How to improve relationships with your little brother

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build Strong Relationships with Your Siblings
Video: How to Build Strong Relationships with Your Siblings


Have you faced such a situation when your little brother came into your room without asking and took your candy? Has it ever happened that he repeated bad words after you? Or worse, did you shout at him or hit him so hard that he cried, and then you got into trouble with your parents? Conflict between siblings is a normal occurrence in any family, and very often younger brothers irritate older ones. If you want to get along with your little brother, learn to resolve conflicts and treat him with respect. Seek help from your parents if you are unable to fix the problem on your own.


Method 1 of 3: Treat Your Little Brother with Respect

  1. 1 Think about how you treat your brother during the day. Do you allow yourself to push him as you walk by? Do you lock your brother in the bathroom to tease him? Do you take his things without permission? It is not at all difficult to piss off a younger brother. You may not even attach much importance to it and do it unintentionally. However, remember that your brother is smaller than you and it is difficult for him to fight back. Try to notice how you behave with your little brother during the day.
    • Perhaps in some cases it seems to you that your brother is to blame for the fact that you constantly offend him. He bothers you, you, in turn, find fault and tease him, as a result, he begins to bother you even more. It is a vicious circle that is difficult to break. You can only do this if you change your behavior.
  2. 2 Think about your brother's feelings. Being a little brother is not so easy anymore. Your brother probably thinks you're cool and wants to spend a lot of time with you. However, he is not old enough to play the games you enjoy or spend as much time with you as your friends. He may be bothering you or even trying to get into a fight because he wants your attention.
    • The ability to imagine how a person is feeling and to share their feelings is called empathy. Empathy helps you do the right thing. Thinking about a person's feelings and putting yourself in his place can help you choose the right course of action.
  3. 3 Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. You've probably heard this saying. This is the "golden rule". By following it, you will be able to treat your brother rightly. Believe me, he deserves respect!
    • Treat him the way you want him to treat you. Don't yell at him, don't take his things without permission, and don't gossip about him. Your brother may not behave in this way towards you, but if you treat him with respect and kindness, it is unlikely that anyone will accuse you that you are to blame for the conflict or quarrel with him.
  4. 4 Talk to him in a friendly tone of voice. Never start a conversation by shouting. If you lash out at your brother, you are hurting him, and this triggers a backlash, as a result, he does the same towards you.
    • In a cheerful tone of voice, say to your brother every day, "Good morning!" This simple phrase will set the tone for the whole day.

Method 2 of 3: Resolve conflicts with your little brother

  1. 1 Sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. If you have had a lot of fights with your brother lately, or if he does something that annoys you, you should talk to him about your feelings.
    • Don't do anything that makes your brother cry. Try not to talk to him overbearingly and dictate to him what to do. Give your brother a chance to express his feelings.
    • Begin sentences with the pronoun "I" when talking about your feelings. Instead of blaming your brother by saying, "You're always so noisy and rude!" - better to say: “I get very upset when you enter my room without knocking. It makes me think that you do not respect my privacy. "
  2. 2 Apologize for situations where you misbehaved towards your brother. Chances are, there have been situations in your life when you screamed or teased your brother. Tell him that you regret it and want to have a strong friendship with him.
    • Say, “I'm sorry I was rude and yelled at you. I don’t know why I do this sometimes, but I’m working to change and treat you better. ”
  3. 3 Make a list of what you both need to change. Both of you are probably to blame for annoying and angry at each other. Write down some of the bad things your brother does. Ask what he thinks you need to change.
    • Keep your list short and include the most important points. Stop at two or three points. You can ask your brother not to interfere with you when you are with friends, knock before entering your room, or not take toys without asking.
    • Agree with your brother that both of you will work to avoid annoying each other in word or deed.
  4. 4 Remain calm even when your brother is acting immature. Of course, it is very difficult to have a serious conversation with a small child. If during a conversation he grimaces or makes obscene sounds, just get up and say quietly: "I tried to talk, but ..." - and leave.
    • If your brother tries to stop you, look at him (without saying anything) and wait for him to speak. When he does, sit next to him and end the conversation.
  5. 5 Listen to your brother and show that you care what he thinks. When he's finished speaking, hug him and remind him that you love him, even though there are conflicts between you.
  6. 6 Learn how to behave correctly in conflict situations when a fight is brewing. Even if you sit down with your brother and agree not to fight, you will still likely have misunderstandings and possibly even fights in the future.When you are on the verge of breaking down, say, "I'm not going to quarrel and fight you."
    • If the fight has already begun, sometimes let your brother be the winner. This may surprise him and your conflict will subside. Say, “You're right, excuse me. I want to go to my room and read a little. "
    • If you are very angry with him, leave the room and tell your brother that you do not want to be rude to him, so you better leave. Tell him that you don't want it to end in an argument.

Method 3 of 3: Look for opportunities to get along with your brother

  1. 1 Play with him his favorite game or read his favorite book. If you spend time with your brother doing what he likes, he is unlikely to try his best to get your attention when you hang out with friends or do your homework.
    • Plan to spend time with your little brother regularly. You can play, go to the park, or just paint pictures together.
  2. 2 Invite your siblings to play together. If you have multiple younger siblings, try your best to have them play with each other. This will keep them from bothering you. If you notice that they are starting to quarrel, politely intervene and remind them that they are brothers and sisters and that they should not be at enmity with each other. Play with them for a few minutes until they make up again, and then do what you were going to do.
    • You can invite siblings to play vet using stuffed animal toys or a simple board game such as Snakes and Ladders or The Hangman.
  3. 3 Keep your brother busy when he bothers you. If you have something to do and your brother won't leave you alone, ask him to draw a picture for you or color a page in a coloring book. Tell him that you really want him to do something for you, and then he will feel his importance, doing business.
    • Be sure to thank him and hang the drawing on the wall in your room so he knows that you really appreciate his work.
  4. 4 Tell your brother that you love him. Do this as often as possible. It may sound silly, but your brother needs to hear assurances of love. He needs to know that you love and care for him.
    • Tell your little brother: "I love you!" - in the morning when he leaves for school, or at night before going to bed.


  • If you have an argument and your brother is still complaining, leave him alone until he calms down.
  • If he wants to play outside or asks you to play video games, and you are very busy at this time, ask him to prepare the game until you finish what you started. If you need to do something else, invite your brother to fulfill his responsibilities.
  • If he bothers you, don't be angry with him. He's just trying to get your attention. He's probably trying to imitate you, so try to set a good example and control your anger and frustration.
  • If he pesters you or misbehaves, take a few deep breaths in and out so that it is difficult to piss you off.


  • If there is a fight between you and you do not know how to resolve it, do not try to cope with it yourself, talk to adults.