How to avoid boring conversations

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 26 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Being Boring In Conversation
Video: How To Stop Being Boring In Conversation


This has happened to all of us. You stand and listen to a guy at a party talking about his exotic insect collection, or you talk to a coworker about her 80s haircut. You really want to interrupt the conversation, but you are afraid to appear rude or hurt the other person's feelings. How can you avoid boring conversations without unnecessary problems? Read on and you will find out about it.


Part 1 of 3: Connecting other people to the conversation

  1. 1 Introduce the person to someone else. This is an easy and quick way to get rid of boring conversation. This works regardless of the location. Just look around and find someone who can join the conversation, and then introduce them. You must have reasons for doing this, such as a common interest or a business opportunity. You can listen to what they are talking about and then step back. Here are some tips on what to say:
    • “Listen, do you know Chris? He is a member of the Capella group. It's a small world".
    • “Do you know Mark Stearns? He is the head of Boring Corporation. "
  2. 2 Ask a friend to help you. While this is not the most mature act in the world, you might feel desperate and catch a friend's eye.You can give him a sign that you yearn for "salvation." Your friend should understand that this is a social necessity and come to your aid. If this happens to you too often, you can come up with signals for help, such as touching your ear or clearing your throat. While it shouldn't be too obvious, your friend will know that you need help.
    • A friend will come up and say: "Sorry, but I really need to talk to you." Then you will apologize and leave.
    • Your friend can also join the conversation and spice it up if it is impossible to leave.
  3. 3 Ask to be introduced to someone. This is another creative way to avoid boring conversation. Look around and find someone you would like to meet, even if you really don't want to. This may be a colleague from the same social circle with whom you are not yet familiar. Ask the person to introduce you and perhaps a more pleasant conversation awaits you. Here's what you can say:
    • “Listen, is this John, Mary's boyfriend? I have heard about him for a long time, but I never got to know him. Maybe you can introduce us? "
    • “This is Mr. Steele, the production director, isn't it? I corresponded with him all week, but I still don't know him. Can you introduce us? I will be grateful to you. "
  4. 4 Leave when other people join the conversation. While it may take a while, if you're just as shy about interrupting the conversation, this is the best option. Wait for the other person to come up to you and the conversation will get better. As soon as this happens, say goodbye to everyone and leave. In this case, the person with whom you spoke will not take it personally and think that it was just time for you to go.
  5. 5 Ask the person to do something with you. This is another classic version that requires a lot of apology, but slightly better than the previous ones. Tell the person that you want to do something and ask them to do it with you. If he doesn't want to, congratulations. You got rid of boring conversation. If he wants to, find opportunities to connect with other people to lose the thread of the original conversation. Here's what you can say:
    • “I'm very hungry - I need cheese and crackers as soon as possible. Want to go with me?"
    • “Looks like my glass is empty. Do you want to go to the bar with me? "
    • “Oh, this is Jack Jones, the famous writer. I have long wanted to get to know him, and at last he is alone. Want to go with me?"

Part 2 of 3: How to say sorry and leave

  1. 1 Say that you need to talk to someone. This is another classic option that always works. If you really want to avoid boring conversation, you can say that you need to meet or talk to another person. While it can be cruel, make it sound like a big deal so that the person takes it seriously. Here's what you can say:
    • “I was going to ask Mr. Peterson a question about the annual report. Sorry. "
    • “I need to talk to Marnie about going to Austin this summer. See you".
  2. 2 Say what you need to use the toilet. This is probably the easiest way to get rid of boring conversation. It may seem odd if you are blunt, so say something like “I'm sorry, I need to move away” and nod in the direction of the toilet or make it clear what you are going to do. No one will doubt that you really need it, and this is a very good reason.
    • You can think of something more intricate, such as saying that you need to take an allergy remedy, that you have something in your ear, or that you have to do something that you can only do in private.
    • But you really have to go to the toilet if that's what you said. Otherwise, you will hurt the other person's feelings.
  3. 3 Tell them to go get food and drinks. This is another good reason to get rid of boring conversation. If you're talking to someone and you think the conversation is going the wrong way, tell them that you need a drink, a glass, or a snack.These are good reasons for interrupting a conversation at a party. It's best if you see a friend or acquaintance next to the bar or chips and salsa. Here's what you can say:
    • “I am so thirsty. Sorry, I need to drink a glass of water. "
    • “I can't get enough of these Christmas cookies! It looks like an addiction. See you".
  4. 4 Tell a friend that you need to help out. This is another excellent excuse. Act wisely and do like your friend who enjoys being with someone and who needs to be saved from boredom. Just look at your friend, and then at the other person again, and say something like:
    • “Oh no, Hannah is giving me the signal to be rescued as soon as possible. Thanks for talking, but I have to run. "
    • I promised Eliza that I would not let her talk to her ex-boyfriend at the party. I need to run to her, otherwise she will get angry. "
  5. 5 Tell them you need to talk on the phone. While this isn't the best excuse, it definitely helps. If you are a good actor or actress and can come up with a good story or come up with something in passing, your interlocutor will not think about it. You may have your reasons to call someone, especially if you are now talking about how to make zucchini bread the right way. There are several ways to do this:
    • “Sorry, but I just can't figure it out with the real estate agent. I need to call him back. "
    • “I think my mom called me. I need to call her back to find out what to bring for lunch. "
    • “I think I missed the call from the employer. I need to listen to my voicemail. "
  6. 6 Tell them you need to get back to work. This is another old excuse. Of course, if you're at a birthday party, this won't work, but it works for any other situation, if, for example, you're out on a break from school or work. Here are some ways to interrupt a conversation for this reason:
    • “Sorry, but I have to get back to work. I have to answer 30 emails before I go home. "
    • "I would like to talk some more, but tomorrow I have a big exam in chemistry, and I still haven't learned anything."
    • "I would have heard more about collecting stamps, but I promised my father to help him around the house tonight."

Part 3 of 3: Conclusions

  1. 1 Give signs with gestures. When the conversation starts to bore you, use gestures so that you can interrupt it. Just slowly move back and turn your body in the opposite direction from the person. This can be done without being rude, but simply to let you know it's time for you to go. You can do this before you apologize and say that you are leaving.
  2. 2 Go back to the reason you started the conversation. If you strike up a conversation with a person for a specific reason, return to the topic of the conversation to bring it to a logical conclusion. Your interlocutor will think that this is really important to you. Here are some ways to end a conversation:
    • “I was delighted to hear about your trip to Tahoe. Next time tell me something else; call later! "
    • You all seem to know about the Peterson report. I hope I'll read it soon. "
    • I'm glad you enjoy living in Auckland. It's always nice to see a new person in your beloved city. "
  3. 3 End the conversation physically. Once the conversation is over, you should shake the person's hand, wave, or playfully pat them on the shoulder, depending on the context of the situation. It helps give a sign that you need to go. If you really like a person and want to meet him again, you can exchange phone numbers or business cards. Give the person a chance. Maybe next time it won't be so boring with him.
  4. 4 Say goodbye. Even if the person is very boring, there is no reason to be rude if he is just trying to be friendly. Compliment him, say something nice, or just express your joy in communicating with him. This is part of etiquette, and you have no reason to be upset if you really didn't like talking to him.It doesn't hurt anyone to be polite. The only reason you shouldn't be doing this is when the person doesn't leave you alone. In this case, you must explain that you do not have time and you need to meet with acquaintances. Here's how to do it:
    • “I'm so glad we finally met. It's good that Sam has so many great friends. "
    • "I was glad to talk; it's very hard to find a Knicks fan in San Francisco. "
    • “I was glad to meet you. See you later".
  5. 5 Do what you said. This is one of the most important aspects. This sounds like an obvious fact, but many people feel relieved that they have walked away from an unpleasant conversation and forgot to do what they said. If you said you need to go to the toilet, go to the toilet. If you said you want to talk to Craig, go to him. If you said you were hungry, go and eat carrot sticks. You don't have to make the person feel bad.
    • Once you do what you set out to do, you are free! Enjoy the rest of your day or evening without the need for boring conversation.


  • Remember that if you are in a boring company, you can just step aside. It's okay if you will be connecting to different conversations.
  • Smile and nod politely as if you are not interested.
  • Pretend that someone is calling you, or that your phone is vibrating. Apologize and step back.
  • If you really don’t like the person and don’t want to talk to them, tell them that you’re not interested in them.


  • Be careful when you say that you are not interested. Perhaps they are talking to you out of a sense of loneliness or just to chat.
  • Don't end the conversation or ignore the other person. This is cruel and you will be mistreated.