How to ensure good sales

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The four-letter code to selling anything | Derek Thompson | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity
Video: The four-letter code to selling anything | Derek Thompson | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity


Let's face it, you may be the brightest person with the best idea or product to sell, but when it comes to actual sales, it can be quite a daunting task. Where to start, how to work for the future, and what is the first thing you should do? Let's take a look at how you can confidently start selling while avoiding the most common mistakes.


  1. 1 Training. If you find yourself marking time in your sales, it means that you are ill-prepared for the task.
  2. 2 Research. Preparation begins with researching your potential customers, find out what they like when they are available to communicate, how to approach them, and also need to know what they are negative about! Going blindly, without preparation, into the world of sales, you risk wasting your time, which in turn will lead to nothing but disappointment!
  3. 3 Knowledge of your product. Knowing about your product and the benefits it provides to the customer will give you complete confidence and show that you really know what you are talking about. This will effectively help you deal with objections and prevent the sale from slipping away from you. The deal was almost completed, but at the last moment the client simply changed his mind and you did not achieve the goal, have you ever faced such a situation? This can be easily avoided, consider very carefully the client's objections, and operate with hard facts in response, but if you cannot do this, then you are completely ignorant and do not know about the merits of your own services or products.
  4. 4 Set your goals. Whether it's making phone calls or making appointments or looking for new clients on the street, it's all pointless if you haven't set a goal for that particular activity. If this is an advertisement, set the time you would like to spend on it, who exactly you would like to talk to, why this particular person, what you have to offer, and your desired result. Your desired outcome may be to make a deal over the phone, make an appointment, get an email address ... etc., you must define the goal of your actions and check if you have achieved it after contacting the client.
  5. 5 Greet the client correctly. This sounds like an easy task. Many people think that all they need to say is "Good morning Ma'am / Sir." Unfortunately, this is not the best way to start a dialogue.
    • Starting with a simple greeting, using words like sir and madam may seem respectful at first, but in fact, using words like these puts you below the potential client. This gives the impression that you are begging and provides a good platform to object to you and your actions, as they will feel that you are courting them for the purpose of selling.
    • Instead, it is better to greet using their name and title. Just "Good morning Mrs. X or Mr. X." It makes things a lot easier. Using this greeting instead of the previous one will encourage a more open conversation.
  6. 6 Get to the point. It's good if you can talk about different topics, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to be distracted from the main thing. Saying phrases like "You look good today" or "I like your office" you should not overdo it and take into account the specific situation at the time of the conversation. If you do not know how your opinion will be perceived on a particular issue, it is better not to express it. It is best to concentrate on the goal and not beat around the bush.
  7. 7 Business conversation is not a lecture! People often want to sell quickly, and try to impose the goods in order to quickly leave. As a result, they talk for a long time, and then ask a question that finally buries the deal "Are you interested?"
    • Looking at it from the point of view of the client, it seems that when you offer something to buy, you are not interested in the needs of the client, and everything that moves you is just the achievement of your own goal.
    • Consult with the customer, ask questions, tell us about the details and previous experience with similar products, this will create a dialogue that will subsequently help you get a “Yes”.
  8. 8 Making a deal. After dialogue and consultation with the client to find out his needs and interests, the final important step is the actions aimed at closing the deal. A good way to accomplish this is to list the benefits of what you are selling and how the product will meet the customer's needs.
    • For example, if you are selling advertising, you might end the conversation by saying, “As you told Mr. X, your company is looking for more brand awareness and new customers. Our marketing solutions will provide you with the brand awareness you are looking for. If you could let me , I can offer the services of our company to conduct an advertising campaign and promote your brand ... "
    • This is a simple indirect way to ask "Are you interested?"


  • Get eye contact with your audience. By looking your client in the eye, you will achieve the best result.
  • Don't mumble. Clarity in conversation is important.
  • Reach out to the audience often so that everyone feels like a part.