How to avoid reindeer intruding into your garden

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The best way to keep deer out of your garden, flower bed, field, yard or orchard
Video: The best way to keep deer out of your garden, flower bed, field, yard or orchard


An unexpected encounter with wildlife can be very rewarding, but if you have a garden, you don't want to watch a deer nibble on your plants and flowers. Reindeer can be unpredictable, so it will take trial and error to find the best remedy to keep them out of your garden. Prevent reindeer invasion by planning to plant and use natural insect repellents in your garden that will not harm people or pets.


Method 1 of 2: Planning your garden

  1. 1 Limit the number of plants that deer find particularly tasty. They love plants that are high in protein, such as spinach and beans, as well as smooth and delicate plants such as roses and berries.
    • Plant these plants as close to your home as possible. Deer will most likely not go to the bush that grows right outside your window.
  2. 2 Plant strong scent plants. Garlic, lavender, mint, and onions can help block out the scent of other plants in your garden that attract deer.
  3. 3 Visually cover attractive plants and flowers. Hedges or trees, such as spruce with short needles, can hide what is in your garden from the deer.
  4. 4 Create a barrier. A fence of at least 2.4 m will be a serious obstacle for deer.
    • Consider using an electric fence that will shock the deer trying to get into your garden.
    • Install a line around the plants if you don't want to build a fence around your entire garden.

Method 2 of 2: Natural Repellents

  1. 1 Buy a ready-made reindeer repellent available from hardware stores, gun stores, large supermarkets and online.
    • Look for a repellent that provides an odor barrier. They are often in the form of powder, crystals or sprays, containing ammonium salts.
    • Try a taste barrier repellent. These foods contain capsaicin and are not harmful to the garden.
  2. 2 Place fabric softener or soap bars in your garden. This smell will confuse deer if they are around. Some people use pepper spray or hair packs.
  3. 3 Invest in motion-sensing sprinklers. If the deer approaches, the sprinkler will turn on and the animal will run away.
  4. 4 Install lighting that also works on motion sensors. Deer most often visit the garden at night, as they prefer darkness. The bright light that comes on as they approach can drive them away.
  5. 5 Make noise. Wind chimes, music, and even radio interference can cause deer to avoid your garden.
  6. 6 Get a dog. Man's best friend is a natural deer repellent, thanks to its bark and smell.


  • Keep an eye on the garden. Pick ripe fruits and vegetables on time, and kill weeds and prune plants.


  • Do not use poisons or harmful chemicals when trying to avoid reindeer invasion. This is not only bad for the environment and other wildlife; they can harm or kill your pets and people living in or around your home.