How to find your way

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu


Life is a journey, but the path is not always clear. Every moment carries a miracle and a new opportunity, but you need to know where to look. The first thing to remember is that you will never find your way exploring the distant horizons of the future. Change starts with action. Hit the road, move step by step and keep an eye on both, so as not to miss the opportunities that open before you. Identify your passions and hobbies, and try to spend more time in activities that are of particular importance to you.


Part 1 of 3: Where to start?

  1. 1 Know yourself. Before you can find your way, you need to understand where you are at the moment. Become aware of the circumstances in which you are, even if you still don’t know how to change them. Try to understand what exactly is the cause of your feelings of loss or disorientation. Develop as clear and clear as possible about your life as it is.
    • Think about what you are spending your time and energy on. Analyze what you do every day, and try to figure out what of it satisfies you and makes your life complete, and what seems meaningless to you. Think about how you can minimize these useless activities in your life.
    • Try putting these thoughts down on paper. Write about your life or make a list, draw a diagram or map that describes how all of your hobbies and commitments are linked. You may find that visual representation helps you better understand your situation.
  2. 2 Start moving. Finding your path can be challenging if you explore distant horizons for inspiration. Even if you decide to follow the path you are currently on, you will still encounter countless forks and deviations along the way. In reality, your journey does not become real until you start moving in some direction - in any direction. Free yourself from inertia and build momentum. The chances are that the action will make you feel strong enough to change many other things in your life.
  3. 3 Try to do something. Be bold and give it a try. This does not necessarily mean that you need to do something big. Pick a small step you can take to explore your path. Try it and see what it feels like. If you don't like the course of events, you can always switch to something else.
    • Perhaps you have always dreamed of becoming a musician, but you never had the slightest idea how to come to it. Try one simple step: take a music lesson and buy or borrow a cheap instrument. Promise yourself to try this for a few weeks.
    • Perhaps you feel stuck and want to move to another city. Take some small step in this direction: go to this city to explore it, so to speak “for exploration,” or in your free time look for work and housing there. Your vision will only become real when you start putting it into practice.
  4. 4 Start simple. The road will be mastered by the walking one. Individual steps may seem small and insignificant to you, but they will form something big and powerful as you keep moving. This is the nature of the path: it does not appear in front of you all overnight, the path is a life-long journey. Your path is the sum of every single moment in your life, everything that you do and what you dream about, and there is no map that would show you exactly where you will end up.
    • The beginning of the journey may even be just your decision to try something. Intention is the strongest thing.
  5. 5 Don't make excuses. It is easy to say that you will do something, but it is not always easy to follow through. Take the initiative and don't expect anything. The longer you delay, the longer it will take you to finally find your way. Fear stagnation, not obstacles.
    • Take note every time you come up with an excuse. Learn to recognize the signs: You may be planning to do great things, but succumb to the voice of self-doubt when it's time to act. Accept your fears, use them to your advantage - as an incentive, fuel.

Part 2 of 3: Find Your Passion

  1. 1 Follow the inner spark. Begin to become aware of how certain activities and situations make you feel.If some activity delights you, engages, arouses sincere interest and a desire to delve into it - explore it. Your path may be right in front of you: open yourself to this opportunity. You won't know until you try. Be bold.
  2. 2 Accept yourself. Accept your joys and ideals and strive to be the master of circumstances. Don't try to suppress what makes you truly happy. Of course, you need to work on becoming the best version of yourself, but don't waste your energy trying to become someone else. You are a unique and powerful person, and you have everything you need to control your own destiny.
    • Remind yourself that you will never find your way if you constantly doubt yourself. You will need to make a choice and walk boldly into the future.
  3. 3 Choose between one and many. At some point, you may come to a fork in your path. You want to do one thing and you want to do another. You might be interested in three, four, or more activities! Your path can be focused on one thing, or it can be a constant exploration of new, exciting beginnings. Ask yourself if you will be happy with the only choice, and if it is worth dividing your energy into different categories.
    • If you decide to give up all other options in order to achieve one goal or one path, try to stick to your choice, but give yourself the opportunity to open up to different options again. However, if you decide to completely devote yourself to a single job or occupation, you may have to close some other doors for yourself.
    • If you decide to devote yourself to two hobbies - say, music and psychotherapy - you may find yourself on a difficult, but in principle achievable path. You will have to be especially disciplined if you want to reach the heights in each of the chosen directions.
  4. 4 Stick to what satisfies you. If something gives you a sense of joy, meaning, admiration, inspiration - keep doing it. See where it takes you. You may not still have a clear idea of ​​the fuller scope of your “path,” but you should trust that feeling and let it guide you.
    • Remember: this activity does not have to be your only hobby to which you direct all your energy! Your path can be a combination of many things.
  5. 5 Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be. It is the source of your inspiration and motivation, so you should turn to it often. Try to be that person in practice and know that it can be difficult. If you want to be a travel writer, you have to get out of bed, exercise, go outside and explore, and then return home and write about your adventures and discoveries. If you play computer games, watch TV, eat and hang out at the mall, you will never get to what you want. You will come to a completely different place.

Part 3 of 3: Clarify Your Purpose

  1. 1 Analyze your beliefs. It's okay to question and analyze what you were taught as a child. Many children are raised in such a way that they end up sharing the views of their parents, their company, and their community, and those views may not be very useful in your adult life. Ask yourself if your ideas about the world are true and useful.
    • Accepting new information that contradicts or refutes what you have been taught can be stressful. Remember, this does not necessarily mean that you have to drop everything you have been taught - it would just be helpful to be conscious of it. Think carefully about each truth and decide which one serves your long-term goal.
    • Remember that doubting certain beliefs can alienate you from friends and family.If you grew up in a society where religious traditions are deeply honored and upheld, your relatives and those around you may not approve of your doubts about these traditions.
  2. 2 Become aware of what affects you. It is unlikely that you will find your way completely isolated from the rest of the world. Think about who you are spending your time with and how these people might influence your purpose. Spending your day with active and inspiring people can make it easier for you to do exactly what makes sense to you. Surround yourself with people who help you grow.
    • Sometimes you may find that other people have too much power over your choices. Consider if this contributes to your feeling of being lost.
  3. 3 Be patient. Understand that you will not be able to find your way in a day. Reading this article is just a small stepping stone to a deep personal path of self-discovery. Remember that it's okay to wait for the right opportunity. You should not rush to the first more or less decent chance that you get. But don't wait too long!
    • If the opportunity isn't perfect - don't be afraid to let it go and wait for what you really want. For example: you shouldn't marry your first boyfriend if it doesn't seem right to you. You shouldn't accept the first job someone offers you without considering other options.
    • On the other hand, you should be careful not to chase perfection. Sometimes it's best to choose the option that is in front of you. If you wait too long, you might miss out on dozens of great opportunities!


  • Don't read too much about knowing yourself. Build up your strength and start making the appropriate changes in your life.
  • Introduce yourself. Think about who you are and where you want to be. Nobody knows you better than yourself.
  • If you have a goal, try to honestly understand what is holding you back from achieving it. Perhaps you are holding yourself back?
  • You don't need to have a plan for the rest of your life - just a place to start. The path will open before you gradually as you walk along it.