How to start creating a food jar

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To: Home Food Preservation and Canning
Video: How To: Home Food Preservation and Canning


A food bank is an organization that accepts food donations that are not intended for long-term storage and distributes them to institutions or individuals in need of food. With over 925 million people living in the world without adequate food, the need for food cans and donations is high at all times. In every society, there are citizens who need help when it comes to providing food for them and their families. You can help fight hunger by creating your own food bank.


  1. 1 Find a place to store food. The amount of donations you receive can vary throughout the year, so find a large enough space to accommodate your donations. If you are self-employed, you can start by storing things in your basement or garage.
  2. 2 Contact organizations in your area that can help raise food donations and advise people in need. Work with churches, schools, and local governments for a good start.
  3. 3 Notify other food banks of your activities. Some banks have surplus food items that you can purchase. Some banks will require you to pay for your food, while others will not.
  4. 4 Set up a schedule for people or institutions to receive food from you. Some food banks give out donations every 2 weeks. You also have the opportunity to work with these other agencies by offering your food supplies at different times to help more of the community.
  5. 5 Collect donations. This can be done using the food storage facilities of schools and churches, or by organizing a specific location in the grocery store or elsewhere. Make sure you have permission from the property owner before doing the above case.Grocery merchants may also be tempted to donate products that are nearing the end of their expiration date.
  6. 6 Distribute goods as they become available. Set up racks in your storage to distribute various types of food (canned food, boxes, breakfast dishes, first courses). Double check the expiration dates and throw away anything that is past due or anything that looks suspicious. ...
  7. 7 Prepare donation food boxes the day before distribution. Try to provide a variety of foods in each box. If you are distributing food to individuals, then think about the number of people receiving food in your mind and add everything up according to those numbers.
  8. 8 Keep a record of the people who use your service, their needs, and the number of family members. These notes will help you better assess what to prepare for them.
  9. 9 Find additional funding. Donations may decrease at certain times of the year, especially during the holidays when food is most needed. By finding additional funding, you will be able to fight hunger on a more confident basis. Reach out to local community groups for cash funding or check government funding programs.


  • You can get packing boxes from your local grocer. Talk to someone from the store and ask him to provide you with boxes. This will also help keep costs down.
  • You may have to set requirements for the users of your services. Such restrictions will ensure that food donations are received by those who truly need them.
  • Store specially formulated foods (e.g. gluten-free or sugar-free) separately. When people with diabetes or other specific food needs come to the bank, direct them directly to that type of food and let them pick a few as they like.


  • Do not eat perishable or expiring food. You should only take fresh fruits and vegetables, provided they are consumed, before they spoil.

What do you need

  • Warehouse space
  • Non-perishable products
  • Shelves
  • Boxes