How to announce your pregnancy

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ask A Doctor: Best time to reveal pregnancy
Video: Ask A Doctor: Best time to reveal pregnancy


When you find out that you are pregnant, to share the news with others, you mostly create a pleasant excitement about what will happen. Whether you are going to break the news to the world with a bold, creative gesture, or gradually reveal it in an intimate way of intimate conversations, you will remember these moments as significant moments of your pregnancy. Here are some different approaches you can use to share your joy with your family and friends.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Tell your partner

  1. 1 Have an intimate conversation. Maybe you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for a long time and you know that your news will bring tears of joy. Or perhaps your pregnancy is completely unplanned, and it will be as shocking to your partner as it was to you when you saw that the test was positive. Either way, you may find that the best way to tell your partner about it is through honest, intimate conversation.
    • In most cases, your partner should be the first to know.You might feel bad about calling your mom or best friend, but if you are in a relationship with someone who will also be a parent to your child, that person deserves to find out right away.
    • Try to be honest with your partner about your feelings. If you're worried about what's coming, share that feeling as well as your joy. During pregnancy, you need emotional support and hopefully your partner can provide it, even when you are overwhelmed.
  2. 2 Break the news with a sweet or funny surprise. Maybe you want to break the news a little more creatively so you can enjoy your partner's expression. Consider some funny tricks if you want to make your partner smile:
    • Have a romantic dinner for the two of you. Serve themed food, such as baby porridge, baby puree, or apple juice in small cups. It won't take your partner long to understand the message you are trying to send him.
    • Have a movie night and choose movies related to children: Nine month, Who would say, Baby, etc. Write the news on a piece of paper and place it in the disc box. Give the box to your partner and watch his face brighten.
    • Give your partner a gift. Buy a T-shirt or mug that says "World's Best Dad" or "Love My Daddy." With a smile, wait for him to hear the great news.
    • Order a cake from the bakery. Ask to have “Pregnancy Greetings” written on it. Then ask your partner to pick up the cake from the pastry shop and deliver it to you. When he asks who has cake, say “We! We will become parents! ”.
  3. 3 Be prepared for different reactions. If this is an unexpected (and possibly unwanted) pregnancy, be as calm as possible and give your partner time to process the news. A person's first reaction does not always indicate his true feelings.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Tell loved ones

  1. 1 Tell me when you're ready. Usually women wait until the end of the first trimester to tell others about their pregnancy. A miscarriage is most likely in the first trimester, after which the risk is significantly reduced. However, many women now do not want to wait three months to receive congratulations and support from friends and family. Choose the time that works best for you and your partner.
  2. 2 Tell your loved ones before telling others. It would be wise to tell your family, your partner's family, and close friends about your pregnancy before posting it on Facebook, Vkontakte, or a public blog.
    • Tell your loved ones in person or by calling each one in person. If you notify them by email or otherwise, you will not hear their exclamations of surprise and joy!
    • Alternatively, you can make this moment formal by sending a postcard. It is becoming more and more fashionable to share news through pregnancy announcement cards, available in most stores and on sale all the time.
    • If you want to capture people's reactions, wait for a family meeting and have everyone stand by for a joint photo. And instead of asking everyone to say "Chiiiz!" Ask them to say "(your name) is pregnant!" right before clicking some photos.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Tell Others

  1. 1 Make your statement using the social network. If you have a Facebook or Vkontakte account, you can share the news by posting a pregnancy announcement on the wall or your photo showing that you are pregnant. Some couples post a photo of the first sonogram. There are many creative ways to share your news, just be yourself!
    • Keep in mind that once you post this information publicly, there is no control over who finds out.Don't post your news until you are definitely ready for everyone to know.
  2. 2 Think about work. Your friends at work will love to hear that you are pregnant, but there are a few additional things to think about when it comes to reporting to your boss or coworkers.
    • Tell your boss before you tell the rest of your colleagues. They usually wait until the end of the first trimester, or even until the pregnancy is visible, before talking to the boss about the pregnancy. If you have friends at work that you want to tell before, make an appointment with your boss beforehand.
    • Research your company's decree policy so you have an informative conversation with your boss. Be prepared to answer questions about how your pregnancy will affect your job performance and how long you plan to take maternity leave.


  • Be prepared that some people may have negative or unpleasant reactions. Announcing pregnancy evokes many different feelings in people. Try not to take it personally if someone makes a rude comment.
  • Get creative or come up with your own ideas. Customize your ad in any way you choose. This is your child and you can have as much fun as you want!
  • The sooner you share the news, the sooner you can start planning a pregnancy party, picking names, buying the necessary baby furniture and clothes. There is a lot to do in the nine months before the baby is born.


  • Choose the appropriate time. Your good news may be rubbing salt into someone else's wound. Did your sister-in-law have a miscarriage last week? Spare her feelings. Imagine what it would be like for you.
  • In the second and subsequent pregnancies, it is already more difficult to surprise family and friends, as it usually becomes noticeable quickly. For this reason, it may be necessary to break the news sooner.
  • Know your partner. Some people will like one of the ways outlined above, and some may prefer a more serious approach. Rest assured that this evening will be remembered for a good reason, not a bad one.
  • If you want to wait before sharing the news, keep in mind that vomiting, a growing belly, and frequent visits to the doctor may accidentally give you away. If the pregnancy becomes too difficult to hide, you will want to announce it right away while you can still surprise people. Otherwise, you might be missing out on this intriguing moment.