How to start learning computer programming

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science - Full Course
Video: Introduction to Programming and Computer Science - Full Course


Programming is fun and allows you to be creative and opens up new career opportunities. If you want to learn how to program, then from this article you will learn in which direction to move and what to learn.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Language Selection

  1. 1 Choice of programming language. Computer programming is essentially writing a set of programs that the computer will follow.These instructions can be written in different "languages", which are different ways of organizing instructions and text. However, different languages ​​are used to create different types of programs, so choose a language for learning that will be useful to you. You can always learn some other language later.
  2. 2 Consider C, C ++, C #, and similar languages. These languages ​​are mainly used to create computer programs. C and C ++ are simple and good for beginners, but C # is becoming more and more popular.
  3. 3 Consider Java or JavaScript. If you're going to be working on building web plugins or phone apps, it's a good idea to learn these languages. Now this is in great demand, so programming knowledge of these languages ​​will definitely come in handy.
  4. 4 Try Python. This programming language is widely used across multiple platforms and is fun to learn. Many swear by oath that it is very simple for beginners, so give it a try!
  5. 5 Consider PHP. This language is commonly used for web programming, especially useful for hackers, plus it is easy to learn, and the demand is great.
  6. 6 Consider other programming languages ​​as well. There are many of them, and they all have their own areas of application. If you want to work as a programmer, you definitely need to know at least two languages, so get started today!
    • The best thing to do is to look at the advertisements for the vacancies for programmers you are interested in and find out which of the common languages ​​they are interested in.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Learning a Language

  1. 1 Consider going to a university or other educational institution. Although most companies, when hiring a programmer, primarily look at his skills, rather than a degree, a diploma still gives an advantage. Plus, you can learn more and more effectively at university than if you were studying on your own, and you will be taught and guided by professionals.
    • There are many scholarships and grants available in this area of ​​study for degree students. Don't be intimidated by tuition fees: it's possible!
  2. 2 Study at an online university. Whether you are studying at a normal online university for money and with a degree, or simply participating in a free program like MIT's excellent Coursera, programming can still be learned.
  3. 3 Try using online resources. To learn programming, you can use free services like the University Consortium from Google or the Developer Network from Mozilla. These companies need new developers to help with the platforms, so their resources are some of the best on the internet.
  4. 4 Learn with online tutorials. There are many programmers out there who are ready to teach you the basics on their sites, and maybe something more advanced. To find something like this, simply search through a search engine for the language training program you are interested in.
    • Many free online classes are available to learn coding from. The Khan Academy teaches computer coding, with easy tutorials and videos. Code Academy is another free site to learn from, with step-by-step tutorials.
  5. 5 If you can, it's best to start young. There are several programs for teaching children to program. For those who are younger, programs like MIT's Scratch are especially useful, and the younger you are, the easier it is to learn a programming language (and indeed any language).
    • Avoid kits, as these rarely teach anything useful.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Self-Study

  1. 1 Start with a good book or tutorial on programming. Find a good, not outdated book on the programming language you are interested in. Reviews on Amazon and similar sites will help you choose something worthwhile.
  2. 2 Get an interpreter for this language. An interpreter is just another computer program, it converts ideas you write in a programming language into a "machine language" so that you can see how everything works. Many such programs are readily available, you will need to choose something suitable.
  3. 3 Read the book! Take examples of programming in the language from the book and enter them into the interpreter. Try changing the examples and making the program execute different commands.
  4. 4 Try to use your own ideas to create a working program. Start with simple things, like currency conversion programs, and move on to more complex things as you continue reading and learning your programming language.
  5. 5 Learn another language. After you start actively programming in the first language, you will want to learn the second. You can get the most benefit from choosing something completely different from your first language as your second language. For example, if you started with Scheme, then you can try learning C or Java as a second. If you started with Java, you can continue to learn Perl or Python.
  6. 6 Keep programming and trying new things! To be a good programmer you have to keep up with evolving technology. It is an ongoing learning process; you need to constantly learn new languages ​​and new approaches and, most importantly, you need to constantly program something new!


  • Get a good reference book. This must be the most recent version - languages ​​continue to evolve.
  • You don't have to tackle complex languages ​​like Java right away, start with python, it instills self-confidence in beginners, and besides, it has almost any aspect of programming.
  • Start with something fun, find motivation to overcome obstacles and develop logical problem-solving skills.
  • Java has a very important concept - multithreading. Study carefully.
  • If you're learning Java, try NetBeans 7.3.1, it's fun and easy.
  • The syntax is actually very important. You can use it your way. Study the sample programs, then start writing something of your own.
  • Use Eclipse to write the program. This very useful program can find bugs in the code, fix it right away, and, in addition, a special analysis program can be used to navigate between different code files.