can be found on websites, blogs and forums.
    • The gynecologist will be able to recommend a psychotherapist who works with such problems.
  3. 3 Continue to support your wife as much as you need. Many women who miscarry continue to experience loss for a long time. In some cases, the effects of emotional trauma are permanent.
    • Continue to support and comfort your wife as much as she needs it.
    • Even if your wife is clearly not telling you that she is worried about the miscarriage, this does not mean that she has already forgotten about it.
    • Remember that emotional trauma can have consequences over months or even years.
    • Invite your wife to do everything herself, unless she wants to leave the house.
  4. 4 Be attentive to your wife's health. After a miscarriage, women often stop paying attention to their health. You will need to remember about your wife's health so that her emotional state does not force her to forget about the needs of the body.
    • Invite your wife to go for a run, walk, or workout in the gym. But first, check with your doctor if physical activity is contraindicated for her.
    • Make sure your wife is eating right and getting the protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables she needs.
    • Ask your wife if she has discussed her condition with a doctor. For example, your doctor can talk about how to avoid infections and what to do in the first days and weeks after a miscarriage.
    • Remind your wife that most complications (vaginal bleeding, abdominal and chest pain) resolve within a week.
  5. 5 Avoid common mistakes. It can be difficult for you and your loved ones to find words. Try to find words that will make your wife feel better.
    • Don't discount a woman's emotions with phrases like "It's good it happened early."
    • Don't exacerbate the feelings of guilt your wife may have. Remind her that she's innocent.
    • Don't make promises you can't keep. Talk about your hopes for good, and back up your words with actions.

Method 2 of 3: Finding Activities for Your Wife

  1. 1 Eat with your wife outside the home. Going out can cheer her up and distract her from problems. It also allows your wife to learn and try something new.
    • Invite your wife to a restaurant. Ask if she would like to dress up and dine with you at your favorite place.
    • Invite your wife to lunch at her favorite outdoor bistro or café. The sun and fresh air will distract her from her worries.
    • Make sure your wife is mentally prepared to go out. Don't force her if she can't already.
    • If your wife doesn't want to go out, arrange a romantic evening at home. Cook dinner, watch a movie, play board games, or do something else that you enjoy doing together.
  2. 2 Create an activity that involves other people. Socializing with other people can distract the wife from problems and lift her spirits. Remember, this is not for everyone. If your wife is an introvert and finds it difficult to communicate with others, it is better to give up this idea.
    • Avoid places where small children may be, especially if you have no children.
    • Go to the movies with your friends.
    • Visit a festival, concert, exhibition.
  3. 3 Get the support of friends and family. Surrounding loved ones will make your wife feel cared for and make it easier for her to get through difficult times.
    • Don't be surprised if your wife wants to spend time with her friend, mom, or sister. Now she needs the support of other women.
    • With your wife's consent, invite people to your home for coffee, wine, and conversation.
    • Ask if your wife would like to invite her or your parents to visit.
    • Don't invite guests unannounced - your wife may want to be alone more.
    • Remember that the company of other people is not good for everyone. Think about the character of your wife and decide whether communication will help her or it will tire her out.
  4. 4 Invite your wife to do relaxation exercises. There are many types of exercises that can help her relax and cope with grief. You can also try:
    • meditation;
    • yoga;
    • martial arts;
    • breathing exercises.
  5. 5 Invite your wife to write about her feelings in a journal. This will allow the wife to be honest about her emotions. This is very important because in order to get over grief, you first need to articulate your feelings.
    • Invite your wife to set aside a couple of minutes each day for this.
    • Explain to your wife that it will be easier for her if she can tell her deepest feelings and emotions in a journal.
    • Promise your wife that you will never read her notes. Explain that you want the journal to help her.
  6. 6 Help your wife find creative pursuits. Encourage her to express her emotions not only in words in the journal, but also with the help of paints, music, and other forms of art. Creativity will allow you to deal with your emotions without words. The creative process is a powerful tool for dealing with feelings and emotions. Creativity heals!
    • You can color special designs or use similar applications. There are many adult apps that you can download and install on your phone or tablet.

Method 3 of 3: How to Know What Problems You Can't Solve

  1. 1 Accept that you cannot fix everything. Sometimes it seems to a person that he can solve any problems, but a miscarriage cannot be corrected. You just have to experience your grief and wait for your emotions to subside.
    • Remember that you may not be able to cheer up your wife.
    • Know that it takes time to get over a miscarriage. It may take days, weeks, or even months for your wife.
    • Your relationship may deteriorate, and it may not be your fault.
  2. 2 Learn to deal with your grief. To support your wife, you must learn to deal with your emotions yourself. Take some time to think about what happened.
    • Take time to be alone with your thoughts.
    • Talk to someone about what happened. Your wife is unlikely to be able to help you, so you should contact another person so that it will be easier for you to support your wife later.
    • Talk to your parents, siblings, or best friend.
    • See a psychotherapist.The specialist will help you look at the situation from a different angle and suggest techniques that can help you support your wife.
    • Remember, everyone can cry. It hurt you too.
  3. 3 Remember, you cannot know exactly how your wife is feeling. Even if you yourself are grieving, you will never know how your loved one is feeling. You are different people with your own personality traits, and you experience loss in different ways.
    • Do not forget that you were not pregnant and did not carry a child. You may be experiencing strong negative emotions over the loss, but remember that this is only part of your overall grief.
    • Don't tell your wife that you know how she feels. This phrase may sound normal to you, but your wife may perceive it differently. Remember, your roles in this pregnancy were different.
    • Tell your wife that you may not understand how she is feeling. Tell her that it is difficult for you to imagine what she is going through. You can say this: "I know that this is a great grief, but I can't even imagine what you are feeling now."