How to seduce a girl

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Psychological tricks to seduce a girl!
Video: Psychological tricks to seduce a girl!


Talking to a girl can be challenging, but seducing a girl is an art. If you want to learn how to seduce a girl, you have to make her feel special without making her think you just want to seduce her. Whether you want to seduce your lady or the girl you meet with eyes, wikiHow's will help you. If you want to start with your correct speech, start with step 1.


Part 1 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 Don't be shy about your feelings. If you really want to seduce a girl, you have to realize that you are really passionate about her. This does not mean that you should tell her how hot she is the second time you meet, but it does mean that she should see you are interested in what she is doing. DO NOT be too rude, walk around or stare at her room or ask her questions that interest you. All she needs to know is that you are passionate about her, it depends only on you whether she will believe your words.
    • Don't worry if you are shy about talking to girls. If you behave confidently and nicely when you meet her, she will take it positively and it will be easier for you to communicate with her.
  2. 2 Behave naturally. Do not draw her attention to the fact that you are seducing her. Don't tell her, "Hey, baby, how are you?" or "What are you doing, baby?" She wants to get rid of you as soon as possible. Just walk up to her and say, "Hi, what are you doing here?" or "Hi, My name is ______, what is your name?" You don’t have to come up with some clever seduction tricks or inflate the problem about the fact that you are talking to a cute girl who you like. Be natural as if you are already friends.
    • If you are acting nervous, formally, or vice versa, too enthusiastic because you communicate with her, she may start to feel uncomfortable and nervous too. If you are relaxed and carefree, she will also feel comfortable around you.
  3. 3 Be polite. Girl seduction has its limits. If you want to seduce her, then you have to stay within the boundaries of politeness or put her in an uncomfortable position. If you don't know her too well, or even if you do, you should avoid talking about sexual and vulgar topics, because she will immediately want to push you away. Instead, respect her privacy, don't press on her, don't sit too close to her, and don't make bawdy comments that might be misunderstood.
    • Don't compliment her breasts, butt, or other parts of her body that are not appropriate to talk about.
    • If she starts to say obscene things, you can keep the conversation going, but you should not translate the whole conversation in this direction.
  4. 4 Be attentive to her. An important part of seduction is making the girl think she is the only person in the room. Look into her eyes, and only occasionally break this contact so that she feels comfortable. Turn to her. Stop checking your phone and looking around for your friends. Let her feel that all your care is directed to communication with her. All this will help to make any of your phrases much more enjoyable.
    • If someone called or sent you a message and you really need to answer, apologize to her. Let her see that she is your center of attention. Nothing can make her lose interest in you faster than watching you chat with your best friend.

Part 2 of 3: Start Complimenting

  1. 1 Compliment her. Girls love to be complimented just as much as you do. Find the personality traits that make her special and let her know that you've noticed them. Don't give her routine compliments like, "You look great today," but make them more specific. Tell her, "Your sweater matches the color of your beautiful eyes so well" or something. which will let her know that you really noticed it. Also, do not limit the compliments that relate to her inner beauty. Compliment her behavior or her personality. Here are some more great compliments you can give her:
    • "I love your laugh. I've never heard anything like it."
    • "You are so good at making people feel good."
    • "It's so easy to talk to you. It seems to me that I can talk to you about everything."
  2. 2 Give her a cute nickname. If you know each other well, then you can give her a cute nickname that will make her feel special and understand how you really feel about her. You can do this based on your personal jokes, or you can associate it with some traits of character or appearance. Just make sure you know her well enough that she doesn't think you are overreacting.
  3. 3 Compliment her in front of other people. This does not mean that you should embarrass her and say, "Masha is the most incredible girl I have ever met," but that does not mean that you cannot praise her in conversation with other people. Say something like, "Have you seen her play basketball? Nobody throws the ball like she does" or "Lisa always knows what to do when you have a fight with a friend." Just talk about what she is good at and you will see how it will positively affect her.
    • Gently look her in the eyes when you compliment her, so she will understand that you are seducing her.
    • You will also receive additional points in your piggy bank if you compliment her in front of other people, and one that you did not tell her when you were alone.
  4. 4 Tell her that your family and friends will love her. Girls love to hear that sort of thing - just not at the first meeting with her, of course. But if you have been with a girl for a long time, and the moment seems right, you can say something like this: "It would be nice to take a walk with my friends. I'm sure they will like you" or "You are the kind of girl that my mom will definitely like. I'm sure of it. "The girl will be flattered by these words and will understand that you are really serious about her, since introducing her to your parents and friends is a serious step.
    • As said, don't tell her that if you don't intend to! You don't want the girl to make big plans for you while you just want to have a good time with her.
  5. 5 Flirt. Flirting is an important part of seduction. In order to start flirting with a girl, you have to be playful with her, tease her a little, and let her know that she is beautiful without saying it out loud. It will take time for you to learn how to flirt with girls skillfully, so avoid unnecessary risks, start slowly and carefully, and then become more confident if she reciprocates you. You can even lightly hit her on the shoulder in a friendly way, put your hand on her knee or wrist for a second.
    • Say something like, "Do you always wear so much pink, or is there a reason for that?" You don't have to be very serious to flirt well.
  6. 6 Tell her how smart she is. Women hate it when men look at them as just something pretty or see them as just a pretty face and nothing else. These days, a compliment to a girl's mind can be more flattering than a compliment to her appearance or her clothes. Phrases such as "You are very smart.I really like the way you think "or" I've never heard anyone say that. You have original thinking "can really make her feel special. Of course, only do this if she's really smart!
    • Just do not try to immediately insert this comment into the conversation. Wait for the right moment. If you say that when you laugh at her dog Bobik, then she will look at you strangely.

Part 3 of 3: Show your interest in her

  1. 1 Let her know how much you enjoy interacting with her. Tell her, "You are always so much fun to talk to" or "I always have a good time when I talk to you." Even if she does realize that you enjoy spending your time with her, it will be better if you come up and tell her about it. Don't be afraid to talk to her about your feelings. She will appreciate it and be fascinated by your fluid movements.
    • Of course, make sure you are having a really great time with her before you talk about how you are having a great time out with her!
  2. 2 Come up with jokes that only the two of you can understand. Come up with a couple of code words. Use them when you are with other people and laugh discreetly, as if you have your own joke. This is a great way to make a girl understand that you care about her. If you didn’t like it, you wouldn’t come up with your own language, would you? Don't make it too obvious, but if you can find a way to make a girl laugh or make her smile when you are alone or among other people, this is definitely a sure way to seduce her.
  3. 3 Let her know how much you like her / you love her. If you are in the stage of falling in love, make sure you let her know about your feelings. Just don't tell her about it every six months; if you love her, tell her about it every day, an insane number of times, but don't pressure her. And if you meet or socialize a lot, always remind her that you love her. You can avoid choking her with attention and letting her know that you care about her.
    • Find a way to naturally fit into the conversation. DO NOT just say "I really like you" or "I love you" when you need something from her or need her to forgive you. Say it spontaneously.
  4. 4 Make her laugh. Making a girl laugh is the key to seducing her. You don't have to be the best comedian in the world to bring a genuine smile to her face. Don't be afraid to be corny or stupid, or talk randomly. As long as she doesn't feel how hard you are trying, she will appreciate your efforts. You can tease her a little, or even make fun of yourself, as long as it doesn't humiliate you. Remember that when you seduce a girl, you should be cheerful, you should not talk about how you lost the meaning of life after the death of your grandfather. Make her feel fun and at ease and laugh as much as possible - you can be serious later on.
    • If you have a bad joke, just say something like, "Nothing can be done," or just laugh at yourself a little. Don't look depressed or do embarrassing things. In fact, both of you will soon be laughing at your failed attempt at a joke.
  5. 5 Thank her. Take a moment and remember something good that this girl did for you. You might say, "Thank you so much for helping me out last week. I wouldn't have passed that test without your help." Let her know that you value what she does for you, and you realize how much she means to you. This will make her feel like an important part of your life and that you really care about her.
    • Just don't overdo it. If it's small, just say, “Hey, thanks for the coffee.I really need her. “You don't have to act like she did something vital for you as long as her actions are positive for you.
  6. 6 Tell her about her uniqueness. If you really want to seduce a girl, you have to let her know that she is not like any other girl you know. Make her feel unique. Find something in her that is not in other girls and tell her about it. If she likes you, she will be flattered and moved by your attempts. Here are some ways to help you make her feel unique:
    • "I have never been as comfortable with anyone as with you."
    • "You are so good at listening to people. It's an amazing skill."
    • "You really know how to make people feel good. I don't know anyone who could do it as well as you."
    • "You're not like the girls I've ever met."
  7. 7 Ask for her opinion. Another way to seduce a girl is to ask her opinion about something. If you constantly talk about how much you like her, or shower her with flattering comments, she may soon become very bored. Instead, ask her for her opinion on a particular topic. This will let her know that you are not seeing her as just an object, and that what she says is really important to you. Here are a couple of things you can ask her about:
    • Common acquaintances
    • A musical group coming to the city.
    • New TV show.
    • News (as long as you do not join the discussion)
    • What does she think you should do in a particular situation.
  8. 8 Ask about her life. Another way to seduce a girl is to show her that you are interested in her. Let her see that she is not just a pretty girl, but you see her as an individual with her own dreams and desires. You don't have to be too curious for her to realize that you are really interested in learning more about her. Avoid overly personal topics and stick to things that she is comfortable talking about. Here are a couple of things you can ask:
    • Her hobbies and interests
    • Her addictions
    • Her friends
    • Her family
    • Her pets
    • Her weekend plans
  9. 9 Ask her about her day. It's very simple and effective. All girls sometimes (or any person, really) want to hear the phrase "How was your day?" Nothing can sound nicer to someone who's had a bad or just plain dull day and wants to talk about it. She will be touched that you care about her day, and if you are really interested, she will say more than just "Good" or "Not bad" and start to be more open with you.
    • In order to truly seduce a girl, you need to find a balance between flattery and your concern for her.
  10. 10 Listen to her. Listening to the person is just as important as talking to them if it makes the girl feel special. All the flattery of the world won't work if you don't calm down, shut up and really listen to what she tells you about. Make eye contact, nod occasionally, and don't interrupt her when she tries to tell you something. Do not tell her that you know perfectly well how she feels and that: "I also felt this way once when ..." Let her see that you care about what she says to you, and not what has happened to you too.
    • Let's face it, most guys are notoriously bad listeners. Try to look like someone who is as interested in listening to a girl as in trying to surprise her. And if you're a good listener, she will be amazed.
    • It is important to remember what she told you so that later you can use this information in your further conversations. She will feel really special if you can say a couple of comments that she said two hours or two days ago.


  • Stop talking at the same time as her. Listen to her.Look into her eyes and be extremely careful.
  • Talk to her about how beautiful she is. This way, she will know that you like her.
  • Act like you know she likes you. Feigning arrogance can make most people laugh, especially when flirting.