How to start a dropshipping business

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch (Exactly What I Did)
Video: Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch (Exactly What I Did)


This step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to do to start and maintain a successful Drop Shipping business.


  1. 1 Find a free market.
    • There is no point in having the best product in the world if no one needs it. Don't make a decision to sell a particular product if you haven't done adequate keyword research (since all sales will happen through online channels). One way to determine the need for a product is to check the level of competition. Type in a keyword for the product you plan to sell on a search engine such as Google. Do advertisements appear on the right side of the results page? This is a good indicator of the demand for a given product. Also look for comparison on other sites to see if there are other companies offering the same product. This is just the beginning of your exploration.
  2. 2 Find a reputable dropshipper company.
    1. Next, you need to find someone to supply the products that you will be selling. There are a number of drop shipping portals that can provide you with this service.
    2. Contact them and determine your ROI, payment options, return policy, shipping terms, etc.
  3. 3 Come up with and register a domain name.
    • Once you've identified your marketplace and dropshipper, the next step is to register your domain name. In order to optimize the search engines for your site on the web, use keywords related to the product. For example, if you sell fitness equipment, you might choose the domain name if it's free. Choosing a domain name like will not help in this case.
  4. 4 Select your online store provider.
    • This will save you time and money compared to developing a website yourself from scratch. Some web store providers charge monthly fees and this gives you the ability to update your site at any time. If you work with a web designer, you constantly have to wait while he completes the improvements according to your instructions. A ready-made website is the best solution for beginners.
  5. 5 Upload a description of your products.
    • Once you have chosen your online store provider, start uploading the description of the products you will be selling. Before launching the site, it is better not to download the list of all products. Why? Because you need to launch the site as soon as possible in order to be able to make changes, getting a response from the market. Alternatively, you can hire someone to post product descriptions on the site.
  6. 6 Start your first marketing campaign.
    • Once you launch your website, you need to drive the maximum traffic to it. There are different ways to increase traffic, including reward per click, advertising on sites that compare prices for similar products, posting promotional articles, advertising in blog and forum comments with a link to your site, media, and so on. Once you've identified which ad channel is driving the main traffic to your site, focus on that ad and loosen up on others.
  7. 7 Use email marketing.
    • In the world of internet marketing, there is a common saying that 'money is on the list'. This also applies to your business. Create feedback forms on your site where visitors can submit their names and email addresses. You can send them regular promotions with information about special offers and promotions, as well as helpful recommendations and links. Don't be surprised if you see a dramatic increase in sales after every newsletter release.

What do you need

  • online store provider
  • email manager
  • Domain name
  • dropshipping company supplier
  • advertising and marketing budget