How to Hire a Private Investigator to Confirm Your Spouse's Infidelity

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Private Investigator Tips Catching Cheating Spouses Infidelity | Private Investigator Training Video
Video: Private Investigator Tips Catching Cheating Spouses Infidelity | Private Investigator Training Video


With the sheer amount of television programming centered around infidelity, it’s not surprising that you would want to hire a private investigator to confirm your suspicions of cheating on your partner; however, remember that this is a very costly process. You've already used up a lot of emotional energy about this, so try not to get hurt financially either. While infidelity is very painful, it is rarely a factor in divorce and / or other court-leading cases. You may need to know if your partner is actually cheating on you in order to let him go; however, keep in mind that the cost of the service does not depend on whether the private detective disclosed the fact of infidelity.


  1. 1 Do your home investigation. There are many detectives; however, the number of reputable and serious people has dropped significantly. Make sure you are hiring a professional who not only has their know-how, but also their qualifications.
  2. 2 Look for options. You don't need to work with the first detective you meet. There should be a connection between you, as this is a very personal matter, and you will need to feel comfortable working with this person.
  3. 3 Once you've determined who you want to hire, figure out what they are making money on and how they will end up invoicing you. Most detectives work like a lawyer in that you give them a retainer. You should know their rates for different businesses.
  4. 4 Think about what you expect from this person. The information you provide about the person you are investigating should be factual only. Of course, you can provide your suspicions as well; however, the more facts you provide the detective, the more effectively he will be able to conduct an investigation.
  5. 5 Anticipate the outcome and your reaction. If you think someone is cheating on you, prepare yourself to acknowledge that fact. While it's impossible to know exactly how you will feel ... make sure you are prepared for it.If you live with this person and want to break up, plan ahead how you will do it. This will ensure that you leave in a more dignified manner, or at the very least, you will not be overwhelmed with emotions while looking for another place to live.
  6. 6 DO NOT GO FOR A CHILD. Perhaps you would like to catch a traitor in the act, but this rarely translates into something good. If you have hired a professional to do this for you, then LET'S HELP HELP YOURSELF. Even considering that someone may be deceiving you, your actions in relation to him deserve reproach if they went beyond the bounds of what is permissible.
  7. 7 DO NOT LOOK AT THE VISUAL CONFIRMATION. The news is hard enough that your suspicions were correct; however, looking at the evidence is another blow. Rarely can anyone "handle" this, if you want visual confirmation, trust a friend or relative to view the photos, otherwise just TRUST THE WORDS OF A PROFESSIONAL. Is this what you pay him for?


  • Don't tell people that you hired a detective, as they might blab it out and your suspect might get away with it.
  • Be careful in your research before agreeing to anything.
  • Trust your intuition and better spend your money not on a detective, but on a vacation
  • Decide if this person is worth the money you are going to spend


  • Do not try to convict a detective of fraud - this is not an easy job
  • If you hire someone without trusting them, their actions may affect you.
  • Not everyone who pretends to be a detective is actually one.