How to issue a press release for the Associated Press

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a Press Release
Video: How to Write a Press Release


Often, companies and organizations contribute to the dissemination of noteworthy information through press releases, which are sent to the media. These press releases can alert you to upcoming events, charities, and other organizational news. Since the Associated Press (AP) rules are the most common filing rules, before sending a press release to the media, learn how to do it for the Associated Press.


  1. 1 In the upper left corner of your press release, write the words FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION. Use bold and uppercase letters.
    • If your press release is due to be published on or after a specific date, replace the phrase with "PUBLISH [DATE]." Again, use bold and capital letters.
  2. 2 Write your headline. Take your time with this. Determine what you want to communicate to people and make sure the headline reflects it well. Write each significant word with a capital letter (this does not apply to prepositions or articles).
    • Keep the title short. No more than one phrase or sentence.
    • Make it as memorable and eye-catching as possible.
    • Refrain from exclamation marks.
  3. 3 Write a subtitle (optional). Do not repeat the information in the title. Give more details instead. The subheading can be longer than the heading and should express a complete idea.
  4. 4 Indicate the place and date. Under the heading / subheading, list your city and state. Then write the date (month, day and year).
  5. 5 Write your press release text. Remember that you are not writing a reportage about an event, but giving interesting information about an event or a promotion, so that a journalist or editor will write about it.
    • List all the important details in the first paragraph. This includes information on where, when, what and why should happen and who is the organizer.
    • Paragraphs should be 2-4 sentences long.
    • Try to keep your press release under 400-500 words.
    • Write the word "-more-" at the end of the page if your press release is more than one page.
    • Write in third person. Do not use the words "I", "me" or "you". Instead, refer to yourself by name as if you were talking about someone else.
    • Use quotes. This human error will increase the chances that your press release will be accepted for publication.
  6. 6 Provide the name of the company and provide contact information. This will allow the reporter to contact you if they have additional questions or want to turn the press release into a longer story.
    • Provide basic information about your organization so readers can find out what your company does.
    • Then enter your personal contact details: your name, job title, phone number, your mobile, address, email, web address.
  7. 7 Write the word "END" at the bottom of the last page of the press release. This will let readers know that your press release is over.
  8. 8 Place the symbol "###" under the word "END". It appears at the end of most press releases. Instead, you can also specify the word count of your press release.


  • Link your press release to the latest events or local affairs. When writing articles, journalists prefer to use these aspects.
  • If possible, use your company letterhead. This will link your company's image to your press release and give it a more professional look. Or place your company logo at the beginning of a press release so it can be easily identified with your business or organization.
  • Get permission to use quotes and specific business information. This will help you provide more accurate and reliable information.


  • 2. Read the press release carefully and make sure this is what you wanted to write. Most writers require one or two checks.
  • 1. Find someone experienced to write your press release. Hire a writer and just give him the main idea.
  • 3. Do not forget to include keywords so that your press release can be found in search engines. In addition, the content of the press release should link back to your site in a clever and unobtrusive way.
  • 4. Many people are inexperienced in preparing a press release. You can find more information here