How to start breeding worms for sale

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
$360K Selling Worms? | How To Cash In With Worm Farms
Video: $360K Selling Worms? | How To Cash In With Worm Farms


There are not many activities in life that offer the same amazing combination of opportunities: teaching, learning, contributing, being friendly to the environment and getting along in the process - like a worm farm. Once upon a time, breeding worms was nothing more than a hobby.The niche was extremely small: people raised worms and sold them to fishing shops. With the emergence of a worldwide focus on the environment, worm farming is gaining popularity in the legal business world. The cost to get started is minimal, and getting started with breeding worms for profit can be pretty quick, easy, and definitely inexpensive.


  1. 1 Choose the best location and environment. If you don't mind living next to crawling creatures, the basement of your house can be one of the most optimal places for worms to live. A warm, dark and dry habitat is best. At the same time, the worms are quite hardy and can withstand temperatures from 4 to 27 degrees Celsius. Even though the environment should be humid, it shouldn't be too wet, so make sure no rain gets in there. Also, make sure that the worms are protected from direct sunlight. If you equip the container well enough, they can survive in lower temperatures, but you cannot deprive them of their care.
  2. 2 Build a container for your new pets. Nothing special is required for this. If you can't make it yourself, buy a pre-made one, there are a wide variety of worm containers on the market, from plastic to wooden. Wood is considered the optimal material, as it absorbs some of the moisture and is a good insulating substance, unlike plastic, in which the compost can get wet. Chances are, you have something at home that you can use, such as old toy boxes or dresser drawers. Anything that can hold a sufficient amount of filling will do. You will need to drill holes in the bottom to remove moisture. If the water is not discharged properly, the worms can easily drown.
  3. 3 Prepare a good mixture to fill your container of worms. Crumpled newspapers are excellent material; Crumpled cardboard, leaves and other debris from the yard will also work well. A couple of shovels of earth are enough. Worms need a little dirt as a tough material to digest their food. Use a variety of filling materials; the worms will have more pleasure, the amount of excrement they excrete will be a confirmation of this. Make sure the filling, whatever you use, is organic, such as paper, and not toxic. Moisten and squeeze it so it is slightly damp but not wet. Fill the container about 3/4 full and keep it loose so there is enough room for the worms to get oxygen as well as foul odors.
  4. 4 Select the type of worms for your new venture. This essentially means that you have to decide on the type of customers to whom you will supply the worms. Big fat night crawls, such as Canadian mammoths, are suitable for fishing. They do not build as many mounds as red worms, for example. Red worms, on the other hand, are great for making compost, which is considered a good fertilization standard for agricultural farmers. By searching the internet, you can find good suppliers and choose exactly what you need.
  5. 5 Load the worms into the container, observing the ratio of worms to the volume of the filler. The golden rule in this matter is the ratio of worms to daily food 2: 1. If you have about 2 thousand night crawls, then your container should be roomy enough.
  6. 6 Feed the worms daily. A family of four usually produces enough food waste to feed the worms daily. Any type of food will do, except for meat, dairy, overly fatty foods and grains. These foods are smelly and attract flies. You better not deal with them. Coffee grounds are great; it is of sufficient weight and is inexpensive as a food source. Eggshells are no less good.These substances tend to absorb moisture, so by using them you create a good environment and get quality fertilizer in return. Peeling and nibbling vegetables and fruits is also a good option. You can also toss in crumpled, wet newspapers.
  7. 7 Place the food for the worms in one corner of the container. The worms will crawl and eat her. There is no need to scatter food all over the container. Once the container is full of excrement and good compost, you can move the worms to a new container and start over. And you will have a good product to sell on your hands. With the reproduction of worms, they will also need an increase in area. You can drill a hole in the side of both containers and connect them together with a plastic pipe. The end of the pipe attached to the container where the worms now live should be closed. Whenever you need to relocate the worms, simply open this end of the tube and fill a second container with food. The worms will start migrating there. It is a longer process, but simpler, less time consuming, and more accurate. Thus, you are the owner of a profitable business.