How to avoid punishment at school

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Trouble at school can seriously upset or anger your parents. Skillful excuses can help you stay away from school and avoid other punishments.


  1. 1 Try the tricky phrase: "Do you really want to spend even more time with me?" If the offense was not too serious, many teachers will be willing to forget about it. You can also add "This won't happen again" or "Sorry, I really didn't mean to".
  2. 2 Blame it on someone else. Make it clear that you are not responsible for what happened. Let the school bully be the culprit - don't try to blame honors and reputable students.
  3. 3 If your school has a new teacher or student, try to move the arrows in their direction. People often make mistakes in unfamiliar environments, so there is a chance that you will be believed.
  4. 4 Cry. Tears usually do not help you avoid punishment, especially if you are a notorious bully. However, the teacher or head teacher can become much softer towards you.
  5. 5 Try to make yourself feel awkward. When the teacher asks why you spent so much time in the toilet, refer to diarrhea. If something like that does not inspire confidence, justify yourself as follows: "Why would I lie? I am terribly ashamed to talk about it!"
  6. 6 Say you want to discuss everything after the lesson. This will give you time to come up with a more plausible excuse. The teacher may also decide that you want to settle the problem in a calm manner. It almost always works to your advantage.
  7. 7 Try to invoke freedom of speech - only when there are no other options at all. If you are insolent enough, say that you have the right to remain silent.
  8. 8 Try to pity the teacher - for example, talk about the recent death of your pet. Making excuses for skipping the lesson, you can say that you cried all this time in the toilet. Of course, if the opposite is not obvious.
  9. 9 Is there evidence of your guilt? Confidently demand proof from the teacher: the absence of fear in behavior can pass as a sign of your innocence.
  10. 10 Try to get a note from a parent who is willing to stand up for you with an explanation. If your parents are loyal enough, they may well agree to this. They may even be willing to call the teacher to spare you the extracurricular activities.
  11. 11 If you have a good relationship with the director or head teacher, try to solve the problem through them. Provided you have a good reputation, the head teacher will be able to remove the punishment from you, especially if the offense was not serious.
  12. 12 You can use excuses related to the peculiarities of modern gadgets (the smartphone was discharged by the morning - the alarm did not ring). This will work best with teachers who are “you” with technique.
  13. 13 Some educators may purposefully look you straight in the eye, trying to create excitement and expose lies. Don't let them embarrass you - stay calm and collected, smile. Feel free to look back at them.
  14. 14 Be polite. Whatever you do, apologize and don't interrupt. Listen to what they tell you, and at least try to pretend that you care about it. Be friendly and reassure the teacher that this will not happen again (try not to really do it again). Don't start talking until the other person has finished, make eye contact and show that you are interested in what was said.


  • Think twice before speaking - especially when you are angry.
  • The worst thing you can do is swear to your teacher. This will only make your situation worse.
  • Try to come from the educator's point of view rather than your own.
  • If all else fails, convincingly assert the impossibility of serving the sentence on the appointed date. Instead, try to suggest numbers when the teacher is busy.
  • Parents angry? Insist that it was not your fault.
  • Tell them that working overtime will not benefit anyone.
  • If all this does not work, tell them that you will be punished in the morning.


  • You may have more problems than before.
  • Some of these actions can get you in even more trouble.
  • Don't expect to be able to easily get rid of the punishment. If you do something against school rules, be prepared for all the ensuing consequences.