How to teach your cat how to stand up for itself on the street and be a good rodent hunter

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Learn 5 CAT TRICKS in 10 minutes - Easy & Cool Clicker Training Tricks
Video: Learn 5 CAT TRICKS in 10 minutes - Easy & Cool Clicker Training Tricks


This article is for people who mostly keep their cats outdoors. Cats can be taught to be aggressive only for the purpose of hunting rodents, as well as for self-defense from other animals on the street. You should not purposefully teach cats to attack other animals and people. The following are guidelines for stimulating your cat's innate instincts to hunt mice, rats, and other rodents.


  1. 1 Start teaching your pet at an early age. If you start teaching your cat at the age of two, it may be too late. The animal will show little interest in hunting if it has not grown up in appropriate conditions. To start training, you need to provide the kitten with access to the street.
  2. 2 Show your pet the area around your property so that he gets an idea of ​​where you can and cannot walk. It would be wise to organize a corner for the kitten, where he can regularly come to rest, eat and drink (for example, in the garage).
  3. 3 Take care of your pet. Allowing the kitten to roam the street, do not forget to pay attention to it, do not forget about it or just feed it. He needs to know that you are the owner (or partner) and friend. When he is nearby, play with him.Use toy mice or laser pointers to get the kitten to chase them (most cats love this kind of game), and give the kitten special treats.
  4. 4 Be persistent. After a year of this kind of training, hopefully, your pet will start bringing home the carcasses of the captured rodents, which is your goal. When the cat brings you a rodent carcass, you can get rid of it, but just remember to thank the cat for the gift with a stroke or a treat. As with dogs, this will motivate the cat to repeat the action, which will keep rodents out of your home.


  • Don't let your cat into the house too often. This can be done periodically, but not every day and not for a long time, otherwise the cat will get used to the domestic lifestyle, become "softer" and will not have the same addiction to hunting.


  • Avoid street training if you live in an urbanized area because of the many dangers in the city (eg cars, animal control services that might mistake your cat for a stray).
  • The content of the article is only a suggestion. Remember that outdoor life for a cat can be extremely dangerous and risky.

What do you need

  • cat
  • Cat care products (food, water, toys, etc.)