How to treat chickenpox at home

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chickenpox Treatment | Treatment For Chickenpox | Chickenpox Symptoms | Signs Of Chickenpox | 2018
Video: Chickenpox Treatment | Treatment For Chickenpox | Chickenpox Symptoms | Signs Of Chickenpox | 2018


When a child has chickenpox, he is unlikely to enjoy life. Although no specific treatment is required to recover from the disease, there are some things you can do to help your child feel better as they fight the virus. In particular, there are a few general principles that can help relieve your child's illness when they are sick. In addition, you can use home remedies to relieve itchy skin, speed up the healing of rashes, and get rid of residual chickenpox marks on your skin. Skip to the first step for more details.


Method 1 of 4: Basic Treatment

  1. 1 The child must stay at home during the illness. When your child has chickenpox, it can easily spread the disease to other children who have not had chickenpox before and have not been vaccinated against the disease. For this reason, it is extremely important that the sick child stays at home. In addition, the child needs a lot of rest in order for his body to cope with the infection faster. If possible, let the child lie in bed and turn on his favorite movie so that the patient does not get very bored.
    • The child should stay at home for at least five days after the first rash appears.
    • You should monitor the condition of the rash - when the papules dry up, the child can start attending school. This process usually takes more than five days.
  2. 2 Maintain the body's water balance. It is very important that the child drinks more fluids, especially if he has a fever and general weakness. If the patient drinks a large amount of water, it helps to relieve the intoxication of the body and stimulates the formation of new cells. Adequate water helps keep skin hydrated, which can help reduce itching and speed up the healing of chickenpox rashes.
    • Try to have your child drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
    • If your child does not want to drink regular water, you can give him fruit juice or other soft drinks.
  3. 3 Feed your baby soft, easily digestible food. Unfortunately, chickenpox papules can form not only on the skin, but also on the oral mucosa. If your child's illness progresses this way, it may be difficult to swallow regular food. In this case, provide your baby with soft foods that are easy for the body to digest. Easily digestible food should prevail in the patient's diet, since the digestion of heavy food requires the expenditure of a large amount of energy, which is necessary during the period of illness to restore the body's health as soon as possible. Light food includes:
    • Soups: Traditional chicken noodle soup will help relieve mouth irritation, while carrot and coriander soup is considered a good way to fight infection.
    • Ice cream, popsicles, and frozen yogurt.
    • Yogurt, pudding and cottage cheese.
    • Soft bread.
    • Try to eliminate spicy foods from the diet that can irritate the papules.
  4. 4 Vitamin C will help strengthen your immune system. Since chickenpox is a viral infection, strengthening your child's immune system can help fight the virus and speed up the healing process. Vitamin C helps the immune system attack and destroy viral particles. Make sure your child is getting enough vitamin C-rich foods, for example:
    • Citrus fruits such as tangerine, orange, and grapefruit.
    • Other fruits such as strawberries, kiwi and papaya.
    • Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale.
  5. 5 Drink a soothing herbal tea. Herbal teas have a soothing effect on mouth rashes. In addition, they have a hypnotic effect and help the child to fall asleep despite the discomfort experienced, and also maintain the body's water balance. Be sure to chill the tea a little before giving it to your child to avoid the risk of burns.You can add some honey to your tea, which will give the drink an extra flavor and help your body recover faster. The following tea drinks work well for a child:
    • Chamomile tea.
    • Tea with mint.
    • Basil tea.
  6. 6 Let your child take a cool shower. A cool shower can help relieve itchy skin and also provide relief if your child is feeling unwell. If your child does not like cool water, you can turn on a warm shower or allow him to take a warm bath.
    • However, you should not allow your child to take a hot shower, as the hot water makes the skin dry and the itching caused by the rash only intensifies.
  7. 7 Trim your child's nails short to prevent scratching the papules. This advice may sound strange to you, but it is extremely important to trim your child's nails short so that he does not scratch the chickenpox vesicles. Since it is very important to keep the rash from scratching, you should trim your child's nails short, thereby protecting the chickenpox vesicles from damage. If this is not done, then there is a high probability that bacteria will enter the damaged papules and vesicles and a secondary infection will occur.
    • If you have a baby and he has chickenpox, put mittens on his arms so that the baby does not scratch the papules.
  8. 8 Rub the itchy skin with ice cubes. If your child is experiencing severe discomfort, you can rub ice cubes over the affected skin to relieve itching. Ice helps to desensitize the skin, thus reducing itching and irritation.
    • Gently massage the affected skin with an ice cube for 10 minutes.
  9. 9 Apply Calamine Lotion to your skin. Calamine Lotion is a cream that you can apply to the affected skin. It will be better if the patient takes a bath before applying the lotion. The lotion contains ingredients that have a cooling effect, which makes itching in the affected area less painful and allows the child to fall asleep more easily at night.
    • Apply a small amount to each papule and massage gently into the skin.
  10. 10 Give your child paracetamol to help relieve pain from chickenpox. Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic agent. This medicine can temporarily reduce the manifestation of such unpleasant symptoms of chickenpox as fever and lack of appetite. However, be sure to check with your doctor before giving your child any medication.
    • The individual dose of the drug is calculated based on the age and weight of the child. If the child has not yet reached 12 years of age, the dosage is calculated at the rate of 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of weight. The drug can be given every 6-8 hours, while the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 2.6 grams or 5 doses.
    • If the child is 12 years old or older, the dosage is calculated on the basis of 40-60 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, the drug is given every 6 hours, while the daily dose should not exceed 3.75 grams or 5 doses.
    • You can give your child ibuprofen instead of paracetamol, but never give your child aspirin.
  11. 11 You can give your child antihistamines to relieve itching. Papules and skin irritation can cause severe discomfort for your baby. Over-the-counter antihistamines relieve itching by reducing inflammation in the area of ​​skin rashes. Be sure to check with your doctor before giving your child antihistamines. Some common antihistamines are listed below:
    • Suprastin.
    • Telfast.
    • Claritin.
    • Zyrtec.
  12. 12 Apply acyclovir medicated cream. Another drug that can be used to treat chickenpox is acyclovir (such as Zovirax). This antiviral drug slows down the spread of the virus in the body and reduces the symptoms of chickenpox (skin irritation and rash of papules). Treatment usually begins within 24-48 hours after the first rash appears.This drug is a prescription and you will need to get it from your pediatrician. Alternatively, you can apply acyclovir as a cream.It is worth noting that this drug is usually prescribed for children with weakened immune systems.
    • A child two years of age or older is usually given a dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight orally 4 times a day, or 80 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, for 5 days.
    • Children weighing over 40 kilograms should take an adult dose of the drug, 800 milligrams, 4 times a day for 5 days.

Method 2 of 4: Relieve itchy skin with home remedies

  1. 1 Apply honey to papules and vesicles. The antibacterial properties of honey and the sugar it contains help relieve itching caused by skin rashes and speed up the healing process. Honey helps moisturize the skin, helping to reduce itching.
    • Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Use your finger to apply some honey to each papule and vesicle. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
  2. 2 Oatmeal bath. This bath will help relieve itchy skin. The proteins, fats and carbohydrates in oatmeal help protect and hydrate the skin, which makes skin rashes less irritating. If you don't have oatmeal or oatmeal at home, you can use cornstarch, which has a similar effect. To make an oatmeal bath:
    • In a blender or food processor, grind two cups of oatmeal into a fine flour. You can use whole flakes as well, but fine oat flour swells better in water when you prepare your bath.
    • Pour warm water into the tub and add flour. Stir and let sit for 15 minutes.
    • Let the child take a bath for 20-30 minutes. Help your child to gently pat dry the skin with a towel after bathing.
  3. 3 Bath with baking soda. Baking soda is a natural acid neutralizing property that allows soda baths to soothe irritated skin. The therapeutic effect is due to the ability of baking soda to restore the normal pH of the skin. The varicella-zoster virus causes a decrease in the pH of the patient's skin. To make a soda bath:
    • Fill a tub with warm water and dissolve 1 cup (200 grams) of baking soda in it. Stir well and let your child soak in the water for about 15 minutes. After bathing, help your child to gently dry the skin with a bath towel.
  4. 4 Prepare a herbal bath. Turmeric and ginger have a pronounced antibacterial effect and help prevent bacterial infection of skin rashes. If the child develops a secondary bacterial skin infection, the itching becomes even worse. Both of these plants will also help the affected skin heal once the virus has been defeated.
    • Turmeric: You can add three teaspoons of turmeric (9 grams) to warm water when your baby is taking a bath. This will help soothe itchy skin.
    • Ginger: Make ginger tea for your child. Alternatively, you can add three teaspoons of chopped dried ginger to the bath. This will help the affected skin heal.
  5. 5 Try making a green pea paste. Boiled green peas contain vitamins K and B, protein, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals that a person needs. While vitamins and proteins keep the skin healthy, and zinc accelerates skin regeneration, helping to avoid visible scars at the site of chickenpox rashes. To make a green pea paste:
    • Grind 200 grams of boiled green peas until a smooth paste. Apply on rashes and leave on skin for an hour. Then rinse off the paste with warm water.
  6. 6 Apply neem leaves. The substances contained in neem leaves help in the treatment of various skin problems, including relieving itchy skin from chickenpox.These leaves have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, neem leaves help cleanse the blood and flush out toxins from the intestines, therefore, helps the child's body effectively fight the chickenpox virus. To apply neem leaves:
    • Method 1: Take a bunch of neem leaves, crush them to a paste. Apply the paste to the rash.
    • Method 2: You can add a handful of neem leaves to boiling water and simmer for a few minutes. Then cool the broth a little, soak a piece of gauze or bandage in the liquid and wipe your child's skin.

Method 3 of 4: Treating breakouts with home remedies

  1. 1 Apply aloe vera gel to the rash. For centuries, aloe has been known to be an effective remedy for skin renewal and treating infections. When your child has chickenpox sores on their skin, aloe vera will help protect the vesicles from secondary bacterial infection and also help speed up the healing process. It also helps to speed up the formation of new skin cells, thereby helping to prevent marks and scarring where the crusts have fallen off. To apply aloe vera:
    • Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Using your fingertip, apply a pea-sized droplet of aloe vera gel to each vesicle.
  2. 2 Apply sandalwood oil to the windmill bubbles. Sandalwood oil has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to tighten pores, thereby helping to reduce skin irritation and speed up the healing process of chickenpox rashes. To apply sandalwood oil:
    • Soak a cotton ball with oil. Apply gently directly to each papule and vesicle.
  3. 3 Use vitamin E oil to help heal rashes. Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant that promotes healthy skin. When you apply vitamin E oil to your baby's skin, it helps fight bacteria that can cause secondary infections of chickenpox. It also helps speed up the healing of rashes and prevents scars from falling off. To use vitamin E oil:
    • Apply the oil to each papule and vesicle once a day.
  4. 4 Add malt vinegar to the bath. If you don't have malt vinegar, you can substitute wine or apple cider vinegar. The acid in vinegar helps fight disease-causing bacteria. You can take a warm bath for your child and add half a cup of vinegar (100 ml) to it. This will help speed up the healing process of the skin and prevent secondary infection of the rash.
  5. 5 Apply tea tree oil to the breakouts. Like many of the other natural foods listed in this section, tea tree oil helps fight bacteria. It also has antiseptic properties, that is, it helps dry out rashes and promotes their rapid healing. Note that pure tea tree oil can irritate the skin, so dilute the oil with the base oil before applying it to your baby's skin. To do this:
    • Mix 50 ml of base oil (jojoba, coconut or olive oil) with 15 drops of tea tree oil.
    • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply oil to each bottle.

Method 4 of 4: How to get rid of residual marks on your skin with home remedies

  1. 1 Wipe the residual marks on the baby's skin with coconut water. Coconut water is one of the most effective moisturizers out there. Moisturizing your baby's skin will help to make the residual marks of the rash less bright and get rid of them completely over time. To use coconut water:
    • Soak a piece of bandage or gauze in coconut water and rub the skin marks five to six times a day.
  2. 2 Apply lemon juice to the marks left by the chickenpox. Lemon juice improves skin complexion and restores its healthy appearance. This means that the juice will help get rid of the red spots left over from the chickenpox crusts. To lighten stains with lemon juice:
    • Apply a drop of juice to the stain. Make sure that the lemon juice only remains on the surface of the red mark. Wait for the juice to dry, then rinse it off the surface of the red mark.
  3. 3 Make a paste with turmeric and neem leaves. Both turmeric and neem leaves have antiseptic properties that help heal rashes and lighten remaining blemishes. To make a paste with turmeric and neem leaves:
    • Take 70 grams of turmeric and 25 grams of neem leaves. Grind the ingredients to a paste consistency. Apply the paste to your skin.


  • If your child has a fever for a long time, seek medical attention.