How to bathe your British shorthair cat

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


British Shorthair cats are known for their fluffy, velvety fur. Of course, it takes a little work to preserve your cat's luxurious coat. Prepare all of your washing supplies in advance so you can concentrate on your cat while bathing. Skip to the first step for more details.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Shell and Your Cat

  1. 1 Prepare your sink spot. The sink is the perfect place to bathe your cat because the height is comfortable to work without straining your back. There are also surfaces near it on which you can place your devices. Hang a dry towel over the dryer.
    • Fill the sink with about 15-25 cm of warm water. The water should be at a pleasant temperature when you lower your elbow.
  2. 2 Collect all bathing items you need. This process will make bathing your cat easier, especially if he is fussy and doesn't like the bathing process. Necessary accessories such as:
    • Plastic jug to drain the water
    • Shower hose for tap
    • Cat shampoo.
    • Nippers for claws.
    • Several dry towels.
    • Hair dryer (optional).
    • Cat brush.
    • Cotton swabs.
  3. 3 Pull out the claws of the cat, then they are easier to cut. It's not a bad idea to cut your nails off before you start bathing. You can of course do this later. But if you are stressed while bathing, it is less likely that she will scratch you. To extend your cat's claws:
    • Place your cat on your lap, or on a work surface of a comfortable height. Raise your paw. To extend the claw fully, gently press down on the last knuckle of the finger - this is the claw extension effect.
  4. 4 Don't cut your claws too hard. It is easier to trim light claws because you can see through the translucent keratin where the pulp ends. Cut off with a sharp push, a short triangular part of the claw will remain. Do not try to cut close to the toe, you can touch the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. Trim each claw in turn.
    • Most cats have five toes on their front feet and four on their hind feet.

Part 2 of 3: Bathing your cat

  1. 1 Talk to your cat encouragingly as you dip it into the water. If she panics, grab her by the scruff of the neck, this can calm her down, as this gesture naturally subdues cats. Remain calm and speak softly at all times, the cat will pick up signals from you, if you are restless, she will also be restless.
  2. 2 Allow your cat to get comfortable in the bathroom before bathing. Let her sit back and get used to the warm water from paws to belly. You may need to gently hold her by the shoulders to stop her jumping right out of the bathtub.
  3. 3 Rinse her coat with water. Once she is relaxed, wet her back and shoulders with your hand. When she accepts this, take the jug and use it to wet all the wool. Remember to wet the neck and chest areas.
    • Be careful not to let water get into your ears or eyes. In theory, putting cotton wool in your ears can help stop water from getting into your ears, but cats are more likely to shake the cotton out, so this process will be a waste of time.
  4. 4 It's up to you whether to shampoo your cat or not. It is not always necessary for domestic cats to use shampoo as their coat is not very dirty. Rinsing with water should be sufficient. However, for show cats, or when walking down the street, use a dedicated cat shampoo.
    • Preferably, choose a fragrance-free shampoo (cat's skin is very sensitive) and there are no parasitic insects in the coat (which are potential irritants).
  5. 5 Lather the shampoo on your cat's coat. Pour a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand. Using the fingers of your other hand, apply shampoo evenly all over the cat's body, using a small amount. When you run out of shampoo in the palm of your hand, massage the wet coat with your fingers, making a lather.
    • Once again, be sure to go around your cat's neck, throat, and chest areas, but avoid getting shampoos in your ears or eyes.
  6. 6 Rinse off the shampoo from your cat's coat. Scoop water with a pitcher. Hold the pitcher close to the cat and pour it vigorously over the skin and coat. Repeat several times until there is no foam on the cat's fur.
  7. 7 Rinse the cat's fur permanently in the sink. Move the cat to another part of the sink, remove the plug to drain the dirty water. Raise the shower, turn on low to moderate taps. The water temperature should be pleasantly warm. Wash the coat with water until the water from the cat is clear.

Part 3 of 3: Finishing Touches

  1. 1 Dry your cat with a towel. Use both hands to lift the cat off the sink and place it on a towel to keep the water from dripping all over the place. Cover the cat with another towel without touching the head.Wipe gently against the grain with a towel to absorb moisture.
    • If the towel is too wet to absorb moisture, take a new towel and continue drying the cat.
  2. 2 Use a hair dryer to speed up drying your cat when you're in a hurry. If you decide to use a hairdryer, set it to a low air speed and a low heat setting. If the air comes in too much, your cat is more likely to flee, and the high temperature inadvertently can burn your cat's delicate skin. Keep the hair dryer at least 30 cm away from the cat while drying small areas of hair.
    • For extra volume for show cats, brush one side and the other to fluff it up. Continue this process until the coat is dry as you wish.
    • Please note that hair dryers affect the condition of your cat's coat. The positive is that you add volume, but the undesirable thing is that when fluffing the coat, its shine disappears.
  3. 3 Clean your cat's eyes and ears with a cotton swab. Place your cat on a clean, dry surface. Moisten cotton wool with chilled boiled or sterilized water and wipe your face with it. Start with the eyes, wipe the eyelids, and remove crusty dirt from the corner of the eye to the nose. Use a clean piece of cotton wool for each eye to avoid carrying bacteria.
    • Use just the right amount of dry cotton pads to wipe away any moisture accidentally trapped in your cat's ears.
  4. 4 Brush your cat's coat when it is completely dry. Comb the coat with a wide comb. Follow the direction of the coat to keep it smooth and shiny. Finish brushing while continuing to style the coat. This will add a finishing touch that will impress the judge at any cat show.


  • Give your cat a treat after bathing, show that she is a good cat and behaved obediently.